Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 478 Watching 2 Big Bosses Brush Bosses

Chapter 478 Watching the Two Big Bosses Brush the Boss
Chapter 505 Watching the Two Big Bosses Brush the Boss
Ruan Xiaoli: "."

The little evil snickered: "It seems that this distance can be heard from the next door."

The two playgrounds are connected, and there is a flower bed between the stone steps on both sides. If you speak louder, you can definitely hear it.

When Ruan Xiaoli turned his head, he saw Cheng Mo looking back at him, with a smile in his eyes, obviously hearing what he said just now.

The boy rolled his eyes at the high school boy opposite him, got up and left.

So what if you hear it, anyway, it's not something to be ashamed of, obviously some seniors on the other side are sour.

"I'm stupid, what kind of eyes did that elementary school boy just now have? Do you despise us?"

"It's amazing to be chased by someone. He's not just a brat. Brother Cheng is also often confessed by girls. Do you think he's the only one who is popular with girls?"

This tone is still sour.

Cheng Mo was pulled out by his classmates out of nowhere, feeling a little helpless.

Cheng Mo got up, the smile on his face was gone, he said lightly: "get out of class is about to end."

Class was about to end, and people from the playground on both sides gathered one after another.
After school in the afternoon, the first thing Ruan Xiaoli does when he returns home is to do his homework. I have to say that the homework in the third year of junior high school is not ordinary, especially in this kind of key middle school.

It took an hour for Ruan Xiaoli to finish a pile of homework.

Then I hurried to cook a noodle to eat, and beat an egg to be more nutritious.

After eating, the time is 08:30, which is just right. I can play games for a while at this time.

Turning on the computer, she looked at the friend list as soon as she was online, and Mo Cheng's profile picture was lit up.

Jun:【Are you free?Brush bosses. 】

In Xia Zhong's dormitory, Cheng Mo turned on the computer and read a book. He was waiting for Jun to find him. When the news rang, the boy smiled unconsciously.

Mo Cheng: [If you're free, what are you doing? 】

I have been looking forward to it for a long time, and finally I can play a game with Jun up close and live to see his talent and hand speed.

Ruan Xiaoli thought for a while, and asked the other party to go to Jinghu.

The boss of Mirror Lake is a water monster that can lurk at the bottom of the lake. It has a particularly strong attack power and is a long-range attack monster. Because it is covered by the lake water, its hiding ability is very strong, which greatly makes up for its deficiencies in defense.

Few people go to this dungeon, because if they want to do it, the team members must be masters, and they must all be masters of long-range attacks.

Cheng Mo has played many games, and the original owner has observed that Cheng Mo is a typical long-range attacker.

The original owner also likes long-range attacks, so in the original plot, she would choose to go to Xiazhong, where Chengmo is.

Mo Cheng: 【Alright, let's form a team. 】

Two people team up, and it's clear they both want to play with each other and don't want to join anyone else.

Jun: [Yes. 】

If the team is successfully formed, their information will instantly appear on the world page of the service area.

During this period of time, many people were forming teams, and the names of the teams were constantly swiping on the interface, but some people still noticed the information of these two big shots.

People on the street are frying pans.

[Fuck, what just slid over? 】

[I saw it, Mo Cheng and Jun teamed up successfully, and they made a copy of Jinghu Lake?Mocheng, Jun, am I not mistaken? 】

[I don't have the same id, I saw it too, what the fuck, the two bosses quietly made an appointment to spawn monsters together, what a peerless show this is. 】

[Stop talking, I'm afraid that Jinghu Lake will be overwhelmed, so I'm going to hope to stand in the front row to watch the show. 】

The people on the street had already left halfway at some point, each player clicked on the map, and all went to Jinghu to watch a play.

Who doesn't like to watch this show.

The youngest team captain in the history of the mid-summer training camp, the genius Cheng Mo, and the recently famous hand speed genius Jun Yueguai, how could they not watch the excitement.

The boss is playing games, it looks like he is enjoying himself.

Hua Lin was just about to start daily training when the coach suddenly entered the training room.

"Tonight's training is cancelled, and everyone is going to Jinghu."

A trainer in his 40s, dressed in black, entered.

Liu Yuqi put down her earphones: "Why are you going to Jinghu all of a sudden?"

This coach is Liu Yuqi's father, he always has a sullen face, serious, Liu Yuqi is a little afraid of him.

Coach Liu said: "Chengmo and Jun formed a team to spawn monsters in Jinghu Lake. You guys should go and watch it. You must gain something after watching it."

I have gained something, and after reading it, I still have the kind to write a report.

There must be something to watch for Cheng Mo to brush monsters, but what Jun looks like depends on what happens next.

Coach Liu turned on the main computer and projected the computer screen of captain Liu Feng. It was obvious that Coach Liu wanted to stay and watch.

This Jun obviously has a very high hand speed, but I don’t know if there are other areas that are excellent. If he is very game, I don’t know if they can grab this person.

Coach Liu: "Liu Feng, have you added Jun's friend yet?"

Captain Liu Feng shook his head lightly.

It was not added, and now it is obvious that the people in Xia Zhong added it.
"It's okay, just look at Jun's performance in Jinghu. If he is really a talent, I will go to him personally. He hasn't entered the middle of the summer yet. We still have a chance."

Liu Yuqi heard these words, and there was a trace of injustice in her eyes, this person who joined Xia Zhong, why didn't they join Hua Lin?

Hua Lin is no better than Xia Zhong.

Liu Yuqi secretly sent a friend request.

Mirror Lake, the two were by the lake, and after a while, many players appeared around.

Obviously, these players didn't come to play monsters, they came to watch the show.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled, sure enough, where there is a hero, it will cause a sensation.

Xiao Evil curled his lips: "It's not just the male protagonist who caused the onlookers, but you are also part of it, okay? You are also the main character."

Although it is the main role supporting the hero.

Mo Cheng: [There are a lot of people, let's call near the center of the lake later. 】

The center of the lake is actually a dangerous area.

It is best to brush this boss by the lake, if there is danger, you can retreat to the shore.

Ruan Xiaoli was about to reply, when she suddenly saw a notification about adding friends, she basically ignored other people's notifications, but what was that ID just now?
Yu Feier?
The id of the heroine of the world?
The hostess added herself, do you want to add?
Of course it was added. Apart from competing with the world's male protagonists, my task is also to be angry with the female protagonists occasionally.

Xiao Evil: "The summary is perfect, let's add it."

Ruan Xiaoli quickly agreed, and then realized that Mocheng was talking to him.

She quickly replied: [Lake Center is good, I like it. 】

These words are indescribably wanton and arrogant, a kind of youthful uninhibited feeling.

Cheng Mo doesn't think the other party is arrogant, but rather likes people with this personality.

Immediately afterwards, the two game characters flew to the center of the mirror lake, and stepped on the lake under control.

The people on the shore are not calm anymore.

[Fuck, they plan to fight in the center of the lake. If the control is not good, the boss will come out from the bottom of the lake, and they will have nowhere to hide! 】

[Is this boss planning to play like this, or is it because we blocked the battlefield by the shore? 】

(End of this chapter)

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