Chapter 454 Plan
Chapter 481 Plan
The car was running at a constant speed, but suddenly the car slammed into a big tree, and the driver jumped out of the car at the moment when the car was about to hit the tree.


With a loud noise, the car slammed into the giant tree next to the road, and the entire cockpit was deformed in an instant. At this moment, a giant tree on the side fell down and hit the car hard. Flattened.

Both the cockpit and the seat compartment behind the car have been flattened, and they are still smoking.

Many blood hunters wearing black cloaks appeared in all directions, and they surrounded the entire car tightly.

After waiting for a while, the car didn't move at all.

The blood hunters lost their composure, and the leader said, "Check to see if she's injured."

In this way, it is impossible to kill the blood clan. There has been no response for a long time, and no one has come out of the car. Li Kanali is likely to be crushed or injured.

It would be best to take advantage of this opportunity to stab Li Kanali to death in one fell swoop.

Two blood hunters slowly approached the crushed car with silver knives in their hands.

The car was smoking, and there was gasoline leaking from the fuel tank on the ground.

They lowered their waists and carefully checked to see if anyone was inside.

At this moment, a lighter flew out of nowhere, and the lighter fell to the ground. The gasoline on the ground was instantly burned, and the raging fire instantly submerged the two blood hunters.

"No, get back quickly, the car is about to explode." The blood hunter leader shouted.

But it was too late when they reacted.

The fire burned so fast that the car exploded in an instant, and the circle of blood around the car was blown away.

Many bloodhunters were also wounded by bomb suppression.

Ruan Xiaoli, who was sitting on the tree, smiled: "Hahaha, how stupid."

She had already noticed that something was wrong with the driver, and when the driver stepped on the accelerator, she had already quietly jumped out of the window.

Although the blood race's teleportation cannot move a long distance, it is still possible to make them invisible within a short distance.

Alas, it's a pity that her luxury car was scrapped just like that.

Ruan Xiaoli's laughter attracted Xue Lie's attention, they were all very surprised, how could she be on the tree, not in the car?
"You lost that lighter?"

"Of course." Ruan Xiaoli sat on the branch dangling his legs.

"Death is imminent, and you are still proud, surround her, and don't let her run away today." Blood Hunter was completely angry.

Ruan Xiaoli looked at the crowd of people below: "This number is several times higher than last time, you really think highly of me."

"You witch, you will definitely die today!"

"Tsk, are you so confident?"

Facing the number of hunters who assassinated him several times more than last time, Ruan Xiaoli didn't panic at all, and even provoked them.

Xue Lie took out the rope on his body, the strong rope was tied with a silver hook, and they threw the rope towards Ruan Xiaoli.

If the silver hook caught the meat, it would be useless to pull a large piece of meat.

Ruan Xiaoli dodged quickly, even grabbed the rope, grabbed the rope and pulled the blood hunter hard and fell to the ground.

Ruan Xiaoli threw away the rope in disdain, and then glanced at the palm of his hand: "Tsk, it turns out that there are silver threads in the rope. I said, why does my hand hurt so much?"

The blood hunters stopped talking and kept attacking Ruan Xiaoli.

Ruan Xiaoli jumped off the tree and at the same time drew a short dagger from his waist.

Since being assassinated last time, Ruan Xiaoli has learned his lesson and brought his own weapon.

The weapons of this group of blood hunters have caught their hands...

The dagger Ruan Xiaoli held in his hand was inlaid with rubies, and it was very mature to use.

She moved quickly, wiped her neck with a knife, and fell down one by one.

Ruan Xiaoli accidentally touched Xue Lie's robe, which was also plated with silver...

"The robes that have been sprinkled with silver water can still be so black, how dirty you are." The girl was killing people with one hand, while pinching her own nose with the other, she was disgusted to death.

Xue Lie was extremely ashamed and angry when he heard this, and attacked Ruan Xiaoli frantically.

There were fights in the whole forest, it was still the same as last time, no amount of noise could attract others.

Sure enough, it's different when there are big people behind to help.


It was dawn, Qiao Huier stayed to clean up today, and only left the academy after cleaning up.

She carries her side canvas bag, which contains homework. Usually, her textbooks are kept at school, and she only brings home the books she needs to read and the homework to be done every day, so that she can reduce the weight in her bag .

The sky was bright, but the forest was covered with too many trees and it was still dark.

Qiao Huier used to walk home all the time because she was afraid of the blood race, almost always in the dark.

Now that there are no blood races to hurt her, Qiao Huier started to walk home.

"Why is there no one on the road today?"

Qiao Huier walked along the main road, but never met anyone, and felt a little strange.

Could it be that she cleaned up too late, and everyone had already left.

No one is fine, Qiao Huier likes such a person walking quietly.

Going forward for a certain distance, turning the corner and continuing to walk for another 10 minutes, you will reach your home. Qiao Huier thought about the route in her heart.

But as I walked, I faintly heard some strange sounds.

Qiao Huier slowed down her pace and listened carefully. The sound seemed to be coming from the road ahead.

Is something wrong?

Driven by curiosity, Qiao Huier continued to walk towards the section where the sound came out, it sounded like she was fighting.

Reason told Qiao Huier that if it was a fight, she had better not go there, lest she be hurt.

When Qiao Huier was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly heard a person shouting.

"Li Kanali, you are very tired now, just obediently grab it with nothing."

"Devil, you can't escape today."

Li Canali?
Qiao Hui'er wasn't quite sure what she heard, but she always gave up and went back, and she walked towards the fighting side.

This piece of woods has been destroyed, and the power of the blood race is terrifying. Once it erupts, it is easy to smash a few trees casually.

While using the power of the blood race, Ruan Xiaoli quickly ended the lives of those blood hunters with a dagger.

But today's blood hunting is too much, it feels like it will never be finished.

Ruan Xiaoli thought about it, and felt that the time was almost up, it was ok.

Xiao Evil: "Have you finished killing? If you haven't killed enough, continue fighting for a while. Anyway, it won't affect your plan."

Ruan Xiaoli's plan today is to feign death...

Since that group of people wanted her to die, it must be that she would get some benefits after she died and carry out the next plan.

It's better to feign death and let the people behind it be exposed in advance.

Then she will come with a praying mantis, a cicada and an oriole behind her. This is Ruan Xiaoli's plan for today.

A very dangerous plan, put yourself in danger.

This is also the reason why Liusen Mori disagreed when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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