Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 468 His hand speed is amazing

Chapter 468 His hand speed is amazing

Chapter 495 His hand speed is amazing

Fortunately, Ruan Xiaoli was fast enough, otherwise he would have been beaten into a sieve by Liu Yuqi.

Ruan Xiaoli came out of the bamboo forest leisurely.

She played a male role, and felt that the name was also gender-neutral.

Liu Yuqi opened the mic: 【Why did you rob our boss?Hurry up and hand over the props you got. 】

Ruan Xiaoli typed: 【No. 】

Liu Yuqi got angry: 【Did you deliberately snatch our boss?Are you provoking us?If you don't teach me, you don't want to leave today. 】

After speaking, the whole team quickly surrounded Jun.

Ruan Xiaoli glanced at the people around him, they were all very quick, and they were all professionally trained.

However, the original owner Ruan Junli's hand speed is also innately superior, and if he can't beat these people, he can still escape.

A teammate spoke up: [Is the person on the opposite side an uncle or a child?It's not kind to just grab someone else's boss. We are members of Team Hualin, so we should have heard of it, right? 】

Apart from Xia Zhong, the most famous team in City A is their Hualin.

Every time I enter the game, when forming a team, others can't wait to join their team.

But today they are here for training, all of them are their own team members, and they did not join other wild players.

Jun: [I stole it with my own ability, so why give it back to you?I've heard of your team, but I haven't heard that you like to block people. 】

【Hey, what are you talking about? You robbed the boss and you still don't allow us to surround you. Hurry up and hand over the things, or we will kill you. 】A team member couldn't bear it anymore.

Ruan Xiaoli: "Little Evil, you said that if I run away in front of them, will they be attracted by my hand speed and then pay attention to me?"

"Hahaha, Xiaoli, your idea is exactly the same as that of the original owner, and your mission is to escape in front of them."

Xiao Evil likes that Ruan Xiaoli's thinking is the same as that of the original owner, so that he can naturally fit the character and earn a lot of points.

As for whether it can attract the attention of their team?

Maybe it can be attractive, but Ruan Junli is destined to go to the male lead's team, and then fight with the male lead along the way, Ruan Junli likes to challenge people who are stronger than himself.

【Yu Qi, stop talking so much nonsense with him, grab it directly. 】

This guy dared to steal their boss, so don't blame them for grabbing equipment.

Just as they were about to encircle them in all directions, that Jun suddenly walked quickly and bypassed the three of them.

The people in Hualin's training room were not calm anymore.

"Fuck, what's going on? So fast!"

"Xu Feng, stop now, don't be dazed."

"What the hell? This person is a professional, isn't he? His hand speed is so fast, where is he?"

This area is originally a bamboo forest, and some places are still dense grass. As long as the dredging speed is fast enough to hide it, the movement of boobs is not a problem at all.

In just a dozen seconds, Jun ran away.

A group of team members froze in the bamboo.

A team member directly took off the headset and said to the people around him, "Are we being slapped in the face?"

Every training team member sitting in front of the computer in the classroom took off their headphones.

You look at me, I look at you, I don't know how to speak.

Liu Yuqi took off the earphones, and the expression on her entire face was not as angry as when she was robbed of the boss at the beginning, but a little dazed.

Liu Yuqi raised her head: "Xu Feng, did you see how he walked around in front of you?"

"I didn't see it clearly, it was too fast, this hand speed surpassed all of us present."

Xu Feng is the oldest of this group of people, and also the captain of their team.

Xu Feng turned around: "Chen Wei, did you record the scene just now?"

"We will record the screen every time we go to practice and brush the boss. Of course, the scene just now was recorded."

"Well, put it out and let's take a look."

The team members cut out the recorded video and put it on the biggest screen in the training classroom.

Everyone watched the ten-second video more than three times.

The more Liu Yuqi looked at it, the more surprised she became: "Is he from another team?"

"Probably not, there is no member ID of a famous team named Jun."

Xu Feng: "I think we can pull this person over. His hand speed is very good. If we fight with our entire team, maybe he can kill two people. He should be born with good hand speed. If With practice and strategic play, he's going to be a formidable player."

Hearing this, the others agreed and remained silent.

But this person just robbed their boss. He knew that Team Hualin wanted to rob them, and he was so arrogant. Are you sure that such a person will join their team?
Liu Yuqi spoke bluntly: "I support what the captain said. We will start the competition at the end of the year. We don't have to be afraid of other teams in the training camp, but there is Chengmo in Xiazhong. None of us can beat him. If If we want to win, we must attract stronger and more talented people."

Speaking of Chengmo, it was obvious that many team members showed disappointment in their eyes.

Originally they thought they were talented players, but since they found out about Cheng Mo, they were hit hard.

In front of Cheng Mo, they have no talent at all.

Chengmo has led his team to win championships in various fields every year since he was 15 years old. Now Chengmo, his career has been at the peak all the way.

"Captain, don't watch the video yet. We were surrounded by people when we played against that Jun just now, and now the whole world is discussing us."

They are not the only ones who come to this bamboo forest to spawn monsters.

Moreover, Hualin is very famous, and it is inevitable that some people will follow them every time they train.

So there are many eyes to see the situation just now.

A professionally trained team was thrown out of the encirclement by a wild player within ten seconds. Such a scene shocked them, and other players must...

At this moment, the world channel is full of swiping screens.

[Fuck, you didn't see that when the boss of the Hualin team in Cuizhulin was robbed by a wild player. 】

[Brother upstairs, find out who is so bold as to snatch Hua Lin's boss. 】

[I don’t know. After playing the game for so long, I think this person’s name is familiar. Maybe I’ve met him somewhere before, but he doesn’t have a high sense of existence. However, he has made a big splash today. 】

After all, if you play games in the same server area, you will inevitably feel that someone's vest is a bit familiar, maybe you have met it on the street.

【I saw him grab the boss. I did that move really fast, and the hit was very accurate. The most important thing is that after he grabbed the boss, he escaped under the encirclement of Hua Lin. 】

[Hua Lin's team surrounds him, can he run away? 】

[Yes, I ran away, very fast. 】


The discussion on the world channel is crazy.

Jun, a genius who had been silent for a long time, became popular all over the service area in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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