Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 459 The Scream in the Basement

Chapter 459 The Scream in the Basement

Chapter 486 The Scream in the Basement

Now that we know who bit these monsters, what we should pay attention to now is where is Jiao Kanali?

Hansa Kanali's younger sister, Jiao Kanali, was born as a delicate girl, she looks cute and fair, and when she grows up, she is even more delicate and beautiful.

She was a famous beauty back then, but it is a pity that the beauty was so unlucky... She was attacked by a blood hunter and died, and her body was taken away.

Now that she is not dead, where is the person?
Where did Bloodhunt hide her?Why didn't you kill her?
Ruan Xiaoli didn't know what to say when he suddenly knew that his mother, who had been dead for hundreds of years, was still alive.

After all, she left Jiao Canali just a few months after she was born, and she has no impression of this mother. Li Kanali is naturally indifferent, and has almost no affection for blood relatives.

So Ruan Xiaoli didn't say anything, just stood there coldly: "Father, we can definitely save mother."

Hansa Kanali has been stimulated enough tonight, he is particularly joyful, crazy and anxious, he can't wait to find Jiao Kanali as soon as possible.

Hansa Kanali looked at his daughter who looked seventy percent like his beloved wife, and he reached out and stroked Ruan Xiaoli's hair: "You are very similar to your mother, you will know when you see her Yes, but it is estimated that when she sees her, she will first blame me for not taking good care of you."

Now that she knew that her beloved was still alive, Hansa Kanali decided to find her.

Hansa Kanali was already imagining what it would be like for Jiao Kanali to return to her own life.

She would definitely blame herself for not taking good care of her daughter.

Hansa Kanali smiled, it was also a joy to be blamed by her, and he really didn't take good care of his daughter.

Hansa Kanali felt more and more guilty.

On the way back, the three of them sat in the car, and Hansa Kanali greeted Ruan Xiaoli.

Ruan Xiaoli felt that he had been frightened, Hansa Kanali was a little different today.

I remember the first time I saw him, he was a handsome and cold man, not like a father at all.

Now I really have a sense of sight of an old father, but it's just an old father who is old and doesn't look old at all.

Hansa Kanali looks really handsome, otherwise how could she give birth to such a beautiful daughter as Li Kanali.




When the blood slaves passed by the basement of the old castle, they were frightened and hurried away when they heard the roar of the young girl inside.

I heard that Miss Canali bit a human, and then brought it back to the castle and locked it in the basement.

That human has turned into a monster, screaming and wanting to suck blood every day.

"Will this human being be locked in the basement forever, or will Miss Canali kill her?"

"I don't know, I just hope that she won't be let out, otherwise how many human beings will suffer."

"Have you heard that there are monsters attacking humans in the city and killing many people? Do you think Miss Canali did it?"

After all, she is a primitive blood race.

"Speak softly, you are really not afraid of death."

"The last time I went shopping, I heard all the rumors that Miss Canali and his father did it."

"This is the truth, okay? After all, the original blood race is just their father and daughter. Who else could those monsters be if they didn't create them? I really hope that one day they will all be destroyed by this group of evil spirits. If the blood race can Just destroy it."

Several blood slaves left.

Liusen Moerli and Ruan Xiaoli heard such words just as they went down to the basement.

These blood slaves are really brave.

Ruan Xiaoli: "Kill them."

"it is good."

Liu Sen. Mo Erli rubbed her hair with a smile, mainly to let those who are unhappy from Lili die without regret.

A roar came from the basement, it was Qiao Huier's voice.

She must have grown fangs by now and wanted to suck blood, but she should still be conscious.

Ruan Xiaoli was very worried that she would not survive this test.

Xiao Evil said: "After all, she is the heroine, with a halo, she will survive."

Although the heroine lived in a variety of frightening environments from childhood to adulthood, she was able to live such a big life and was not persecuted when her blood was so delicious, which is enough to show that the heroine's halo is really great.

We'll get through this time.

It's just going to be painful to get through the time.

Ruan Xiaoli knew how painful she was from hearing the screams inside.

Full of blood-sucking desire, very hungry, very itchy teeth, can only scream to vent.

Ruan Xiaoli opened a small window and saw Qiao Huier with messy hair and scars on his arms.

Qiao Huier was screaming and scratching herself.

Liusen Moerli took a look: "You can't help with this kind of thing, low-level vampires can't get enough."

They can't control their desire to suck blood, and they can never get enough to drink. They don't feel full at all. They are pure monsters.

The reason why other vampires are not monsters is that they can be controlled no matter how hungry they are, and their blood-sucking is conscious.

"Liusen Moerli, let someone go in and tie her limbs up, don't let her hurt herself, and send someone to watch her at the window 24 hours a day."

"it is good."

Before Ruan Xiaoli could go to see Qiao Huier, Liusen Moerli took advantage of his height and raised his hand to close the small door of the window.

Liusen Moerli hugged her waist: "I've already seen it, and if I continue to look at it, the human beings in it will still look like this. Let's go."


Jealous that she cared about Qiao Huier?

Ruan Xiaoli leaned against him: "I don't want to leave."

"I hug you."

He just likes to cling to her body, it's cold, and he likes every smell of her body very much.

"Liusen Moerli, won't Wang Jue say anything if you've been staying with me like this?"

"I won't say anything, the Morley family is now in charge of me."

His father said that he was managing the family business abroad, but he still didn't come back after such a long time, and handed over everything to him one after another.

What's more, when my father went abroad, he took his mother with him...

Liusen Moerli could already guess that the two of them had passed through the world of two, and he was left gorgeously to inherit the family business.

Ruan Xiaoli couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Liusen Moerli's helpless narration, is the majestic prince so childish?
Many things are naive in front of love.

Ruan Xiaoli asked his subordinates to carefully observe Qiao Huier's changes, and also sent a doctor to take care of her 24 hours a day.

Hansa Kanali learned about this, and asked during the meal, "Li'er, is that human in the basement your friend?"

Since we are friends, why did you bite her?
"It's a friend. She helped me. Biting her is a way to continue my life. Now I only hope that she can survive this test and become a real blood." Ruan Xiaoli said lightly.

Hansa Kanali thought for a while: "I'll help you look up the classics, there should be a way to help her."

(End of this chapter)

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