Chapter 475
Chapter 502
He was obviously only a half-grown boy, but his tone was so indifferent.

Cheng Mo always felt a little strange, and asked, "Does my junior have any holidays with me?"

Do you always feel that this little boy doesn't like you very much, even a little prejudiced?
"I'm not familiar with a genius like you, so how could there be any conflicts." Ruan Xiaoli left with lowered eyes.

Cheng Mo was at a loss, and in the end he could only think that maybe the self-esteem of the elementary school was relatively strong, and he had just been scolded by the teacher, and the elementary school boy didn't like people seeing and hearing this scene.

If he had known earlier, he would have left quickly, Cheng Mo was a little depressed.

For the whole afternoon, Cheng Mo was depressed, always thinking of the indifferent appearance of that junior.

Seeing him for the first time, Cheng Mo inexplicably wanted to tease him, but obviously the relationship is a bit...

Hey, I don't want to, I'm not very familiar with it anyway.

Cheng Mo smiled helplessly, completely forgetting all this.

After school, as soon as the school gate opened, a large number of students with backpacks flocked out of the school.

Ruan Xiaoli left the school gate with his schoolbag on his back, and as soon as he arrived at the school gate, he saw a familiar car, and it was Ruan An.

Ruan An recruited her: "Xiao Li."

Many people looked at Ruan Xiaoli.

"Who is that man? Is it Ruan Junli's father?"

"It looks like it turns out that Ruan Junli's father called him Ruan Junli at home. Xiaoli, he is instantly cute."

Ruan Junli is a well-known indifferent boy in school. He is a good-looking school girl, hardly talks to others, and walks alone.

If it was someone else, such a personality and style would definitely be ignored and forgotten, but Ruan Junli's face is so good-looking that it is difficult for people to ignore it.

She doesn't like to talk and walks alone, but it has become a plus point, satisfying the fantasies of many girls.

Compared with the sunny school grass, in fact, more people still like the high-cold school grass. This kind of unattainable feeling can only be seen from a distance and not played with, which is much more exciting.

Ruan Xiaoli walked over.

"Why did you come to pick me up?"

Ruan An: "Just passing by."


In fact, Ruan An asked for leave in the afternoon. After receiving a call from the head teacher in the afternoon, he thought that Ruan Junli would definitely be called to the office by the head teacher, and his daughter must be in a bad mood after being scolded. He should come and see.

Children are the most sensitive at this age, and he should pay more attention to his daughter's mood.

Ruan An opened the door for her: "What do you want to eat tonight, I'll take you out to eat."

"I don't want to eat anything."

"Say the same."


"it is good."



In the evening, Ruan An sent Ruan Xiaoli back to his residence, and said this when he was about to leave.

"Xiao Li, I know that you spend almost all the money I gave you on playing games. It's a good thing to like playing games. People just have to have something they like, otherwise it's really uncomfortable not to have any hobbies."

I know that Ruan An must have something to say to her today, but this father knows very well, don't talk about things when eating, don't talk about things outside, and let the child talk in the most comfortable environment.

Ruan An continued: "I really support you playing games, but playing games can't be a job and can't satisfy your future life. You still have to study hard in class and get into high school, Xiao Li, do you understand?"

He didn't blame the child for playing games, which made Ruan Xiaoli very comfortable.

"Yes, I know."

Ruan An patted her head: "Study hard, our Xiaoli is a smart child at first glance, and he is no worse than anyone else when he is serious."

It is best for Ruan An to explain a few words about daily life and leave.

Xiao Ei tilted his head and asked: "Sooner or later you will take the road of playing e-sports, why didn't you tell you Ruan An that you are going to join the Xia Zhong team?"

"Tell him after you go in. He won't believe what I say now. Instead, he will think that I am obsessed with the game, which makes him feel very headache."

Obviously Ruan An hoped that Ruan Junli would study hard.

Although the path of e-sports has developed well in recent years, most people still have traditional ideas.

I just think that playing games is a pastime and a way to relax. Anyway, it can't be a serious thing, and it can't be a career.

So if you tell Ruan An about entering Xiazhong now, Ruan An will not be happy and proud of her, but will only feel that Ruan Junli is obsessed with games.

Ruan An will be regarded as a very good father in the future, but ordinary social concepts limit him to a certain level, and he cannot accept new things.

He will not believe it until he has really achieved it and put all the results in front of him.

I believe Ruan An will support it.

Xiao Evil: "Then you should try not to be late as much as possible in the future, so as not to be interviewed by the class teacher again, and worry the original owner's father."


Ruan Xiaoli took out his mobile phone and set several alarm clocks, making sure to break the body's "biological clock".

In order not to worry Ruan An, it is not enough to be late, homework is also to be done.

Ruan Xiaoli checked the time, and it was nine o'clock in 15 minutes.

She sorted out her homework. There were too many homework. Even if she knew all the answers, it would take an hour to write them down.

In order to match Ruan Junli's performance, it would take time for her to do it blindly.

After thinking about it, Ruan Xiaoli opened the game and sent a message to Mocheng.

Jun: [Can the game time be postponed by an hour and a half tonight? Start at 10:30. 】

Cheng Mo turned on the computer early, and waited for nine o'clock to come and fight monsters with Jun.

As soon as the computer rang, Cheng Mo hurriedly read the information.


Maybe Jun is in a hurry.

Mo Cheng: [Of course, you can do your business first. 】

Jun: [Yes. 】

In Xia Zhong’s dormitory, Zhang Yi and a few team members moved their chairs to Chengmo’s dormitory early, and they were waiting to see the captain and Jun playing games together.

How do you know that what is waiting is the delayed time.

Zhang Yi: "Isn't it? It's an hour and a half later? Then we have to wait, this guy is a bit disrespectful to the boss."

How to put it, Captain Chengmo is also well-known in the current e-sports circle in country Z.

Usually it's not that the great god invites people to play games together, and others can't wait?
Why is Jun here now, the other party is so indifferent, plus the delay time? ?
Cheng Mo didn't care: "Someone is always in a hurry, so it's okay to wait another hour and a half."

"But captain, don't you have a monthly exam tomorrow morning, don't you plan to go to bed at eleven o'clock today?"

Everyone knows that Chengmo was almost out of the top ten in the whole grade in the last monthly exam, but he has prepared well this month and hopes to stay in the top five of the whole grade.

Among those who play e-sports, there are some students like Cheng Mo who are young and talented.

Hey, they are old.

But they never thought that Captain Chengmo was just fine. Many young people in their 20s in the team admired Chengmo very much.

There is an exam tomorrow, so you must have a good rest the night before the exam.

"It's okay, the twelve o'clock rest will not affect the exam." Cheng Mo still has confidence in the exam.

Zhang Yi smiled and stretched out his hand to touch Cheng Mo's keyboard: "Why don't you ask this Jun what's urgent, and we can tell him to make an appointment tomorrow night. If he says it will be postponed, let's talk about it too. It's a courtesy."

Cheng Mo frowned.

Zhang Yi has already typed.

Mo Cheng: "Is it something urgent? If you have a lot of things to do, let's make an appointment to kill monsters together tomorrow night."

Ruan Xiaoli looked at the computer information, looked at the homework next to him, and replied.

Jun: "Not much, just five homework, it will be done in a little more than an hour."

Zhang Yi was not calm when he saw the reply: "Fuck! The other party is a student?"

What the hell is a genius at a young age?
(End of this chapter)

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