Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 456 The hero has turned black?

Chapter 456 The hero has turned black?
Chapter 483 The hero has turned black?
Qiao Huier had passed out completely, Ruan Xiaoli supported her and looked at Liu Sen Mo Erli who was standing over there: "You are here."


Liusen Moerli lowered his eyes, and finally simply turned his body on his back.

Ruan Xiaoli felt a little uncomfortable seeing him like this, she lowered her head and quickly grabbed the silver knife on Qiao Huier's back, and then pulled it out.


Blood splashed out, no matter how much blood flowed, Qiao Huier would not die, because she had become a vampire now.

Ruan Xiaoli quickly threw away the silver knife, her hands hurt.

Liusen Moerli trembled when he heard the voice behind him, but he didn't look back.

He didn't look back at Li Kanali, nor did he leave. He stood there stubbornly as if he was waiting for something.

Waiting for her explanation, waiting for her hug?
Have it.

But I just don't know if I can wait until now, she is so indifferent from Kanali.

Liusen Mori knew that he shouldn't have these emotions, he should trust Li Kanali, but when he saw her biting a human being, he felt bad all over.

What they said to each other in front of the castle was to let the other party bite themselves alone, but they didn't say that they couldn't bite others...


Gradually, a cold body approached, and she hugged him from behind: "Liusen Moerli, don't be angry, okay?"

If you listen carefully, you can hear the bewilderment and little panic in her words.

Ruan Xiaoli doesn't know how to coax people, the only thing she can do is to hug him and tell him not to get angry.

Liusen Moerli was waiting for this moment. He originally wanted to be reserved, but when she hugged him, his heart softened.

Liusen Moerli turned back and looked down at her: "Lili, I need you to explain to me why you bit that human being. If you are hungry, I will feed you in the future."

Ruan Xiaoli felt that the loneliness in him was much less, she hugged his waist and pressed against him: "If you don't bite her, she will really die."

This is her explanation, a down-to-earth answer without embellishment.

Liusen Moerli nodded: "Okay, I understand, but I feel very sad when I see such a picture, Lili, what do you think we should do?"

"What shall we do?"

Ruan Xiaoli really doesn't know how to coax people, but he still knows how to obey.

How does he like her?

Liusen Moerli smiled on his handsome face, lowered his head and said in a hoarse voice, "I want you to promise that not only will I be the only one to bite you, but you will also be the only one, okay?"

Liusen Mori lowered his head and looked at this face obsessively, while turning his eyes over her delicate neck.

If you dare to say something bad... your neck will be bitten off in the next second.

kill you.

because i love you.

There are many ways for blood people to express love, and this is the most traditional one.

Hearing his hoarse voice, Ruan Xiaoli felt a little dazed, and finally nodded: "Okay."

Anyway, her villain mission is also completed.

Apart from biting Liusen Moerli in this life, he will never bite anyone else.

Liusen Moerli was very satisfied with getting the answer he wanted, and then he bit Ruan Xiaoli's neck.


Ruan Xiaoli couldn't help but inhale in pain.

Liusen Moerli's biting was extremely painful today, and he was extremely hard, as if he wanted to bite off a piece of her flesh.

Ruan Xiaoli closed his eyes and felt his fangs silently.

Liu Sen. Mo Erli bit it hard, swallowing blood, Si Hao was merciless.

The two icy bodies gradually became hotter, and then hugged each other tightly.

In the end, the girl fainted in the arms of the boy.

Liusen Moerli hugged her, his fangs slowly pulled out from her neck, his eyes had already turned blood red, and he glanced at Qiao Huier who was unconscious under the tree.

"Take her with you."


The servants were already on standby in the distance, but they never dared to come over seeing the situation.

Liusen Mo Erli left with Ruan Xiaoli in his arms, and the servant followed with Qiao Hui'er on his back.

Back in the castle, Liusen Mori ordered Qiao Huier to be locked in the basement.

Qiao Hui'er has become a vampire now, but she hasn't woken up yet. When she wakes up, she will become a blood-sucking monster.

It must be locked in the basement. As for whether she can survive this level, it is up to her.

There is another reason why Qiao Huier should be locked up... Liusen Moerli was afraid that if he couldn't control his hand, he would cut off her neck.

When the time comes, will Lili save this human woman for nothing?

Liusen Moerli carried Ruan Xiaoli back to the bedroom, put her on the bed, and he lay on the side and stared at her without blinking.

It seemed that she was afraid that if she blinked, she would disappear.

Liusen Moerli stretched out his hand to caress her delicate face: "Li Li, you are so disobedient."

Along the way, the image of Li Kanali biting Qiao Huier was still in his mind.

This picture all stimulated him.

Liusen Mori had never lost control like this before. He thought he would protect her forever, and she could do whatever she wanted.

But today he discovered that there were some things he still wouldn't tolerate her doing.

Even if this kind of thing is very common in blood clans.

For example, for a married blood couple, it is normal for them to bite humans for food.

But in Liusen Mori, he doesn't allow...

Wouldn't it be good for Lili to drink his blood?
The little evil was frightened in the space, it looked at Ruan Xiaoli beside him.

Ruan Xiaoli had already entered Xiao Evil's space when he was in a coma.

Now sitting on the carpet one by one, Ruan Xiaoli was still shamelessly pressing on Xiao Zhengtai.

Xiao Evil looked at her: "Xiao Li, the hero seems to have turned black?"


As a vampire and a very possessive person, Ruan Xiaoli can understand his behavior.

"Xiao Li, you have to show your sincerity and be nice to him, otherwise I'm afraid that the way we leave this world is to be killed by the hero."

Ruan Xiaoli bowed his head: "Little evil, you are no longer the system that used to be wary of me falling in love with the hero of the world."

Xiao Evil: "What I'm wary of is do you like the male lead? What I'm wary of is that you don't want to leave the world, okay?"

Remember when we met for the first time, it said that it could be tempted?Just don't be reluctant to leave.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled.

Xiao Evil looked at the picture on the screen, and Liusen Mori's expression was particularly terrifying.

"Little Li, I'm really afraid that the way we left this world is because you were killed by the hero."

After all, Ruan Xiaoli's character is very clear about her petty and evil character. Sometimes she is really cold and cold, making people want to slap her to death.

Will the male lead kill Ruan Xiaoli because he feels that Ruan Xiaoli doesn't love him?
The little evil made up a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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