Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 461 Is it a good taste to collude with the blood hunter?

Chapter 461 Is it a good taste to collude with the blood hunter?
Chapter 488 Is it a good taste to collude with the blood hunter?
That Prince Boli opened his mouth, suddenly he didn't know how to speak.

As a patriarch, of course he is concerned about the safety of the entire blood clan...

But Lord Hansa Kanali is an incomparably noble primitive blood race, how can you use Lord Hansa Kanali to explain to those lowly humans?
But the blood race is in danger...

Pimo Joel took a fancy to the other princes, and each of them hesitated, and began to lower their heads.

They admire Hansa Kanali, but the safety of the blood race... Once they make a wrong decision and cause war, the people will scold them with their backs if they know the reason.

Pimo Joel glanced at the young man who had been silent and depressed.

When I saw Liusen Moerli last time, I still felt that he was a young man, but now it seems that he is just a young man.

There is only love in his head, and there is no big future.

Li Kanali died, killing two birds with one stone, Liusen Mori was sluggish, and Hansa Kanali didn't come.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Pimo Joel said in a sad tone: "I know that everyone is unwilling to use this method, but the curtains outside have already been said to be these monsters released by Lord Hansa Kanali... already Human beings are rioting, Lord Hansa Kanali is a primitive blood race, his whole heart is concerned with the safety of the blood race, and he is definitely willing to exchange himself for the peace of the blood race."

Pimo Joel spoke at length, praising Hansa Kanali.

Obviously, Hansa Kanali was not present at all today, nor did she express her wishes.

But now, in the mouth of Pimo Rael, Hansa Kanali is extremely noble, and she is an adult who is willing to sacrifice for the sake of the blood clan.

He praised and killed people fiercely.

In the end, none of Wang Jue said anything, obviously acquiescing, and they couldn't do it if they were asked to speak out, and the current silence also represented acquiescing.

Pimo Joel nodded: "Since everyone has decided, the Council of Elders will send elite soldiers to invite Lord Hansa Kanali."

Say yes, rather than arrest.

Before the meeting was held, Hansa Kanali was still a noble primitive blood family being served and admired by them, and it took only a long time to become a prisoner.

At this moment, a servant hurried in.

"My lords, Lord Hansa Kanali is here."

Pimo Joel narrowed his eyes, Hansa Kanali didn't fall into the trap.

A prince said irritably: "Master Hansa Kanali, what will happen to the elders, what are you doing in such a panic?"

The servant hurriedly said: "Master Hansa Kanali brought a lot of elite soldiers, and also brought hundreds of monsters..."

Lord Hansa Kanali's posture is very different from the usual way of coming to the Council of Elders, so the servants hurried in.

When Pimo Joel heard this, he was overjoyed immediately, but he asked with a serious face: "What's the matter, why did Lord Hansa Kanali bring monsters here? With so many soldiers, he thought What are you doing?"

One sentence immediately led everyone to think in a bad direction.

For example, Hansa Kanali rebelled, and he brought so many people here with evil intentions.

"Go out and have a look first."

"After going out, everyone pay attention to safety."

A group of elders went out, but they didn't realize that Liusen Mo Erli was gone.

At the gate of the castle, the old castle of the Council of Elders is majestic. An old castle sitting in the forest in the middle of the night looks a bit gloomy.

It is gloomy when there are few people, but it is different if there are more people.

Tonight's castle is brightly lit, and outside the castle is a dense mass of mental illness and a large group of monsters.

Pimo Joel panicked when he saw the monsters, but calmed down.

So what if these monsters were found, and these monsters proved nothing.

They watched this scene, and then saw the handsome Hansa Kanali standing in front of the team.

"Master Hansa Kanali, what are you doing here with so many people and these monsters?"

Vampires don't like detours, so what detours can they do with this scene in front of them.

Hansa Kanali smiled: "Lord Ryan Ser, are the Elders going to discuss monsters hurting people tonight? I have found all the monsters and handed them over to the Elders."

Hearing this, the princes breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Hansa Kanali, you actually found these monsters so quickly. Sure enough, we still have to rely on you."

Master Hansa Kanali was the one who lost her beloved daughter, so she did her best to find the monster, which is really fulfilling her responsibility.

Pimo Joel looked at the natural low bones of that group of people, and if the primitive blood said a word, they would be grateful to Dade.

Pimo Joel stepped forward: "Master Hansa Kanali, since you are sending the monster to the castle, why did you bring so many elite soldiers? This posture does not look like escorting the monster, but rather to encircle the castle catcher."

"It can be seen that they are indeed here to encircle the castle and arrest people." Hansa Kanali stretched out her hand and brushed her hair. This action was exactly the same as that of her daughter. Hansa Kanali looked up: "Come on, come Take Pimo Joel!"

Immediately, the elite soldiers stepped forward, and Pimo Joel didn't resist, because he couldn't resist, and Hansa Kanali led too many people.

Pimo Raoel was not afraid or cared about being held down by someone, and asked, "Master Hansa Kanali, what do you mean?"

The other princes also became vigilant.

Someone even stood in front of Pimo Joel: "Lord Hansa Kanali, even if you are a primitive blood race, you can't just arrest a prince for no reason. Can you give us an explanation?"

The words are more respectful, but the tone is no longer respectful.

After all, what Master Hansa Kanali did today is really suspicious.

Hansa Kanali took a look at this posture, and fell in love with it: "Pimo Raoel, you can move the rhythm, the whole nursing home is led by you."

Pimo Joel smiled smugly, he knew Hansa Kanali already knew what he was doing.

But Pimo Joel wasn't afraid at all, even if he was being held by someone.

He can guarantee that what he did is flawless, and this group of people can't find evidence to prove what he did.

"Master Hansa Kanali, can you explain why you want to arrest me, the primitive blood can't bully people like this."

"Who said that the primitive blood race can't bully people, so what's wrong with bullying you? Is it because you have been too polite to you for tens of thousands of years, and you have forgotten who is the master?"

Primitive blood races are extremely noble, natural masters, and now these so-called nobles are still slaves in front of primitive blood races.

This sentence made the princes stunned, a little bit unwilling, but they dare not resist in their bones.

Pimo Joel said, "Yes, we are slaves. Master Hansa Kanali can arrest whoever he wants, and kill whoever he wants, without any reason."

"Hmph, it's good that you know clearly, but arresting you didn't wrong you, Pimo Joel, isn't it nice to collude with Bloodhunter?"

In a word, the audience was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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