Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 453 In My Eyes, You Are More Beautiful Than Flowers

Chapter 453 In My Eyes, You Are More Beautiful Than Flowers

Chapter 480 In My Eyes, You Are More Beautiful Than Flowers

Ever since Qiao Youhua's tragic death, Qiao Huier was not in the mood for class every day, and she was in a groggy state.

Because Li Kanali protected Qiao Huier, no one bullied Qiao Huier in the whole class.

Qiao Huier no longer had to live in that kind of fearful life at school, but when she returned home to face the cold and empty home, the scene she found that day was still vivid in her memory.

There are outdoor classes and art classes tonight. The teacher brought the whole class to the greenhouse to draw.

The flower room is located at the top of the teaching building. This is a moonlight room. It is a house made of glass, and you can see the sky full of clouds and the moon when you look up.

A greenhouse is called a greenhouse if it is full of flowers.

Numerous varieties and flowers of various colors bloom particularly brightly.

Everyone is drawing with a drawing board around a pot of flowers.

The moonlight is very bright, and the blood race doesn't like to turn on the lights, so everyone draws under the moonlight.

Vampires can have night vision without turning on the lights, but for humans, this little moonlight... It's a bit difficult for them to see when they draw.

Qiao Huier took the drawing board and sat in front of a red rose, but she didn't start drawing for a long time.

Because when she saw red, she remembered the blood of that day...

Ruan Xiaoli also likes red roses, she searched around the entire flower room, and finally found the one that bloomed the most beautifully, that is, the one in front of Qiao Huier.

Liusen Moerli helped Ruan Xiaoli hold the drawing board, and since that night, their distance has become closer.

Almost the entire blood clan knew that Liusen Mori and Li Kanali were likely to marry.

Liusen Mo Erli followed Ruan Xiaoli with a drawing board: "That pot of red roses over there is very beautiful."


Good-looking, but the heroine is very depressed.

Everyone in the class flirts together in two or three, only Qiao Huier is alone.

Ruan Xiaoli doesn't know how to comfort others, and she won't comfort Qiao Huier either.

All she could do was to avenge Qiao Huier's mother and ensure that Qiao Huier would not die.

"Don't draw red roses anymore, let's draw something else, Liusen Moerli, what kind of flowers do you like?"

"I like you."

"...I'm not a flower."

"In my eyes, you are more beautiful than flowers."

Ruan Xiaoli: "..."

The blood race originated from the West. Because it is a race with deep romantic feelings, it speaks more straightforwardly and romantically.

In the following days, Ruan Xiaoli also gradually got used to Liusen Moerli's "sweet words".

In the end, Liusen Moerli pulled Ruan Xiaoli away to paint beside the pot of red roses.

Since she likes it, draw it here.

Qiao Huier was still sad at first, but when suddenly two people came to her side, she was startled.

When she looked up and saw who it was, she was a little at a loss, she lowered her head and shouted in a low voice: "Miss Li Canali, Earl Liuson Morley."

Liusen Moerli: "Yes."

Ruan Xiaoli and Liusen Moerli sat on the other side drawing, while Qiao Huier stood on the side alone.

During the whole process, Liusen Moerli was mixing paints and pens of various sizes for Ruan Xiaoli.

He himself had no intention of drawing at all, and he watched her draw seriously in front of a little assistant.

Moreover, Ruan Xiaoli knew what kind of brushes he needed and what colors he needed without opening his mouth.

Because he was a little distracted, he watched Ruan Xiaoli's steps carefully the whole time, and guessed what she was going to do next.

As time passed, a lifelike red rose appeared on the drawing board in front of Ruan Xiaoli.

The red pigment on this red rose is particularly bright, just like blood, which is the favorite color of the vampires.

Li Kanali's painting skills are particularly good, and the things she draws are three points more real than the real ones.

I don't know when Qiao Hui'er stopped writing, she was watching Li Kanali draw.

After seeing the flowers she drew, Qiao Huier couldn't help blurting out: "The painting is so beautiful."

Ruan Xiaoli raised his head when he heard the voice.

Qiao Huier blushed immediately: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to peek at your painting."


Painting, painting is for people to see, she doesn't mind these.

Qiao Huier didn't dare to peek, so she hurriedly drew her own.

An art class lasts for several hours, and it is almost dawn when the get out of class is over, and it is time to leave school.

Everyone packed up their drawing boards one after another and left. There were also a few people who were interested in painting and didn't want to leave.

The teacher will not care about it, and those who want to stay here and paint can continue to paint.

Qiao Huier put away the drawing board, covered all her paint boxes, and when she was about to leave, Ruan Xiaoli stopped her.

Qiao Huier turned around: "Miss Kanali, what's the matter?"

"Qiao Hui'er, I know that your mother's matter makes you very sad, but you have to look forward to life and don't continue to be depressed. I promise you, I will catch that monster and send it to you in person for you to deal with. The prerequisite is You have to take care of yourself and live until I bring the monster to you."

It was obviously comforting words, but Ruan Xiaoli said it very bluntly and seriously, and his whole face was also cold.

If Qiao Huier hadn't been in touch with her a few times, she would have been too scared to speak out by such a tone.

Qiao Huier's eyes warmed up: "Thank you."


Liusen Mo Erli took Ruan Xiaoli's hand: "Let's go after school."

Ruan Xiaoli was dragged away by Liusen Moerli, the young man grabbed her hand harder, he was angry?
"Liu Sen. Mo Erli, don't be angry, what happened at Qiao Huier's house has something to do with me after all..."

Liu Sen. Mori interrupted her: "You don't have to explain to me, just do what you want, I understand your every behavior, and I won't be angry, but I can't help myself It's a bit boring, you don't need to control my emotions, you know?"

Ruan Xiaoli frowned when he heard him say this: "Liu Sen Mo Erli, don't be so humble."

He was so kind to her, he watched her words and feelings, and was sometimes humble.

Ruan Xiaoli felt a little uncomfortable like this...

Liusen Moerli smiled: "Not humble, can I bite you when I go back at night?"


This is what he had in mind...

Ruan Xiaoli shook off his hand arrogantly: "I won't go back tonight, have you forgotten?"

Today is planned.

Liusen Moli immediately remembered, and at the same time his expression was serious: "Be careful."


Today Ruan Xiaoli and Liusen Moerli drove home separately, and Liusen Moerli left first, Ruan Xiaoli went to the school library to read for an hour before returning home.

The car was driving on the road, and the driver in front looked at the blood girl with closed eyes and rested her mind through the rearview mirror from time to time.

At the same time, some figures were moving rapidly in the dense forest outside the car.

The driver looked in the rearview mirror, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth that he planned to succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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