Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 493 Convincing Ruan An

Chapter 493 Convincing Ruan An
Chapter 520 Convincing Ruan An
Now that they have agreed to enter Xiazhong, it will be a matter of time before they meet.

So Ruan Xiaoli didn't refuse at all.

"Okay, let's meet at the playground at noon tomorrow."

"it is good."

The two chatted briefly for a few words and then stopped talking, after all, it was already very late.

Chengmo sent a message to the coach before going to bed. As the captain, he typed out a basic information form to fill in for Jun to find out about Jun's situation.

It would be great if the contract can be signed this weekend.

I don't know what time Jun will agree with his parents to come to Xiazhong headquarters to sign the contract.

Ruan Xiaoli checked the time, she packed up the computer desk and went to sleep.

I didn't call Ruan An until I woke up the next morning.

It's best not to send a message about this kind of thing, it's better to make it clear on the phone.

In fact, it is best to say it face to face, but it is a pity that Ruan An has to work and he is on a business trip again.

When Ruan An heard Ruan Xiaoli said that he was going to sign a contract with the e-sports company, he was completely dumbfounded.

"No...Xiao Li, are you sure the other party is not a liar? I know you like to play games, but you can't just sign a contract for this kind of thing. You didn't send your ID card to the other party, so don't leak your contact. The way, and the place to live, let alone let others know that you live alone..."

The man on the other side started talking incessantly.

Ruan An completely regarded Xia Zhong as a fraud company, and then taught Ruan Xiaoli not to leak information and to protect himself.

Ruan Xiaoli waited for him to finish, and said helplessly: "Father, Xiazhong's headquarters is in City A, and I will go to their company to sign the contract. You can go and see for yourself when the time comes."

"No, who knows if it's a foreskin company. People like them are just trying to catch the gap in your immaturity that you like to play games and deceive people."



Ruan An: "Let me ask you, do they praise you for being talented, say that you are very suitable for this path, and say that you are talented?"

Ruan Xiaoli thought for a while: "Yes."

"Then let's talk about entering their company, you don't need to pay, but they will pay you a salary, and they will focus on training you. You are talented. Did they tell you so?"


"Liar, this is a trick, do you know, Xiao Li, just listen to your father and ignore them. If they continue to harass you, call your father immediately, and your father will be right back."

Xiao Evil was already laughing so hard in the space.

Ruan Xiaoli was helpless, but she also let Ruan An finish all the words.

Ruan Xiaoli took out his mobile phone and sent out many documents.

"Dad, take a look at what I sent you."

Ruan An didn't understand the game industry at all, nor did he understand e-sports companies.

But anyway, I am also a worker, and I often travel on business and get in touch with various things.

Whether a company is a real company or not, he can tell by sending him the business license and various information.

Ruan An glanced at the sent message, and the other end of the phone fell silent.

What Ruan Xiaoli sent to Ruan An was Xia Zhong's company registration information and all business information, as well as their company's achievements.

Ruan An was silent. He vaguely understood that this was a real company. At the same time, he secretly checked Xia Zhong with his mobile phone.

Xia Zhong is well-known domestically, and even internationally, so you can find it out just by looking it up.

Ruan An won a quick tour, and then said: "Xiaoli, do you really want to take this road? This road is not as easy as you think, and have you ever thought that after you retire What are you going to do?"

He doesn't understand this, but he still knows the reason why e-sports players eat young.

It's really good to turn something you like into a career, but games can't last a lifetime.

Ruan Xiaoli replied seriously: "Father, even if I enter this company, I will study at the same time, and I will not fall behind in my studies, and you also know my current grades... It is difficult to rely on a good school, but I will still work hard, even if I only get the second one in the college entrance examination, I will still study and study subjects instead of just taking the path of e-sports.

My life will be divided into two parts, one part is studying social work like a normal person, and the other part is e-sports. "

It was very quiet over there, and it took several seconds to hear his voice.

"But you will be very tired in this way. You will be working hard in two directions at the same time. You will have to spend several times more time than others, and you will be very tired."

"But in this way, I have one more choice than others. If one path is not well followed, then the other is not the only choice."

It was the first time for Ruan An to hear her daughter speak so seriously. In her words, she could clearly understand that her mind was very clear, and she had already thought clearly.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't know what the other party was thinking, she continued: "Father, besides studying, I usually play games at home. In the future, I will also play games at other times besides studying. In fact, the essence is the same."

"It's not the same. You are very relaxed playing games now, but when you enter an e-sports company, you will be under pressure to play games. Can you still maintain your enthusiasm and love?"

Ruan Xiaoli smiled lightly: "I'm sure I can answer now, and I think I will answer yes in the future, but the best answer should be to give it a try and let you see my answer in the process. Can or can't,

Dad, you can actually give it a try, and I really like games. It is a rare thing to be able to turn my hobby into a career. "

"Hey." A man's sigh came from the other end of the phone.

In the end, Ruan An let go: "Okay, if you want to try it, you can go, but don't sign a contract with them now. When I come back from a business trip, I will accompany you to their company."

There are traps everywhere in the capitalist's contract, how can a child understand it, Ruan An decided to personally check it out for his daughter.


Ruan Xiaoli knew that she could persuade Ruan An, but when she heard that the other party really agreed, she could feel the joy in her heart.

"Okay, never sign a contract blindly."

Ruan An: "Okay, okay, are you out now? Don't be late for school today, late, everything I just said doesn't count."

"Already gone out."

Ruan Xiaoli ran out with his backpack.

When you are in a lucky mood, the traffic lights are always green, Ruan Xiaoli ran to the opposite school unimpeded, and entered the moment the school gate closed.


The security guard took a look: "You were almost late again, I haven't registered your name for a long time, hey."


Ruan Xiaoli heard the word disappointment from the security guard's tone.


Ruan Xiaoli heard the sound of a young man laughing, she turned her head and saw Cheng Mo who was locked outside the door.


Cheng Mo was late.

(End of this chapter)

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