Chapter 494

Chapter 521

Ruan Xiaoli watched the play with his pockets in his hands.

Anyway, it's not so early for self-study so early, and it's rare to see the hero of the world coming late, how can we not watch this kind of scene lively.

Cheng Mo stood outside the door with a smile. He heard the security guard's regretful tone just now, so he couldn't help laughing out loud.

The security guard turned around when he heard the voice, and immediately showed a big smile: "Oh, someone is late today! Come, come, and write down which class you are in."

The security guard skillfully took out a notebook from the drawer and handed over a pen.

Cheng Mo felt a little headache when he saw that book, since he was a child, he was late for school for the first time today.

Even though he has to train every night in the company for the past few years, he can get up early for school and has never been late.

But today was late.

Because he suffered from insomnia last night, and because Jun agreed to join Xia Zhong, he was so happy that he lost sleep.

Obviously he didn't have much contact with Jun, just played a game, but he was really curious about Jun, and he was very happy that he could join Xia Zhong.

With Jun joining, the future training life will definitely be more interesting.

Thinking of these things, Cheng Mo couldn't fall asleep. He kept his eyes open all night, and only fell asleep at dawn. When he woke up, he found that the time was already...

So late today.

Ruan Xiaoli raised his eyebrows: "Senior, if you are late, you have to memorize your name honestly. You can't do something special just because you are a game genius or a famous person."

It’s not too big to watch the bustle.

She smiled exceptionally brightly, and her delicate facial features overflowed with happy emotions.

Cheng Mo was dazzled by his smile, and finally picked up the note handed over by the security guard and wrote down his class name.

The security guard also recognized who he was.

"You're Chengmo. It's the first time I've seen a Miyoshi student be late for so many years. This is only allowed once. Don't be late again next time. I don't want your name to be in this book for the second time," said the security guard.

Cheng Mo nodded gently: "Well, I will definitely pay attention in the future."

The security guard pressed the remote control and opened the door again: "You two hurry back to class, it's time for morning self-study."

"it is good."

Cheng Mo quickly stepped into the school gate.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled, turned and left.

Walking through the long main road, the junior high school is on the left, and the high school is on the right.

The two kept a short distance and walked on the main road.

Cheng Mo could feel that the elementary school boy in front was in a good mood, and he ran after her with long legs: "Seeing that I'm late, are you in such a good mood?"

"Who said I'm in a good mood because I saw you late?" Ruan Xiaoli raised his head and asked back, then raised his eyebrows again: "But I really like seeing you late, I don't mind if you are late a few times in the future, Let me watch it a few more times and be more happy."

"Won't be late a second time."

Cheng Mo stood beside her and walked with her.

Two people, one tall and one short.

Cheng Mo glanced sideways, he seemed to be taller and stronger than his junior when he was in the third year of junior high.

Are you a picky eater in elementary school?It looks a little thin.

Soon came to the fork in the road, Ruan Xiaoli turned and walked to the left.

Cheng Mo glanced at her, then quickly walked to the right.


Xiao Evil: "I'm going to lose my vest at noon, Cheng Mo sees that Jun is you, I don't know what his expression will be."

"There won't be a very exaggerated expression, but it should be more shocking."

In the classroom, Ruan Xiaoli was sitting in the back row. There were several books on the table. She supported her chin with one hand, and turned around with a pen in the other.

Perfect profile, slender white fingers turning the black pen, this scene is extremely handsome.

Many girls are discussing.

"Ruan Junli's looks are so striking, I haven't gotten tired of seeing her for several years, and I think she is getting more handsome every day."

"Does Ruan Junli like girls? I can do it!"

Everyone in the class knew that Ruan Junli was a girl, but this appearance really turned them off.

It is precisely because they know that Ruan Junli is a girl, so they have no way to confess.

The little girls in other classes didn't know that Ruan Junli was a girl, so they sent love letters one by one to confess their love...

The girls in this class were inexplicably a little bit sour. They also wanted to pursue Ruan Junli openly. They didn't care that Ruan Junli was a girl.

The girls are handsome, and the boys of the whole grade have to step aside!
The morning self-study team leaders are collecting homework.

Ruan Xiaoli put his homework on the table early.

Every day, I can see that some veterans in the class do not hand in their homework, and then the team leader desperately reminds them.

At this moment, a rambunctious male student in the class is copying homework, and the female team leader of their group is urging people.

"Zhang Qi, don't copy it. Who told you to copy the homework handed in by someone else from my desk? Whose homework did you take? Return it to me quickly."

This boy was so bold that he went directly to the team leader's position to copy the homework handed in by others.

The team leader can tolerate your behavior of copying homework, but you have to get the consent of others to copy!

And other people's homework is in the hands of the team leader, it's embarrassing if the team leader didn't take care of it.

Zhang Qi raised the two homeworks above his head: "Oh, don't quarrel, just give me 3 more minutes to solve it, and you just pretend you didn't see anything, anyway, I didn't copy yours."

"Give it back to me, even if it's not my homework, you didn't get permission from others."

The boy simply took his homework and ran around the classroom, wanting to run away and continue writing on someone else's desk.

The female group leader continued to chase after her.

The two of them were fighting, and the whole classroom was very noisy.

Ruan Xiaoli frowned a little irritably, she continued to play with her pen, thinking about what happened at noon today.

As soon as he was distracted and didn't pay attention, the troublemaker came to Ruan Xiaoli's table.

"Ah, don't come here."

A classmate holding hot soy milk was bumped by Zhang Qi who ran over.

The steaming soy milk was spilled directly on Ruan Xiaoli's body.

Ruan Xiaoli got up quickly, his face gloomy.

Because the cup of hot soybean milk fell on her right hand, the breakfast bought at the school gate, the soybean milk just made is very hot, and most students would bring it back to the classroom to wait for it to cool down before drinking.

The back of Ruan Xiaoli's right hand was red and swollen, and the right side of his neck was also burned.

Little Evil: "How is it?"

This hand is for playing games.

Everyone in the class looked over.

Zhang Qi was stunned: "Ruan... Junli, are you okay?"

The female team leader ran over and saw that Ruan Junli's shirt on the right was wet and his arm was red and swollen.

She kicked Zhang Qi directly: "Run, something happened."

The girl who was knocked over the hot soy milk was so frightened that her eyes turned red. She quickly took out a tissue: "Ruan Junli, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

This is the soy milk she just bought. The owner of the breakfast shop at the door always likes to pack the very hot soy milk and wait for it to cool every time she drinks it.

Today, as usual, I brought hot soybean milk into the class, but I never expected to be knocked over and scalded.

Ruan Xiaoli took the tissue and wiped it by himself, without speaking the whole time.

(End of this chapter)

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