Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 457 You won't care anyway.

Chapter 457 You won't care anyway.

Chapter 484 You won't care anyway.

"How long do you plan to stay in my space?"

"Not urgent."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't mean to be promising at all, and Xiao E didn't chase her away either.

Recently, it's rare for someone to come into this cold and dark space of mine. The feeling of two people sitting on a blanket is different from the feeling of sitting alone on a blanket.

Xiao E is leaning against Ruan Xiaoli, although Ruan Xiaoli is a soul body, but Xiao E can always feel a little bit of warmth from her body, and there is a familiar feeling.

This feeling is indescribable.

The two of them sat in the space for a whole day, and Xiao Ei was about to be crushed, and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ruan Xiaoli, are you still planning to go out and wake up? You seem to be in a coma for a long time?"

The reason why Li Kanali fell into a coma was not only because she was a little tired, but also because she was sucked a lot of blood by Liusen Mori.

But according to the recovery speed of the vampire, he should wake up at noon.

The sun was about to set, and it was unreasonable for Li Kanali to be still in a coma.

Ruan Xiaoli glanced at the picture on the light screen, Liusen Moerli was still staring at her face.


The more Xiao Evil felt that something was wrong, he observed Ruan Xiaoli's face repeatedly, and asked with a smirk, "Are you afraid to go out?"


"So you're afraid to go out. You're hiding here. Didn't you feel guilty when you bit the heroine? Why are you afraid to go out? The hero didn't do anything to you."

If there is a ranking for sarcastic remarks, Xiao Ei definitely ranks first.

Take pleasure in other people's misfortune, watch the bustle and make sarcastic remarks about it.

Ruan Xiaoli: "I'm leaving now."

"Oh, why are you going? Aren't you afraid? Hide for a while longer. We know each other so well. I won't drive you away. Keep hiding."


In the next second, there was only one little Zhengtai left in the space.

Xiao Ei rubbed his stomach and raised his head and laughed, watching Ruan Xiaoli eat the turtle felt really good.

The curtains were drawn, and the whole room was very dark. Liusen Mori kept guarding Li Kanali.

But it was already dark, and he hadn't woken up yet, so he panicked.

Liusen Mori reached out and stroked her body.

She wasn't seriously injured, and she was checked by a doctor when she came back. Li Kanali didn't have any serious injuries except for the burns on her hands and the exhaustion from blood loss.

How come it's dark and you haven't woken up yet.

Liusen Moerli became more and more panicked, and even regretted that he shouldn't drink her blood.

The blood race had no breathing, no heartbeat, and no body temperature. She lay quietly on the bed for a whole day without moving, as delicate and serene as a dead thing.


Liusen Mori tried to call her.

"Lili? Lili? Li Kanali?" Liusen Moerli became more and more panicked as he shouted.

He quickly hugged her upper body, Liusen Moerli didn't realize that his body was trembling.

Ruan Xiaoli saw such a scene the moment she woke up, she slowly opened her eyes: "I'm fine."

Liusen Mori froze when he heard the voice in his ear, and he was stunned for a while before turning his head to look at her.

The girl has woken up, she still has those blood-red eyes and delicate and beautiful face, but her energy is a bit low.

"Li Li, how do you feel about your body?"

"A little tired, you sucked a lot of my blood."

Liu Sen. Mo Erli was a little guilty, and smiled helplessly: "It won't happen in the future, if you get angry, you can suck it back."

The last sentence made people's hearts flutter, and Liusen Mori deliberately leaned his neck towards him shamelessly.

Ruan Xiaoli accepted it with a smile.

There are only ambiguous sucking sounds in the whole room, and the sound of her swallowing...


"The plan failed this time."

Because Qiao Huier unexpectedly appeared, interrupting their plan.

In the living room, apart from Liusen Moerli and Ruan Xiaoli, there was also Hansa Kanali who had just returned.

Hansa Kanali was wearing a black robe and had long flowing hair. Although he had lived for thousands of years, he was still a handsome man.

There was faint anger on his face: "Why did you act without waiting for my reply?"

If Ruan Xiaoli wanted to fake his death, he would definitely tell Hansa Kanali.

After all, this is the original owner's father. In the original plot, Hansa Kanali collapsed after Li Kanali died.

Ruan Xiaoli was afraid that Hansa Kanali would hear the news of her fake death, believe it, and then collapse.

So before the implementation of the plan, a letter was sent to tell Hansa Kanali that she knew everything she knew and what she wanted to do.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't know whether Hansa Kanali would reply to the letter, after all Hansa Kanali's own daughter was always very indifferent.

Maybe when you see the letter, you just write a little bit and ignore it.

So Ruan Xiaoli simply didn't count Hansa Kanali in his plan, and didn't care whether he would reply or not.

Ruan Xiaoli lowered his head: "My daughter is wrong."

Liusen Moerli stood on the side: "Master Hansa Kanali, Lili just didn't know if you would reply to the letter, so he acted in advance."

Liusen Mori did not hide his relationship with Li Kanali at all.

Hansa Kanali also saw the disadvantages when she came back today.

Her daughter actually has someone she likes. Hansa Kanali is 1 unwilling to marry her off early, but seeing how her daughter is getting along with Liusen Moerli, Hansa Kanali says no. Talk about half a dozen mandarin ducks.

He could only secretly look at Liusen Moerli, paying attention to whether this young man was suitable and worthy of his daughter the whole time.

Hansa Kanali: "I talk to my daughter."

He doesn't like being interrupted.

But he also likes him to defend his daughter... It's a plus.

Liusen Moerli smiled lightly. If Hansa Kanali continued to talk about Lili, he would still interrupt.

Hansa Kanali looked at Ruan Xiaoli: "Why did you act without waiting for my reply? You are just a child, you shouldn't care about these things, just send me a letter and tell me."

"I'm not a child anymore." Ruan Xiaoli said flatly.

A few million years old is really not a child...

Hansa Kanali was really angry: "Have you considered the consequences? Do you know how dangerous your plan is, what if it fails? What if you really die by the blood hunter like this?" manage!"

"You don't care anyway, do you?" Ruan Xiaoli looked up with a sneer.

Liusen Moerli frowned slightly, feeling that there was something wrong with the relationship between the father and daughter.

Hansa Kanali's expression froze, and he opened his mouth: "...you are my daughter, who said I don't care?"

Ruan Xiaoli felt that this father didn't fit the original plot, he seemed...loved the original owner very much, and couldn't express it?

(End of this chapter)

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