Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 510 Little evil is unhappy

Chapter 510 Little evil is unhappy

Chapter 540 Little evil is unhappy

Xiao Xi looked at the data on the light screen without any doubt, and slid away with a wave of his hand.

It just turned on and was happy to chat with Ruan Xiaoli.

"The space station is where I was born. All the systems are produced by the space station. I am from the space station."

Ruan Xiaoli immediately became more energetic. She sat up with a pillow on her back and said, "It sounds very sci-fi."

All the systems of the space station are produced on the space station, which sounds like an AI processing factory.

Ruan Xiaoli couldn't tell if Xiao Evil was technology or magic?

Ruan Xiaoli thinks that his brain is very smart, surpassing the scientists of modern society, but he still can't figure it out, is Xiao Evil technology or magic?

If it's a technology, it's scary.

The power of science?Let it have an independent space and can take her soul to jump in the three thousand worlds, do you call this technology?

Xiao Evil heard her voice: "Don't be confused, I am indeed a finished product of technology, super-future technology, and the doctors of the space station's research and development system have extremely powerful heads. The modern world is hundreds of millions of times stronger."


Regardless of Ruan Xiaoli's indifferent answer, she was actually a little shocked in her heart.

"Is there a reason for this shutdown?"

Xiao Xi was stunned: "No, it's just a normal shutdown for maintenance."


"...Well." Xiao Evil looked at his body: "I seem to have a problem, it is the result of the inspection, but I have no problem, so I am wondering if I should apply to go back to the space station to find my research and development person for me. have a look."

"I can do the task alone here, you can go back to the space station to overhaul yourself."

Xiao Evil shook his head: "Forget it, a small problem, it won't affect us to travel around the world to do missions, I still won't go back to the space station."

I don't know how many billions of years it has been since I came out. Xiao E is eager to go back and have a look, but he is afraid to go back.

Afraid to see familiar people, it will be reluctant.

Although Xiao Evil is a machine, it has human feelings. Don't look at it now as if it doesn't care about anything.

In fact, Xiao Nao has a very delicate mind, and it will miss it too.

Ruan Xiaoli was keenly aware of its emotions: "Xiao E, are you in a bad mood?"


"The tongue is not the heart."


Ruan Xiaoli closed his eyes, and said: "We are friends, Xiao E, I can feel that you are not in a good mood, if you don't mind, you can tell me about your affairs."


Xiao Zhengtai in the space kept his face dark and didn't speak.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't speak either.

After a long time, the little evil couldn't help but sighed: "I'm really in a bad mood, but I have nothing to say, I just feel that something is wrong with me, and I want to go back to the space station for maintenance, but it's just a small problem There is no need to go back at all, when I think of the space station, I think of the people who developed me and some of my system friends, I miss them a little, so I feel a little depressed."

Xiao Ei felt that there was no need to tell Ruan Xiaoli about it.

It's just a system, there's nothing to talk about.


The former Ruan Xiaoli couldn't understand this emotion, because she had nothing to miss, no memories, no people she knew, only the empty house facing the sea.

That's nothing to miss.

But after experiencing so many worlds, she met many people. Although she suppressed some emotions in her heart, she would think of faces one by one when it aroused her.

This is the emotion of nostalgia, a very melancholy emotion.

"Little Evil, although you didn't give me a very detailed overview of the space station and the system, I can feel the power of the space station and the eternity of your system. The things you miss will appear in front of you one day .”

Although I don't know when that day will be, it will definitely appear.

Xiao Evil nodded: "Yes, I know."

It has traveled through thousands of worlds, and it has actually met friends, in fact, it has been a long, long, long time.

What Ruan Xiaoli said is right, it is eternal, even though it is wandering in three thousand worlds, there is still a chance to meet friends.

Xiao Nao felt better.

Ruan Xiaoli's eyes lowered slightly, Xiao Ei has a chance to meet the person she misses, does she have a chance?
It doesn't matter anymore, passerby.

What she wants to enjoy is the different emotional experience, different life, and interesting life brought to her by this task, and don't care about the others.

She is very sensitive to the emotions of others or the original owner, and at the same time she is very capable of suppressing her own emotions.

Feel free to put in and out of emotions.

One person, one system hasn't chatted like this for a long time, and it feels good when you chat with me.

In the pitch-black space, the lady in a small suit is sitting on the carpet, with a smile on her face, not the cool one, but the faint and cute one.

A real smile.

Xiao E felt that Ruan Xiaoli was different from other hosts.

Study Papa, is this what you said I would meet a host who is compatible with me and will accompany me forever?
It doesn't seem to be so lonely in the world of the Three Realms.

It's almost time, Ruan Xiaoli chatted with Xiao E for nearly an hour, she hurriedly got up, brushed her teeth, washed and went to the training room.

Today is another high-intensity training.

Class ended three hours later, Ruan Xiaoli took off the headphones from her head, and slowly put her right hand under the table.

Cheng Mo saw her move, and he walked over: "How's it going?"

Ruan Xiaoli's hands were trembling, her wrist was tingling, she said calmly, "It's okay."

There was a deep worry between Cheng Mo's brows.

Xiao Evil sensed something was wrong: "The hero of the world...knows that something is wrong with your hand?"

"Well, I told him myself."

"!" Xiao Evil opened his eyes wide: "Aren't you afraid that you will be expelled early? It doesn't matter if you miss the competition, because you will be expelled directly."

What did Ruan Xiaoli do when it was not there?
Ruan Xiaoli smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Little Evil, I've been telling him for a while, do you think I was fired?"

"...No." Little Evil's face became numb after realizing it, "The hero is protecting you."

Whether it's a question or a statement, Xiao Xie is sure that Cheng Mo must have covered it up.

Xiao Evil covered his face: "It's crooked...Okay."

The male protagonist of the world is crooked, and actually concealed the hand injury for Ruan Xiaoli. This kind of rebellious thing, the male protagonist of the world actually helped to hide it.

"Why did you tell him that your hand was injured? Although you know that the male lead is biased towards you, what if he still reports your hand injury unselfishly? Then you will be expelled, and we will be expelled." Mission failed."

Xiao Evil felt that it was an adventure to tell the hero, but luckily the adventure won.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled in his eyes: "Tell him that my hand is injured. When I miss the competition, I will say it is because of my hand. If he knows, he won't blame me but will feel sorry for me."

The little evil said with contempt: "Tsk, you have to be both a mission and a man."

"Well, the task is in the front row, I am very dedicated."

(End of this chapter)

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