Chapter 477 Rejecting Girls
Chapter 504 Rejecting Girls
The girls around all showed jealous eyes while watching the show.

"Which class did that girl belong to just now? It's too impolite to skip classes casually."

"The girl just now is cuter than the girl last time. I don't know what type of girl Ruan Junli likes."

The boys are not calm.

Someone reminded: "Did you forget that Ruan Junli is a girl? How could she like girls?"

"You need to remind me, of course we know that Ruan Junli is a girl."

A boy curled his lips: "I don't think you know it at all. You are crazy about others every day, and a bunch of girls come to class to confess your love."

"Hmph, I think you are just jealous that student Ruan Junli is more handsome than you, and all the girls are prettier than you."


I don't know how many times this kind of dialogue farce has appeared.

Ruan Xiaoli looked at the pink letter and finally threw it into the trash can.

If you don't like the other party, don't give the other party any hope.

Although it hurts to lose someone's heart, it's better than being misunderstood and hurt a second time.

The envelope was thrown into the trash can, and several female students were secretly happy when they saw this scene.

Sure enough, Ruan Junli didn't like that girl.

There is physical education class in the afternoon, and the school stipulates that other teachers cannot occupy the physical education class of the students. Countless students cheered on this point.

In physical education class, there are two classes on the playground together.

Stand alone on one side of the playground, and run back and forth together when running.

Ruan Xiaoli is wearing a simple sportswear today, with a slender figure. She is more than 1.7 meters tall, and she is dressed in a neutral dress. No matter how you look at it, she is a handsome boy.

It is particularly eye-catching on the playground.

The girls in another class all stared at her.

Today I have to run 800 meters in physical education class. After the run, I almost ask everyone to bring equipment to play.

When Ruan Xiaoli was running, many girls were screaming and cheering.

This made Ruan Xiaoli slightly uncomfortable.

Little Evil: "Small scene, small scene."

Ruan Xiaoli understood deeply why Xiao Evil said that Ruan Junli was a famous school grassroots.

finish running.

The physical education teacher registered the time results: "There are more than 20 minutes left, everyone is free to move around, and if you want to play with any equipment, follow the class representative to the equipment room to get it."

Hear the cheers of all the free movement.

The weather is very hot today, except for the boys who went to pick up basketballs in high spirits, the girls basically went under the tree in piles.

Ruan Xiaoli was embarrassed.

She doesn't like sports, she doesn't like playing basketball, and she doesn't like to stand with the girls. She goes to sit on the stone steps by herself.

This side is under the shade of a tree, and the stone steps are fairly clean. The young man is sitting on the stone steps, with no place to rest his long legs.

A group of girls pushed a girl hesitantly.

"Qingqing, didn't you confess your love this morning? Right now, student Ruan Junli is sitting there alone. You can go over there."

"Yeah, go over and ask him what he thinks after reading the letter."

"But...but I'm afraid...I'm so nervous." The girl blushed, confessing that she had exhausted all her courage.

"Don't be afraid, love is won over, you have to be as brave as you were in the morning, maybe classmate Ruan Junli is waiting for you to go there." Other students said.

Su Qing was very happy when she heard this, but she still pretended to be shy: "How could she be waiting for me to pass, maybe Ruan Junli doesn't even know who I am."

"How could it be? When you were squeezed in line last time, he was still supporting you. He must have noticed you long ago."

Su Qing blushed extremely: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Okay, don't be shy, hurry up and go."

Several people persuaded, Su Qing finally tidied up her clothes and walked over in small steps.

Ruan Xiaoli was sitting on the stone steps waiting for get out of class to end, when she looked up and saw someone coming, she frowned slightly.

Su Qing came over: "Ruan Junli, I...can I sit here?"

She pointed to the side stone steps.

Ruan Xiaoli: "Yes."

This is not my territory, others can sit if they want, but this girl looks familiar.

Xiao Evil reminded: "The girl who confessed to you in the morning."


Su Qing sat down on the side, a little closer to Ruan Xiaoli. When she sat down, the short skirt she was wearing spread out, and the clothes almost touched the boy next to her.

Ruan Xiaoli rolled his eyes.

Su Qing was shy, clutching her skirt: "Ruan Junli, did you read the letter I sent you this morning?"


"Ah... well, then go back and take a good look, okay? I wrote it seriously, and what I told you is also true. I have been following you for a long time, and I like you very much."

Su Qing spoke very sweetly, and she was shy just right. If she was a boy, she would definitely fall in love with her, but Ruan Xiaoli is not a boy.

Ruan Xiaoli couldn't help but sneered, her handsome face was smiling: "I'm sorry, I lost your letter a long time ago, so I can't read it seriously, and I don't like your type of letter." girl."

Her smile was cold, especially hurtful.

Su Qing saw her serious coldness clearly, and immediately turned pale: "Why? Why did you throw away my letter, you, can you tell me what type of girl you like? I can become what you like , I will try my best to become what you like."

Ruan Xiaoli finally understood the feeling of being pestered by strange girls.

Why is this girl so stubborn?

It seems that I am not bad enough.

Ruan Xiaoli smirked: "I don't like what you become, this classmate, you disturbed my rest."

I don't like what you become, give up.

Su Qing's eyes were filled with tears in an instant, as if she had been bullied greatly.

And many people around have noticed this, and some people are already laughing.

But some boys frowned. It was too much for Ruan Junli to bully girls just because of his good looks.

"If you refuse others, you just refuse. Why do you say it's too much?" a boy said.

Ruan Xiaoli raised his head with a smile in his black eyes: "May I ask which sentence is too much?"

Is it just right? It can make the other party give up, but not make the other party feel too humiliated.

The boy was speechless.

In the end, several female classmates supported Su Qing to leave, and the farce ended.

Ruan Xiaoli breathed a sigh of relief, she got up and wanted to sit in another quieter place.

As soon as she stood up, she saw the high school class in the playground next door, and several boys sitting on the stone steps of a flower bed next door, including Cheng Mo...

Ruan Xiaoli looked at the distance, they should not be able to hear it.

I only heard a boy next door say.

"Are all junior high school students so precocious now? No one confessed to me in high school, and even junior high school students who have not grown hair have confessed."

(End of this chapter)

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