Chapter 476 Was Confessed

Chapter 503 Was Confessed

If you want to do your homework, isn't this a student?

It should be a high school student, probably about the same age as the captain.

The surrounding team members who are over 20 years old are autistic.

"It's just five subjects. I not only feel that the other party is a student, but I also feel the contempt of the bully."


The room was quiet for a while.

The young man on the chair in the middle smiled, and he typed to reply.

Mo Cheng: [You do your homework, there is no rush for games. 】

Jun: [Yes. 】

Cheng Mo thought for a while, the other party was a student, and he played games after finishing his homework, going to bed too late, would it affect the class tomorrow?

He continued typing, Mo Cheng: [Let's not make an appointment tonight, you are a student, it's not good to sleep too late, go to bed early after finishing your homework, we will make an appointment when you have time. 】

After finishing writing, he thought for a while and added: 【I only need to be online, and I have time anytime. 】

Zhang Yi couldn't stand it anymore: "No way, Captain, you take care of him too much."

At this time, Jun on the opposite side replied: [Well, good. 】

I don't know if this Jun's personality is like this, or what, this attitude is too indifferent.

Cheng Mo didn't care, but looking at this Jun's speaking style, he inexplicably remembered some elementary school boy.

Cheng Mo turned off the computer: "The other party is a student, the focus is on studying, we can't let him go to bed so late."

"Captain, you take care of others so much, have you forgotten that you are also a student yourself?"

They are small and big, and many times they will forget that Cheng Mo has just grown up.

He is very mature and caring, and he is very insightful and talented in playing games. These things make people ignore that he has just grown up, and he is actually just a third-year student in high school.

A team member pulled Zhang Yi: "Let's go, let's all go back, don't crowd in the captain's room, the captain has to study hard."

"Let's go, captain, start working hard tomorrow."

In life, without the halo of the game world, the captain is actually their younger brother.

After watching the drama that I didn't have tonight, a group of people left one after another.

There was only one person in the room, so Cheng Mo could review his homework with peace of mind. He finished his homework early, just to wait for nine o'clock to play games with Jun.

"I don't know what high school he is in."

Many people in this server are from City A, I don't know if Jun is, if so, it should be easier to attract the other party to Xia Zhong.

I don't know which school the student is from.

Cheng Mo didn't think it was from his school, and he didn't think that the other party might be a junior high school student, nor did he think that the other party was a girl.
Sometimes a person's appearance and voice can be deceiving, preconceived, and confused all subsequent judgments.
In fact, Ruan Xiaoli can break the rules and write all the correct answers on the homework, but it is guaranteed to cause a lot of trouble the next day.

So Ruan Xiaoli had a headache, and wrote a lot...

Scribbling really requires technical content. Ruan Xiaoli knows the correct answer when he looks at the question, but he has to rack his brains to write the wrong answer.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't know how many student parties he would piss off with this mental activity.

I thought it would take more than an hour, but it took just over an hour to do the five homework carefully.

After finishing your homework, let's go to bed. Get up early tomorrow and go to school. You must not be late.

Ruan Xiaoli lay on the bed after washing, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, because at this point the original owner was playing games.

The original owner loves to play games, but he won't stay up all night playing games, but he won't sleep so early either...

In the end...the lights in the room came back on, she casually scratched her short hair, hugged a pillow, sat down on a chair and turned on the computer to play games.

As soon as she went online, someone invited her to form a team to play games.

Ruan Xiaoli refused everything, she is a lone ranger, she prefers the feeling of fighting against the big boss by herself.

And she can beat the boss by herself, no need to form a team at all.

Some people may think that playing games like this is very lonely, but Ruan Junli likes it like this, and occasionally forms a team with someone because the other party has some bright spots.

Cheng Mo was reviewing his homework when Zhang Yi suddenly sent a message.

"Captain, Jun is online to play games, didn't he say he was doing his homework?"

Didn't it mean that the five-subject homework would take more than an hour?Why are you playing games online now?
Xueba finished his homework ahead of time?
Zhang Yi is very worried that the other party is deliberately releasing pigeons, because the other party's attitude has been very indifferent so far.

I don't know if there are people from other teams joining him besides the captain?

Cheng Mo opened the game, and sure enough, he saw Jun was online.

He didn't know why, so he sent a message to meddle in his own business.

Mo Cheng: [I have to go to school tomorrow morning, so don't play games too late. 】

Ruan Xiaoli was playing well, and was stunned when he saw this message.

Xiao E: "Tsk tsk, people who don't know think you are very familiar."

The hero in this world is not aloof.

Jun: [Yes. 】

Xiao Evil looked at Ruan Xiaoli's reply: "Aren't you being too indifferent?"

Although Ruan Xiaoli usually talks like this.

Ruan Xiaoli thought for a while and tapped the keyboard again: [You are in the third year of high school, don't play games too late at night. 】

Mo Cheng: [Well, thank you for reminding me. 】

Little Evil: "..."

It was a strange dialogue, but the two princesses didn't seem to find it strange.

Ruan Xiaoli swiped a wave of monsters, and at eleven o'clock he forced himself to turn off the computer.

In fact, she has no enthusiasm for games, it is the subconsciousness of the original owner's body.

go to bed.


The next day, Ruan Xiaoli almost didn't wake up. When she woke up, she didn't eat any food and went out with her schoolbag on her back.

I am not late today, and all my homework has been handed in.

When the head teacher was in class, he glanced at Ruan Xiaoli with a slight praise in his eyes.

"I've read the homework you handed in. You've made progress. If you work hard, it's possible to greatly improve your grades before the senior high school entrance examination."


Ruan Xiaoli nodded lightly.

Many girls in the class all looked over here, and many of them were fascinated by it.

Ruan Junli is really good-looking, but he doesn't like to talk.

Ruan Xiaoli thought that he would live an ordinary day and just play games at home.

Unexpectedly, during recess, female students from other classes came to confess to her!
Ruan Xiaoli was going to sleep on her stomach when she suddenly felt that someone had found her. When she looked up, she saw a cute and petite girl standing by her desk.

She seemed very nervous, she lowered her head and asked, "Ruan... Ruan Junli, I like you, I have liked you for a long time."

After she finished speaking, she seemed very shy. She didn't know how to say the follow-up words, so she quickly put a small pink envelope on Ruan Xiaoli's table, and then ran away shyly.

Ruan Xiaoli: "..."

Xiao Evil covered his face: "Don't be afraid, the original owner has been confessed by people every three days, and people will ask to add friends while walking on the road."


(End of this chapter)

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