Chapter 488 Is Also Sick
Chapter 515 Is Also Sick
Ruan Xiaoli thought for a while, and quickly typed a reply.

Jun: [Actually, when I decided to show my strength, I already thought about where I was going. I already had a goal. I weighed it again these days, and my goal is still the same. Sorry, I don’t know. Will come to Hualin. 】

The best rejection is to tell the truth. As for how to understand it, it depends on the other party.

The implication is that her goal is not Hualin, and she weighed it over the past few days or continue to choose the place she wants to go.

This answer is to the point, to be honest.

Ruan Xiaoli planned to spend the day alone and play monsters casually.

In fact, she also has time to play tonight. As for why the reply to Chengmo just now is to play tomorrow night?
It's not that she is afraid of catching a cold and affecting her condition. She will definitely be in good condition tomorrow night.

Just play with yourself this day and this evening.

The original owner, Ruan Junli, also often plays by himself, fighting monsters silently. After killing monsters personally, there will be no notifications on the world bullet screen, and the bullet screen will only report the team's results.

So this is why Ruan Junli has played the game so well for so long but no one knows about this big guy.

The boss is a loner and keeps a low profile.

It's hard to make a high profile just to achieve my lofty goal and enter a professional team.

Ruan Xiaoli thinks that Chengmo should get up for school at this point, and the computer should not be turned on online.

But when she just clicked on the map and was about to go to hunt monsters, Cheng Mo actually went online and replied to her.

Mo Cheng: 【I also have time tomorrow night. I've already found the Tianniao boss strategy. Let's add a friend and I'll send it to you. By the way, you can see if there is anything that needs to be added or revised in this battle plan. 】

Some professional players will have their own style of play against each boss.

Before spawning a monster, they will record all the characteristics of the monster in advance, and then think about how they should fight it.

Ordinary players would also think about this, but just think about it in a hurry, and adapt to the situation when spawning monsters, they will not have such a meticulous plan.

Master Chengmo has all the strategies, who wouldn't want to watch it?
Jun: [Okay. 】

In this way, the two of them joined the social software from friends in the game.

Cheng Mo sent her the strategy.

Jun's social software avatar is her character, an antique handsome man.

"This is a strategy I wrote down a long time ago, you can see if there is anything that needs to be modified."

How could the master Chengmo's strategy need to be revised.

Ruan Xiaoli opened the file and was a little fascinated. Once again, he sighed that the hero of the world is indeed the hero of the world. As long as this strategy is well executed, there is no suspense to break the record.

"I don't see what needs to be modified in the master's strategy, I just see it is good."

Seeing this reply, Cheng Mo couldn't help laughing: "You can also write some strategies for some bosses, everyone's views on how to play in the game are different."


Cheng Mo is about to go to school. He lived in a house near the school last night, so he doesn't have to go to school so early today.

Cheng Mo suddenly remembered that the other party was also a student, shouldn't he turn on the computer at this point?Don't you want to rush to school?

Cheng Mo turned off the computer and went out with his mobile phone, sending messages to the other party on his mobile phone while walking.

"You should rest for a while in the morning and don't play games. You have to go to school at this point, so be careful not to be late."

Jun: "I asked for leave, don't worry about being late today."

asked for leave?
"Why did you ask for leave?"

Generally, the reason why students ask for leave is almost because they are not feeling well, Cheng Mo thought.

At this moment, the mobile phone in the boy's hand vibrated, and Cheng Mo looked down at the message.

Jun: "I have a cold."

No wonder, I would ask for leave and stay at home when I have a cold.

Cheng Mo suddenly remembered that when he played games that night, he suddenly went offline, and his speed also dropped significantly during the game, which must be caused by illness.

Cheng Mo stood at the intersection and waited for the traffic light, the school was opposite.

The sun was quite basking in the morning this morning. It rained suddenly two days ago to cool down, and today it started to heat up again.

Jun's hand speed slowed down because he had a cold, and Cheng Mo suddenly thought of that elementary school boy who also had a cold, his voice was so hoarse, and he was listless.

Cheng Mo smiled, neither of these two people can take care of themselves.

Cheng Mo bowed his head and typed: "If you are at home on leave, you should have a good rest. Don't play games all the time. Let's put off tomorrow night's dungeon, and play again when you recover from illness."

Jun: "No, it's almost done."

Since the other party said so, Cheng Mo couldn't forcefully say to postpone it.

Cheng Mo: "Well, that's good, I'll stop talking after I go to class."


Ruan Xiaoli put the phone aside, then turned on the computer to refresh the copy.

It is impossible for a person who likes to play games to take a good rest.

She is full of energy now, except that her voice is a little hoarse, and she doesn't seem to be sick at all.

Ruan Xiaoli played the game alone all morning. After all, many people added her, and many people invited her to form a team, but she refused all of them.

Simply go to the deep mountains and old forests, don't go to places with many players, otherwise it will easily attract crowds.

Ruan Xiaoli prefers to fight monsters seriously by himself, and doesn't like to be surrounded by a bunch of people.

At noon, Ruan An came over with a bunch of bought vegetables. When he saw Ruan Xiaoli, Ruan An scolded her for not being able to take care of herself, and for not telling him in time when she was sick.

After saying a few words, Ruan An went to the kitchen to cook.

The father and daughter had lunch together, Ruan An's cooking skills were very good, and Ruan Xiaoli ate a big bowl of rice.

Ruan An left in the afternoon, he was busy with work, and when he left, he transferred thousands of dollars to Ruan Xiaoli, telling her to eat more good food and take care of her body.

In the afternoon Ruan Xiaoli took a nap, got up and resumed playing games.

It was slowly getting dark.

The good thing about Ruan An's past visits is that every time he comes, he cooks a table full of dishes, and if he can't finish eating, he puts them in the refrigerator, so Ruan Xiaoli can eat several meals in a row.

For example, there is no need to cook tonight, Ruan Xiaoli can just heat up the food and eat it.

Eating alone, the house is quiet.

Sometimes such a picture makes people feel sad and lonely, and sometimes such a picture makes people feel comfortable and comfortable.

What kind of feeling depends on what kind of mood.

Ruan Xiaoli is in a good mood now, she is eating slowly and playing with her mobile phone by herself.

After eating, I continued to sit in front of the computer.

At this time, Yu Feier suddenly sent a message.

Yu Feier: [Did you never plan to come to Hualin from the beginning?Then why do you want to grab my blame? I thought you were attracting our attention, but now you think you are using Hualin to become famous and attract various teams to poach you? 】

(End of this chapter)

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