Chapter 452

Chapter 479

She is just lazy, kills people casually, and doesn't bother to do hands-on things, but Liusen Moerli is more than happy to clean up the mess for her.

That blood hunter died without even making a sound.

At this moment, dark clouds covered the moon, and the whole outside of the castle was pitch black.

Both of them have night vision and are not affected at all.

Liusen Moerli took Ruan Xiaoli's hand: "I'll check the locations of those monsters, and leave the rest to me. Don't be too tired."


It would be easier for her if Liusen Morley went to investigate.

"I don't know when the council of elders will be held." Ruan Xiaoli said slowly.

Liusen Moerli: "The situation is not very serious now, so it shouldn't be easy to convene a meeting of elders."

"Liu Sen. Mo Erli, actually I have a guess and a plan, but I need your cooperation." Ruan Xiaoli leaned against him like a bone.

Liusen Moerli tolerantly let the girl lean on him, curious and amazed at the same time, how long has it been since Xuehun told the story just now, and she has already figured out a plan?
"tell me the story."

Ruan Xiaoli turned around, put his head close to his ear and said slowly.

Liusen Mori thought it was very good when he heard it at first, but when he heard the last part, his face turned dark instantly.


Too dangerous.

"I'm just telling you my plan, hoping to get your cooperation, not your consent." Ruan Xiaoli whispered in his ear with a smirk.

She decides whether to agree or not.

Liusen Mori was helpless immediately, she was too strong, but he liked her strong.

Don't wait for him to continue talking.

Ruan Xiaoli continued to ask: "Do you think I'm not capable enough, or that you can't protect me?"

"Of course not."

"That's fine..." Ruan Xiaoli's voice trembled a little suppressed.

Originally, he just wanted to get close in a bad manner, and talking in Liusen Moerli's ear made him nervous, but he didn't expect that he could smell the blood under the skin of Liusen Moerli's neck because he was approaching.

smell good.

Her body began to heat up. You must know that a vampire's body is always cold, but now she actually feels hot.

And the teeth are so itchy, and the stomach is so hungry.

A voice in her head told her to bite down, bite down.

Liusen Moerli had already noticed that something was wrong with her. In fact, the moment the girl leaned into his arms, he couldn't hold it anymore, but he tried his best to suppress it to make himself look normal.

Liusen Moerli tilted his head: "Lili, take a bite."

"Is it really possible?"

Her voice was really soft, her eyes were even redder, and there was some blush on her fair face.

"Lili, try a bite, it's very comfortable... um..."

Liusen Moli snorted, because she really bit his neck.

Be caught off guard.

He thought she would continue to endure, he thought he would be unsuccessful in seducing him, but he did not expect to succeed.

She bit hard, sucking his blood greedily, and the small sound of her swallowing was all around her ears.

Liusen Moerli was stunned, feeling the burning sensation of her fangs piercing his skin.

She drank quickly.

The handsome vampire boy smiled, and he reached out to stroke the soft hair on top of her head: "Drink slowly, don't choke."

Lili, since she bit her, she will be responsible.

Maybe it's been a long time since she drank so much blood, such delicious blood, she couldn't stop, and kept swallowing it in big gulps.

Liusen Moerli's face turned pale, and his whole body was warm: "Lili, if you drink like this, you will suck me dry."

Ruan Xiaoli froze for a moment, then stopped talking.

"But it's okay, I have a way, no matter how much you drink it, it won't suck me dry."

When Ruan Xiaoli heard this, she felt a little ominous, and as expected, she felt a stabbing pain in her neck and shoulders.

Liusen Moerli bit her neck with one bite, and drank her blood greedily, without taking big gulps. He drank slowly as if he was tasting the best wine.

Ruan Xiaoli drank his own blood, knew that his own blood was usually not delicious, it was rare for him to be able to drink it so intoxicated.

Liusen Moerli sipped lightly, and then his whole body was filled with uncontrollable excitement: "Li Li, your blood is the most delicious I've ever drunk, can you just give me a bite?"

Is this a confession or a marriage proposal?
Her blood is really just mediocre, does every vampire have a different sense of taste?

Ruan Xiaoli opened her mouth slightly in a daze, and there was still a touch of Liusen Moerli's blood at the corner of her mouth.

"Li Li."

He called her name.

Ruan Xiaoli slowly regained consciousness, and then realized what he had done...

Xiao Evil has been holding back his laughter for a long time: "Oh, you have to be responsible, oh, you have to be responsible~"

Xiao Ei's gloating and despondent, the tone of watching the play is vividly expressed.

Ruan Xiaoli was embarrassed for a moment, and then withdrew from Liusen Moerli's embrace: "It's late, let's go back and rest early."

Little Evil: "Bah, scumbag."

Ruan Xiaoli turned and walked forward, but Liusen Moerli didn't follow, he was still standing where he was.

Ruan Xiaoli took a few steps, but finally stopped and turned around: "You want me to bite you alone? Then you must only admit me to bite, so it's only fair."

Liusen Moerli's eyes were originally disappointed, because he thought that what happened tonight might not be resolved, but he didn't expect that Li Kanali would turn around and say such words.

"I will only bite you alone forever." This was Liusen Mori's answer to her.

In the blood family, this sentence should be very sweet.

The moon no longer knew when it emerged from the dark clouds, covering the whole earth with a layer of silvery white.

Two beautiful people, one tall and one short, went back to the castle hand in hand.


Ruan Xiaoli asked the blood slaves in the castle not to mention what happened that night, and did not let the news of the discovery of the blood hunter leak.

Everyday is still as quiet as usual.

Liusen Moerli secretly went to find the location of the monster, and at the same time found two loyal humans to pretend to be blood hunting in the castle, and then secretly went to connect the big man.

As long as you know where the monsters are kept and find those monsters, you will know how these monsters are made.

Ruan Xiaoli was very curious. Apart from himself and his father, there should be no primitive blood in this world.

Who bit these monsters back when they were once human?

It will take time to connect the big guy, but Ruan Xiaoli has the patience to dig out the mastermind behind it.

As a blood race, he actually cooperates with the blood hunter. How anxious he is to get rid of his own kind.

The primitive vampire blocked his way.

Dare to plot against her?If she finds out that person, she will ruin his reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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