Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 469 Get noticed by Xia Zhong

Chapter 469 Get noticed by Xia Zhong
Chapter 496 Get noticed by Xia Zhong
In the afternoon, when Ruan Xiaoli left the room, he found that the balcony was covered with water. It was raining heavily, and the wind was so strong that the rain floated on the balcony.

Fortunately, there are no clothes to dry on the balcony, or they will all get wet.

Walking into the living room and before entering the kitchen, I smelled a strong aroma of ribs.

Ruan Xiaoli took the bowl and filled a bowl of ribs to eat.

As soon as he was eating, the phone rang, and the note on the phone was Dad, which seemed to be a message from Ruan An.

Dad: The pork rib soup is almost ready. Don't bother playing with your phone or computer. Go to the kitchen and turn off the fire, and have a bowl of pork rib soup.

Ruan Xiaoli quickly replied yes, and then put the phone aside.

Yam is added to the pork rib soup, the yam soaked in the soup is soft and fragrant, this is the best pork rib soup Ruan Xiaoli has ever eaten.

Ruan Xiaoli took a nap after eating, and didn't turn on the computer to play the game at all, she didn't even know that she was famous in the server area.


The weather today is not very good, it is cloudy all day long, it rained heavily just now, and now it is raining lightly again.

In a high-rise building in the city center, the top floor is luxuriously decorated, and every office inside is equipped with top-notch computers.

This is an e-sports training camp, the famous mid-summer training camp.

Every coach in it was once a champion team.

In the building, the bottom floor is where young and talented players are trained, and the places near the top are all training places for team members.

The players trained very late last night, so they rested in the morning and started training in the afternoon.

The dormitory door opened, and a boy in a black shirt came out of the room.

He lowered his head slightly, obviously he was not very old but he had a calm aura on his body, the bangs on his forehead were slightly covered, and his black eyes were slightly indifferent.

A man ran out of the dormitory next door, and he came over with his mobile phone: "Captain, I'll show you a video."

Cheng Mo stopped in his tracks and looked at him with a frown.

Zhang Yi hurriedly held his mobile phone over: "Look, this video is going crazy in the world, isn't this guy named Jun amazingly fast?"

Cheng Mo was not interested at first, but after hearing Zhang Yi's words, he still lowered his head and stared at the phone screen with darker eyes.

Zhang Yi saw that the captain was staring at the phone, so he knew that the captain was interested in this person.

"Captain, this person robbed Hualin's boss, and ran away surrounded by Hualin with his hand speed talent. He is now famous, and the most important thing is that I have inquired about this person. Team."

Cheng Mo raised his head slightly: "Have you found this person?"

"Uh... this...captain, less than half an hour has passed, and at most I saw on the World Channel that this person has never joined a team. Looking for him, I really couldn't find him. He seems to be playing a game. "

Didn't find it, so what nonsense.

Cheng Mo narrowed his eyes slightly: "Why don't you go find it soon?"

"Yes, yes, we promise to find him within an hour, including his friends!"

"half an hour."


Don't look at the captain Chengmo, although he has just come of age, but there is no one in the whole team who is not afraid of him.

Zhang Yi thought it would be easy to add this person as a member of his Xia Zhong team.

The results of it?
An hour passed, let alone adding people, he didn't even find anyone, this guy was obviously playing the game.

In the training room, the official training has not yet started, Zhang Yi walked up to the boy who raised snakes in a particularly cowardly manner: "Captain."


"It's not that I didn't try my best, it's because that person played the game, so I didn't find anyone."

Cheng Mo sat on the chair with his eyes closed and didn't speak.

Zhang Yi quickly said: "But I will abide by it, he will definitely join the game, and I will definitely add him as a friend in the next few days."


Cheng Mo finally responded, Zhang Yi heaved a sigh of relief and hurried back to his seat.

After resting for about 10 minutes, their training began, team training, individual training, each training must be indispensable.

The afternoon passed quickly.

It was dark and everyone left the training room.

Cheng Mo returned to his dormitory, he has a cleanliness habit, the first thing he does when he returns to the dormitory is to take a shower.

After taking a shower, he changed into a dark blue casual dress, and his hair was still a little wet, which made the boy look a little sexy.

Cheng Mo wiped his hair casually with a towel, then sat down in front of the computer.

He turned on the video and watched it over and over again.

"I don't know if it's innate hand speed or practice." He muttered to himself.

Whether it is innate or practiced, to be able to have such a speed has already surpassed many people.

If it is innate, coupled with practice, the hand speed will be even more amazing.

In another five years, there will be a grand international e-sports competition. They need to cultivate more aces to compete with foreign players.

But to play against foreign players, the first requirement is to beat domestic teams.

Cheng Mo took out the notebook, held the pen with his slender fingers and recorded the data on the video just now.


As night falls, many people turn on their computers to play games when they get home from work. Night is the time when there are the most gamers.

All the people coming and going on the quaint streets are people, and many people are setting up stalls to sell things.

Ruan Xiaoli had just appeared on the street when he boarded the game, and he was surrounded by people before he walked a few steps.

【Look, is that person the one who robbed Hualin's boss? 】

[It seems to be the id of this name, it should be him. 】

Ruan Xiaoli looked at the words that popped out of that person's head, and slowly became aware of it.

She raised the corner of her mouth: "Xiao Evil, I seem to have attracted attention in advance."

Xiao Evil looked at the original plot: "There is no advance, the original plot is like this, your next task is to enter the Xiazhong team, which is the training camp for the hero."


Don't remember, take your time.

Since you are so attention-getting, why don't you pay more attention?
Xia Zhong like this might find her by himself, so she entered the training camp logically.

The easiest way to attract attention is to swipe the boss, defeat the boss with the fastest and most perfect fighting style, and amaze the audience.

Ruan Xiaoli turned around and was about to do the task, but was stopped by someone.

People surrounded him.

[Little brother, I heard that you are very powerful. We just happened to form a team to fight the boss in the canyon. Do you want to come with us? 】

Several people asked.

It looked like an invitation, but Ruan Xiaoli smelled a hint of conspiracy, it seemed that this group of people wanted to invite him on purpose.

Want to see her hand speed?
Jun: [OK]

[Since you agreed, let's form a team now. Let's go to the canyon to hunt down the stone monster. Jun, I heard that you have excellent hand speed. We all rely on you. If you don't mind, let's wait for you to fight first. 】

(End of this chapter)

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