Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 509 Little Evil Suspects Something Has Happened to Himself

Chapter 509 Little Evil Suspects Something Has Happened to Himself

Chapter 538 Little Evil Suspects Something Has Happened to Himself

As soon as Ruan Xiaoli got close to Cheng Mo, he smelled a nice smell of shower gel on his body.

Cheng Mo was still in his normal clothes when he greeted him just now, how long has it been since he took a shower so soon.

However, his hair hasn't been washed yet, so he probably took a quick battle shower.

Xiao Evil couldn't stand it anymore: "Can the hero of the world pull his clothes? Lonely men and widows, why are you showing your collarbone?"

Ruan Xiaoli took her notebook and sat down directly at Chengmo's computer desk, and after hearing what Xiao Evil said, she glanced at Chengmo's chest again.


Is it seduction again?
For a moment, Ruan Xiaoli thought of someone who seduced him to drink blood.

Cheng Mo didn't have the slightest thought of buttoning his buttons. He moved a chair and sat down. When he bent over, the pajamas were loose, revealing more skin.

Ruan Xiaoli saw everything in her eyes, from his chest to his face.

I have to say, there are some similarities.

Different identities, different faces, and even different worlds, but an inexplicable sense of familiarity always appears.

Just now she seemed to have seen Liusen Mori.

Xiao E saw that Ruan Xiaoli's expression changed, but he couldn't hear what she was thinking.

It's very strange, the soul contract, the host should be soul-bound to the system, it can know what she thinks, but sometimes, Xiao Evil can't hear her voice.

Xiao Evil slid the screen and frowned.

Is there something wrong with me?
Xiao Evil thought for a while, but still said to Ruan Xiaoli: "Xiao Li, I have to shut down the phone for a few days, and I won't be here for a few days."


Xiao Evil often shuts down the phone a few times, and Ruan Xiaoli is no longer curious about such things.

This time Xiaoxie's shutdown is not the usual shutdown, but a shutdown and restart for inspection, to see if there is something wrong with him.

If there is a problem, it is necessary to apply to return to the space station to find its research daddy for overhaul.

This is a very troublesome thing. It is not an ordinary system in itself, but an experimental product for an adult system.

To put it simply, it is a systematic research on the experimental system of becoming a human. This research is half successful. It did not become a human right away, but as long as the points are enough, it can become a human.

But when the points are enough, you don't know. This is simply a bottomless pit.

It is a system now, but it is far more than a hundred times more powerful than the ordinary system in the space station.

Because this is not common, not everyone can disassemble the little evil to overhaul it. It is necessary to find its research and development personnel.

Before Xiao Evil turned off his phone, his little face was contemplative, and there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

It has brought hundreds of hosts with it in Three Thousand Worlds, and it has been a long, long time since it returned to its birthplace. If it wasn't for the system's good memory, it might have forgotten what the place it was born in looked like.

Xiao Ei suddenly wanted to make a problem by himself, because if there is a problem, he can apply to go back and have a look.

Hey, don't think about it, it's a system with such a mission.

It is not a human being, and has no right to choose and be nostalgic.

Ruan Xiaoli knew that Xiao E had turned off the phone when he heard a beep in his head.

Generally, when Xiao Evil said to shut down, it would shut down instantly, but this time it was slower for a while.

what happened?
There is something wrong with Ruan Xiaoli, who is definitely a little evil.

Wait for it to turn on and ask it again.

Here Cheng Mo narrowed the distance: "Show me, what is the subject?"

As soon as he got close, he could smell the pleasant smell of shower gel. Ruan Xiaoli's nose was relatively sharp and he could smell a little bit of his unique smell.

He was taller than her, and he was so close that Ruan Xiaoli could almost see his fair neck with his straight eyes.

Obviously she is not a vampire now, but seeing this white neck and rolling Adam's apple, she actually has the urge to bite, or pinch that Adam's apple.

It's not that she hasn't had that experience, she knows very well that a man's Adam's apple cannot be moved, otherwise his back will hurt the next day.

But as soon as Cheng Mo spoke, his Adam's apple moved, and it was hard for Ruan Xiaoli to ignore it.

When did she want it too?

Cheng Mo took a look. It turned out to be a thesis, and academic thesis is more difficult to write.

He said: "You should have searched a lot of knowledge in this area, but you feel that there is no center, and you don't know how to start?"


In fact, she knows how to write.

But just want to find him.

In the past few years, he and the heroine of the world have not been on a relationship line, and Ruan Xiaoli didn't push him away when they came to the door.

Cheng Mo opened the computer browser, searched for information related to the thesis she was going to write, and then told her little by little how to proceed with the thesis.

While listening, Ruan Xiaoli distractedly admired Cheng Mo.

I have to say that he is very good-looking, he speaks in a gentle manner, and he looks like a flower of Gaoling when he doesn't speak. After four years of dating, this face gets better and better the more he looks at it.

His voice lost his youthful air and gradually became hoarse, which also proved that he was already a man, not a young man.

Mature, full of mature breath.

22 years old, can get the certificate.

Ruan Xiaoli's mind is good, even if he is distracted, he can still hear what Cheng Mo is saying, and then answer freely.

A thesis, Cheng Mo was originally a top student, and he grasped the key points in a few simple sentences and passed it on to Ruan Xiaoli.

Cheng Mo: "Okay, if you write in the direction I just said, your paper will definitely be brilliant."

"Well, thank you."

"Xiao Li, you don't need to say thank you to me." Cheng Mo's voice was low and his eyes were serious.

He doesn't like to hear her say thank you to him, because it feels a sense of distance, and he doesn't like the sense of distance with her.

The corner of Ruan Xiaoli's mouth curled up: "Well, then I won't say thank you to you in the future."

"Yeah." Cheng Mo's mood immediately improved.

Ruan Xiaoli covered her pen, then closed the book, she planned to go back.

When he was about to get up, Ruan Xiaoli suddenly remembered an important moment.

Anyway, Xiao Evil is not here now, and he can't hear him.

It's not illegal for her to do so, and she can still get the points.

Ruan Xiaoli raised his head, the smile on his face disappeared, he looked at Chengmo seriously and with a little helplessness: "Chengmo, I want to tell you something."

"what's up?"

Seeing that her expression was not right, Cheng Mo's heart ached, he had never seen a helpless expression in her eyes.

"Chengmo, can the competition arrange me for the second half? I can't play in the first half."

The competition is less than half a year away, and they have already made arrangements for how to play, who will play, and targeted training.

"Why did you suddenly have to change the half, what happened?"

Xia Zhong was going to let Jun play in the first half, without hiding it, and just kill others by surprise.

Ruan Xiaoli was distressed, and stretched out his right hand: "Tendosynovitis."

The three words surprised Cheng Mo instantly, and at the same time his eyes were dim and full of distress, his heart was gripped, and he didn't know how to comfort her.

Tenosynovitis is simply a devastating disaster for e-sports players.

(End of this chapter)

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