Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 487 Invite Junior Brother 1 to Play Games Together

Chapter 487 Inviting Junior Brothers to Play Games Together
Chapter 514 Inviting Junior Brothers to Play Games Together
Ruan Xiaoli felt that he didn't have too much contact with Chengmo, and he didn't deliberately do anything about it.

Why does Chengmo feel attracted to him again?
Why is the hero of the world always attracted to him? This is the question that Ruan Xiaoli has been asking for a long time.

Xiao Evil was also puzzled, but after taking a look at Ruan Xiaoli, he said, "Xiao Li, you certainly don't know how attractive you are, and people will feel good at just looking at you."

Ruan Xiaoli is very good, Xiao E thinks that she will attract the male protagonist of the world and make him crooked, it's normal!
You can't tell what's good about her, but she's just charming.


Ruan Xiaoli was a little confused and at a loss.

Xiao Evil: "You don't need to think about this problem carefully, maybe some things have already been determined in the dark."

As for the male protagonist who is always attracted and crooked, Xiao Evil thinks that it is good to let nature take its course, there is no need to avoid it, and there is no need to deliberately do it.

Because anyway, this matter will not affect the villain's mission, nor will it affect its earning points, hehe.

Being bullied, Cheng Mo smiled lightly and said, "Well, it's very free."

"Don't worry about being idle, don't worry about me, okay? Don't seniors have a competition at the end of the year? Shouldn't there be high-intensity training every day at this time? Why are you so idle?"

End of the year game?

Ordinary players basically don't pay attention to e-sports competitions.

Only those who are diehard players, or those who pursue the e-sports spirit, will pay close attention to the game time.

Chengmo knows that Ruan Junli likes to play games, because last time he was criticized by the teacher because he was late for class because of playing games.

Love to play games is different from paying attention to these games.

Cheng Mo asked: "What role do you usually play? Are you not good at anything?"

He was just curious about what Ruan Junli was playing, maybe they could play games together in the future.

Cheng Mo also often plays games with a few boys he knows in class, none of them are professional e-sports players, they just play games in general, friendship between boys.

"Why do you ask this? Could it be that the senior wants to play games with me?"

"Well, I want to invite you to play together." Cheng Mo nodded.

Ruan Xiaoli lowered his head and took a sip of the soup. It could be seen that Cheng Mo was simply asking, and wanted to make a simple game appointment with her.

He didn't associate her with Jun at all.

It's fine if you don't think about it, Ruan Xiaoli doesn't want to lose his vest so quickly, it would be boring to lose his vest so quickly.

The young boy said hoarsely: "I won't play with you, it's no fun to play with professional players."

Cheng Mo thought that he was worried that when he was playing games, he would crush him, leaving him no room to play.

"Professional players are also gamers. I usually play games to relax. I am no different from ordinary wild players. I only spare no effort during competitions and training."

Under Cheng Mo's expectant eyes, Ruan Xiaoli smiled: "But I just don't want to play with you."

It's useless to say more, I just won't play with you.

Wouldn't it be exposing my vest to play with you?
Ruan Xiaoli had finished all the soup in the bowl, and didn't eat any noodles.

She stood up: "Boss, how much is my noodles?"

"Six dollars."

Ruan Xiaoli scanned the QR code and paid the money: "I'm leaving first."

Cheng Mo just watched the boy go away, he felt a little depressed, why didn't he want to play with him?

He can take him to brush points, and he can also teach him how to deal with bosses
To be honest, for a moment just now, Cheng Mo actually fantasized about the scene of himself playing games with his elementary school brother, and taking him with him every day...


In the afternoon, Ruan Xiaoli slept all afternoon, wearing winter pajamas wrapped in a big quilt.

In the evening, she was woken up by the heat, her face was flushed with sweat, and her body was covered with sweat.

But it really feels effective, except for some hot and sticky, she has recovered.

Went to take a shower and felt refreshed.

When he regained his energy, Ruan Xiaoli felt itchy and wanted to play games.

Xiao Evil said coldly: "Sleep."


After sleeping all day, I really couldn't sleep at night, Ruan Xiaoli lay on the bed several times trying to get up and play games.

Little Evil: "Rest, sleep."

"...Xiao Evil, don't you want points?"

"Heh, it's like how many points you can earn me by getting up and playing a game of games. Am I the kind of person who lacks points?" Xiaozheng said disdainfully.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled directly on the bed while holding his stomach.

Little Evil is cute.

Since Xiao Evil doesn't care about points, Ruan Xiaoli also tried her best to restrain her body's desire to play games, counting sheep on the bed.

Counting sheep abruptly until the middle of the night before slowly falling asleep.

The next morning, she woke up just after dawn.

After waking up, Ruan Xiaoli didn't feel any pain in his head, and his throat felt much better, and the disease went away quickly.

After she washed up, she cooked a bowl of noodles for herself, and ate up a large bowl of noodles.

As long as the appetite is restored, the body will recover quickly.

Ruan An called and asked Ruan Xiaoli what he would like to eat for lunch, and he bought vegetables and came to cook for her.

Ruan Xiaoli: "Stewed pork ribs, Chinese yam..."

"Okay, I have written down what you said. I will come over at noon. Remember not to cook by yourself." Ruan An said.


After hanging up the phone, Ruan Xiaoli sat down at the computer desk, turned on the computer and logged in to the game.

As soon as I logged in, I saw a few messages.

Mo Cheng: 【Suddenly went offline last night, is there something urgent? 】

Mo Cheng: [Are you free at 09:30?Let's go kill the Tianniao boss and try to break your record yesterday. 】

Mo Cheng: [It's 09:30, you haven't logged in yet, you're probably busy with other things, then I'll meet you again when I'm free. 】

Cheng Mo sent two messages.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't go online last night, so he didn't see these.

09:30 About to brush the sky bird?
Did Cheng Mo wait until 09:30?
Ruan Xiaoli typed and replied: [I have time the night after tomorrow, let's brush Tianniao. 】

After replying, she exited the page. Apart from Cheng Mo's message, there were also several messages from the heroine.

Yu Feier: 【Last night you went offline in a hurry, I still want to chat with you, are you free tonight?Let's keep dating. 】

[Playing games with you, I made a breakthrough last night, and the coach even praised me. 】

[Why is this point not online yet? When do you usually play games? 】

[Jun, do you consider coming to our Hualin for the exam? Hualin is short of a long-range attack hand speed genius like you. If you come, I will definitely give you the best training resources. 】

The hostess sent a lot of messages.

The hostess is inviting her to Hualin.

Hualin is indeed good. In fact, it is best for Ruan Jun to leave Hualin, because she will occupy the best position if she goes to Hualin. Hualin has no talented players with long-range attacks, and Hualin needs her kind of players very much.

But Xia Zhong is different, Xia Zhong has Cheng Mo, and Ruan Jun's departure can only be regarded as adding wings to a tiger, not the only one.

"I can't bear it, the original owner just likes challenges, and just wants to be in the same team as Chengmo."

Ruan Xiaoli carefully thought about how to reply to the heroine, and how to refuse to be perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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