Chapter 460 Li Kanali is Dead

Chapter 487 Li Kanali is Dead

Ruan Xiaoli and Liusen Moerli still go to and from school normally, as if nothing happened.

It's just that Qiao Hui'er was missing from the class, and then a girl was added. When that girl first came, she was often bullied by the blood clan in those few days.

"The taste of this blood is not as good as Qiao Hui'er's. It's a pity that she was attacked to death by a monster, hey." A vampire said.

"Even if you are not attacked by a monster, don't try to bite that human being, she belongs to Miss Canali."

Ruan Xiaoli heard others chatting leisurely, and then felt a fiery gaze on him, and as expected, Liusen Moerli, who was sitting in the front row, turned his head and stared at him.

Ruan Xiaoli: "They're talking nonsense."


Men, it's easy to coax, but it's really hard to coax.

Going to and from school every day, the school days may seem boring, but there are very new things happening every day.

A group of blood clan teenagers who have lived for hundreds of years lead a life of luxury and corruption.

Suddenly something broke these calm.

Because Miss Li Kanali is dead.

Miss Li Canali and Earl Liusen Mori encountered a large number of blood hunting attacks on the way back. Miss Li Canali was stabbed in the heart by a silver dagger and died on the spot.

Earl Liusen Morley was seriously injured and did not come to school for several days.

When the students in the whole school heard about this incident, they were completely in a state of shock.

"How is it possible? Those hunters are too bold. They attacked the two heirs of the family at once. Miss Li Kanali is dead, and they are not afraid that Lord Hansa Kanali will take them down like hundreds of years ago. ?"

"Prince Molly and the Duchess may be on their way back after hearing the news."

After all, the son was attacked, and the two couples should come back after hearing the news.

There are rumors everywhere in the school, and there are various messages, but the unified statement is that Miss Li Kanali was attacked and killed.

It was a week later that Liusen Mori came to school, but he was completely depressed.

Who didn't know that Earl Liusen Mori liked Miss Li Canali, and now that Miss Li Canali was killed, apart from her father being the saddest, it should be Earl Liusen Mori who was most saddened.

No one dared to get close to Liusen Moerli, for fear that he would be hurt and angry and implicate himself.

Primitive blood clans were assassinated and killed, and there were many monsters committing crimes in human cities. All the princes finally held a council of elders.

Liusen Moerli's parents haven't come back yet, so he is still going to participate.

At the last elder meeting, there was a young girl sitting in front of the round table, but this time the young girl was no longer there.

Everyone looked at the empty seats on the table.

Hansa Kanali was heartbroken because of the loss of her daughter, so this time the elders will probably not come.

Everyone was silent in a circle.

Pimo Joel looked at the crowd, and then said: "I know that the assassination of Miss Li Kanali made everyone feel very sorry, but now is not the time to mourn, we must find out the blood hunter's lair as soon as possible, And where did those monsters come from."

The next few princes started a discussion.

Pimo Joel glanced at the young man across from him. Liusen Mori was in a daze when he came today, and sat in his seat with his head bowed and did not speak.

Oh, it really is that the little hairy boy is not good enough.

Pimo Joel ignored Liusen Mo.

"Where is the blood hunt? So many troops have gone looking for it, but they still haven't found them. Could it be that they can still hide in the soil?"

"It's expected that we didn't find it. After all these years, the blood hunt is still alive."

"There is no way to investigate the blood hunt, so what about the monster?"

Having said that, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then turned their eyes to the empty seat.

Hansa Kanali didn't come.

Now he is the only one left in the original blood race.

Pimo Joel said: "We live in the same world with human beings. Although human beings are weak, we have to give an explanation to human beings. Otherwise, if the whole human beings really rebel, wouldn't it be in the hands of the blood hunter. "

When the entire human race rebelled, the blood hunters could take the opportunity to win them over and quickly form a multi-person team to fight against their blood race.

A prince nodded: "I have to give human beings a little explanation. Now there are more crazy words, and even some human beings are starting to be agitated."

Although human beings are weak, there are a lot of them. Now they are afraid to say anything because they are afraid of their blood race, but when they are pushed to a certain level, they will definitely rebel.

But it's embarrassing when it comes to this, monsters can only be created by primitive blood...

Jiao Canali died hundreds of years ago.

Li Kanali was also assassinated not long ago.

Now there is only Hansa Kanali left. If you want to explain to humans, it is not equivalent to Hansa Kanali...

A prince slapped the table: "No, Lord Hansa Kanali is the last primitive blood race, we have to protect him."

The other also said: "There are fewer and fewer primitive blood races. There must be no surprises for Mrs. Hansa Kanali."

The blood clan is still very clear about the hierarchy.

Even though they are aristocrats, powerful aristocrats, they still respect the primitive blood.

But there are also those who hesitate...

Pimo Joel said: "The original blood race is getting more and more declining, and now there is only Lord Hansa Kanali. He has been served by us for so many years, and he should also contribute to the entire blood race."

"Pimo Raoel, what are you talking about, Hansa Kanali is born noble, and we should respect and serve him."

The atmosphere on the table was a little serious.

Pimo Joel disdains it. What he hates most is such words. Primitive vampires have no power or power. Except for the special blood flowing in their bodies, why should they overwhelm them?
He just wanted to break this rule, let the primitive blood family decline, and make that woman submit to him.

The last time he said that he wanted to marry Li Kanali, it was just on a whim, because Li Kanali looked too much like her mother.

After saying that he wanted to marry Li Kanali, Pimo Joel regretted his slip of the tongue a little, but wondered if Hanza Kanali would marry his daughter to him?
So what if her daughter is a primitive blood race?
I am the ruler of the Joel family, a noble prince.

Unexpectedly, Hansa Kanali actually looked down on him and was unwilling to marry his daughter, and he was also laughed at by Liusen Moer, a kid who didn't even grow his hair.

Pimo Joel couldn't swallow this breath just thinking about it.

Pimo Joel asked with a smile: "Lord Boli, do you think the peace of the entire blood race is important, or the original blood race?"

(End of this chapter)

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