Chapter 455 Bite the heroine
Chapter 482 Bite the heroine
Ruan Xiaoli: "Enough killing, and the time I agreed with Liusen Moerli is coming."

I made an agreement with Liusen Mori that he will come and take away her "corpse" 10 minutes before the sun rises.

Ruan Xiaoli immediately showed a feeling of exhaustion, as if he had no strength to continue fighting.

The whole person stumbled, but he still refused to admit defeat and said: "I, Kanali, will never die in such a place."

Seeing her pale and exhausted, Xue Lie felt indescribably happy: "I'm still talking hard here when I'm about to die."

"Hehe, don't you blood hunters just talk about those few words? How many times have you said this to me today? But an hour has passed, and I'm still alive."


Ruan Xiaoli canceled the blood hunt "for fun in bitterness", and made the other party speechless every minute.

"Go, kill her!"

One by one, Xuehun held long knives at Ruan Xiaoli, and slashed at Ruan Xiaoli.

Ruan Xiaoli dodged quickly, but was exhausted after all, and accidentally stepped on a stone on the ground and slipped directly to the ground.

Seeing the opportunity, a blood hunter stabbed Ruan Xiaoli in the heart with a long silver knife.

At this moment, a figure in school uniform jumped out and landed directly on Ruan Xiaoli's body.


The silver knife pierced the human body.

Ruan Xiaoli was just prepared to wait for his death with peace of mind just now, but suddenly, such an accident happened.

Qiao Huier pressed Ruan Xiaoli's body, she stabbed a knife in the back, at this moment Qiao Huier's face paled instantly, and blood was still spitting out of her mouth: "Ka...Miss Nali..."

Little Evil: "What's going on!"

Xiao Evil was watching Ruan Xiaoli and Xuehun fighting, the whole screen was full of close-range fighting scenes, and it didn't see the heroine nearby at all.

Ruan Xiaoli: "These blood hunters are all human worlds, and this place is full of the smell of human beings. I didn't find her..."

The plot is hopelessly crooked.

The heroine must never die!
Ruan Xiaoli hurriedly supported Qiao Huier, ignored the plan, slapped Xue Lie away with the power to end the vampire in his hand, then teleported away quickly with Qiao Huier in his arms.

The blood hunter didn't see how she walked.

Isn't Li Kanali exhausted?How can you run so fast with a human being?

And where did that human come from, it ruined their business!

"Look, they must not have gone far, we must find Li Kanali!"

Ruan Xiaoli didn't go too far with Qiao Huier, even if Ruan Xiaoli had the strength to go far, he couldn't go, because Qiao Huier was about to lose it.

Ruan Xiaoli put Qiao Huier down and sat on the ground, and she supported Qiao Huier's body.

There was a silver knife stuck in Qiao Hui'er's back, it was so deep that it almost pierced her whole body.

Ruan Xiaoli frowned when he saw the location of the knife.

Xiao Evil looked at it: "It's stuck in the heart, it can't be saved."

Inserted to the heart, Qiao Huier's life is only a few minutes at most.

Qiao Huier only felt the severe pain in her back. She just vomited blood, and her mouth was full of the taste of blood.

The mouth is full of rusty smell, is this the smell of blood?
It's so unpalatable, why do these vampires like to drink it every day?

Qiao Huier looked up at Ruan Xiaoli tremblingly: "Miss Li Kanali, I...I don't want to die..."

Her saving Li Kanali was a momentary impulse, and she did not regret this action but regretted it.

Sound contradictory?

That's because, I don't regret it because I saved Miss Li Kanali, as long as Miss Li Kanali is fine.

The regret is... She wants to live, she doesn't want to die, her mother is already dead, and when her mother was bitten by this monster, she still told her to live well, live on, find a good job after graduation, and live a good life.

Although she was very sad about her mother's death, Qiao Huier was ready to start her new life, and she wanted to live a good life.

And more importantly, she wanted to watch Miss Li Kanali send the monster that killed her mother to her, and she personally avenged her mother.

These are her wishes, Qiao Huier doesn't want to die.

But my back hurts a lot, my body feels cold and I can't move for a while, I feel this is a sign of death.

Ruan Xiaoli felt a little uncomfortable as Qiao Huier looked at her with the look of begging for her life.

"Kana...Miss Li, save me...I don't want to die..."

Xiao Evil watched the plot develop.

The heroine cannot die, the world will collapse if she dies.

Qiao Huier's voice of praying, the air is full of the smell of her blood.

The blood girl was silent, and finally said lightly: "Do you really want to live? Can you live in any way?"

Upon hearing this question, Qiao Huier cried and nodded with difficulty: " live, as long as I live...I still have many wishes..."

It was very difficult for her to speak, Ruan Xiaoli knew that she couldn't drag on any longer.

Ruan Xiaoli leaned down and hugged her: "You can't live like this for a few minutes now, the only way to survive is to become a vampire. The life of a vampire is eternal and does not need the beating of the heart. In the future, your body will become It's cold, and your blood is cold, are you willing to live like this?"

Qiao Huier's body froze when she heard this, and she probably understood what she meant.


The corner of Ruan Xiaoli's mouth twitched into a sinister smile, she had already bared her fangs, and she finally reminded: "The first difficulty you have to overcome as a vampire is to control the desire to suck blood, otherwise you will become... a monster ,are you afraid?"

Qiao Huier was already in a trance.

She didn't answer.


The vampire girl hugged the human girl. It was daylight, and the sharp fangs pierced the skin, and they pulled out after only a pause of three seconds.

When it was pulled out, the sun rose from the mountain in the distance, and the first orange sunlight shone on the earth.

At the same time, it also shined on the young man who had just arrived.

Liusen Mori stood in the distance with his back to the sun. He had just arrived here.

He followed the plan to collect Li Kanali's body, but when he came to the battlefield, there was no one there, only ruins.

Abandoned cars, fallen trees, and the smell of her blood.

Liusen Moerli panicked for a moment, and was very afraid that something would happen to her. He even felt annoyed and blamed himself for not agreeing to her plan.

He frantically looked around.

The sun came out, and Liusen Mori didn't expect to see such a scene when he found Li Kanali.

Li Kanali hugged the human girl, kissed that human's neck, and even stuck her fangs into that human's neck.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on the two of them. What a beautiful picture, but in the eyes of Liusen Mori, it was extremely dazzling.

Ruan Xiaoli felt someone looking up quickly, and saw the handsome young man against the light in the distance.

The sunlight was a bit dazzling, Ruan Xiaoli squinted his eyes and couldn't see Liusen Moerli's expression clearly.

But I can feel that he is lonely...

(End of this chapter)

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