Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 462 Mother and Daughter Appear

Chapter 462 Mother and Daughter Appear
Chapter 489 Mother and Daughter Appear
What does Hansa Kanali-sama mean?
Pimo Joel colluded with Blood Hunter?
But it's unbelievable no matter what, it's hard to connect Pimo Joel with Blood Hunter.

But there must be evidence for Lord Hansa Kanali to say such a thing, and the other princes took a step back consciously.

They look on and see what the hell is going on?

Pimo Joel was suppressed by others, and he didn't panic at all: "Master Hansa Kanali put a big hat on me, I don't even know what you are talking about, sir."

He just has the confidence that others can't catch him.

This old guy was beyond his expectation. He thought Hansa Kanali would be heartbroken when his daughter died, and he was no match for him at all.

Unexpectedly, Hansa Kanali was able to get out of her grief, and even brought these found monsters here to confront him.

Pimo Joel looked at those monsters: "Master Hansa Kanali said that I colluded with the blood hunter, why don't you explain in advance whether these monsters have anything to do with you, after all, you are the only one left in the original blood race. Where did these monsters come from?"

Hansa Kanali felt that Pimo Joel was a smart person.

"Don't you know how these monsters came here?"

"I don't understand what your lord is saying."

Hansa Kanali looked at the moon in the sky, and it was almost time.

Those princes looked confused.

Hansa Kanali's deputy: "Everyone must be wondering why I brought these people here, why I arrested Pimo Rael, and why I said that Pimo Rael colluded with Blood Hunter.

Now I will give you a reasonable explanation. Pimo Joel wanted to exterminate the primitive blood race hundreds of years ago, and he had colluded with the blood hunter long ago.

The killing of my wife by the blood hunt was planned by him, as well as my daughter.

And the boy of the Morley family was also assassinated. "

Speaking of which, the old guys present are all smart people, and they probably understand why Pimo Joel did this.

As long as the original blood race disappeared, they would be the nobles standing at the top of the pyramid, and they would no longer have to bow their heads to anyone.

What's more, there are still primitive blood clans in charge, and Pimo Joel can even gobble up other clans with his own hands.

Prince Mori and his wife were abroad, leaving only their son to run the family.

The first thing Pimo Joel wanted to swallow was the Morley family, because only Earl Liusen Morley from years ago was in charge of his house.

The blood clan is very peaceful on the surface, but in private, no one cares about it.

But fearing that the primitive blood race would take over, they have maintained peace for hundreds of years.

These princes knew exactly what Pimo Joel's personality was like, and knew that he had ambitions, but they didn't expect him to dare to arrange these things.

Pimo Joel smiled: "Master Hansa Kanali really knows how to make up stories, everyone will believe what she tells, but you must pay attention to evidence for everything."

Hansa Kanali was not annoyed, he pulled a monster casually: "You still have doubts about where these monsters came from? I found these monsters and found...these monsters were bitten by my wife."


"Mrs. Canalie bit? But didn't she already..."

You must know that the fangs of vampires cannot be preserved, and these monsters cannot live for hundreds of years. Doesn't this mean that Mrs. Jiao Canali is still alive?
Pimo Joel was a little flustered, but he was still proud. That woman could hide herself for hundreds of years, and it was impossible for them idiots to find it.

Hansa Kanali looked at the princes: "I will not be mistaken for the smell of the fang marks of my beloved, it is indeed a delicate bite, she is not dead, she was imprisoned by Pimo Joel .”

As for why imprisoned...

Hansa Kanali showed killing intent in her eyes for the first time this evening, Pimo Joel must die.

"Hahahaha, Lord Hansa Kanali, you have told so many stories, but what about the evidence? You mean that I imprisoned Mrs. Jiao Kanali, but what evidence do you have? Did you find her in my Is it on the site?"

The princes are silent, indeed there is no evidence to prove these words now.

The moon climbed up the clouds and illuminated the whole earth brightly.

A girl's silver bell-like laughter came from a distance. A doll-like girl in a vintage red dress came from the darkness. Her long chestnut-colored curly hair was gently tied with a headband, and her blood-red eyes Showed her noble status.

Leaving Kanali!
Is she not dead?
Pimo Joel was stunned when he saw the person coming. Didn't the blood hunter mean that the knife was stabbed into her heart and she was already dead?
How would it appear here?

The most important thing is not this, the main thing is that there is a woman behind the girl, that woman is carved out of the same mold as the girl, with blood-red eyes, long chestnut-colored curly hair, wearing a long black dress, slowly walking behind the girl. Come slowly.

When Pimo Joel saw her, he panicked. How could it be possible?

How could Li Kanali find her mother?

The surrounding Wang Jue also gasped.

Although I haven't seen this face for hundreds of years, but that stunning beauty, primitive blood, who else in this world is Hansa Kanali's lover Jiao Kanali.

Hansa Kanali stood there stupidly, he didn't dare to move, he was even afraid to blink his eyes, for fear that she would disappear again in the blink of an eye.

Ruan Xiaoli brushed his long hair, walked over with a smile: "It's surprising that I'm still alive?"

Pimo Joel's face was numb.

Standing in the middle of the crowd, Ruan Xiaoli glanced back at the stunning beauty, and then at the stunned father, she said: "Father, I have not let you down, I have found my mother."

This suspended animation really exploded a lot of things.

She had just faked her death, and Pimo Joel was sure that Hansa Canali was no good, and she had revealed her ambition in the Senate so early.

At the same time, he also neglected some things, so Ruan Xiaoli finally found Jiao Kanali by following the clues secretly.

When seeing Jiao Kanali, Ruan Xiaoli was relatively calm, but Jiao Kanali rushed over and hugged her for a long time.

It took a little while for the mother and daughter to recognize each other, but fortunately, it was just right.

Pimo Joel's face turned pale.

Ruan Xiaoli turned around and said, "My lord, I think Prince Pimo Joel has nothing to say, why don't you describe what happened in these years."

Jiao Kanali is very beautiful, and her beauty is soul-stirring. As soon as she walked over, she approached Hansa Kanali and stretched out her hand to hold him.

(End of this chapter)

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