Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 516 Pinch Chengmo's Earlobe

Chapter 516 Pinch Chengmo's Earlobe
Chapter 546 Pinch Chengmo's Earlobe
Xiao Evil reacted to what Ruan Xiaoli said, and then nodded deeply with a small face: "For example, it is irresponsible for you to suddenly disappear. If Xia Zhong didn't have the ability to deal with it, maybe this game would be rejected. You were affected."


That's true, but why did she suddenly disappear?

Not for points.

There is a problem with her hand, but this game can still be sustained.

"Okay, my task of being absent from the game is complete." Ruan Xiaoli saw that the lights in many aisles were turned on, and today's game was over.

Xiao Evil turned on the light screen, and then reminded cruelly: "You still have a task, and you will be expelled by Xia Zhong."

"Just leave Xiazhong, right?"

"It's expulsion." Xiao Evil realized that she was trying to take advantage of her loopholes.

"What's the difference between expulsion and leaving Xia Zhong?"

"There is a difference, one is passive and the other is active." Xiao Ei explained stubbornly.

Ruan Xiaoli twitched his lips: "But the result is the same, so there is no difference."

"." Xiao Evil wanted to throw the table, okay, I can't beat you.

Sure enough, women are all the same, difficult to deal with!

Xiao Ei suddenly regretted telling Er Er that his host was okay, no, not at all, except that it felt comfortable and pleasing to the eye and its task ability was good, nothing else, hum!

Coach Zhong was waiting for the players to step off the stage, and the host was still pulling them to interact with fans, so he could only wait quietly in the background.

At this moment, Ruan Junli, who hadn't appeared before, came over.

She came over with a flat face: "Coach, I have something to tell you."

Coach Zhong was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Well, shall we talk now?"


"Okay, you come with me."

Unexcused absence, he needs a good explanation.

Ruan Xiaoli followed Coach Zhong to the end of the backstage corridor
What the two said, only the two of them know.

Coach Zhong's expression was very bad. He wasn't angry, only distressed. He said, "Next week's game, you will be arranged in the first half."

Ruan Xiaoli showed surprise in his eyes, and bowed: "Thank you, thank you for giving me a chance."

"Good boy, be good."

This is one of the few opportunities for her.
After the players came back from the front desk, they all went back to the lounge.

Everyone was very happy after winning the game, only Cheng Mo sat silently, he glanced at the cell phone beside him, it was Xiao Li's cell phone.

She didn't even bring her mobile phone, so she must not have gone far.

Just when Cheng Mo couldn't sit still and was about to go out, Coach Zhong opened the door and came in, and Ruan Xiaoli followed behind her.

Seeing these two people coming back together, Cheng Mo's heart suddenly arose.

But looking at their expressions, it seems that nothing unpleasant happened.

Ruan Xiaoli followed in, walked to her seat and sat down. At the same time, she felt Chengmo's fiery eyes from the moment she entered the door. When she sat down, she turned her head and gave him a look, a reassuring look.

Cheng Mo's eyes met hers, and he immediately felt relieved.

Don't know what happened, but it sure wasn't too bad.

Coach Zhong saw that everyone had come to an end, and said: "Today's game was very good. It is no problem for us to take the first place in terms of overall results. Next, we will prepare for the national competition. The teams selected from each city are all Those who have experienced many battles like you must not take it lightly, everyone pack up your things, we will go back first."

This is the exciting time for the national competition.

The team members who won the game today are all full of enthusiasm, and the corners of their mouths are cracked to the ears when they laugh.

Everyone walked out with a smile on their shoulders.

Someone asked, "Xiao Li, why didn't you show up just now, where did you go?"

"Watching your game in the auditorium."

"Why did you go to the auditorium to see it? Fortunately, the coach has changed temporarily, otherwise you will be called back."

They all felt that Ruan Junli didn't come back because he knew he didn't need to play.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled: "Watching the game in the auditorium is much more interesting than watching it in the lounge. You can hear the discussions and cheers of many spectators nearby."

"Really? Next time I don't have to play, I'll go to the audience to watch the game, and see if anyone praises us."

A girl said: "We are so good here, someone must praise us."

"Hahahaha, yes."

Everyone is out.

Cheng Mo's eyes were gentle, and he walked slowly to Ruan Xiaoli's side: "Liu Yuqi said to look for you after the game."

"Looking for me? Okay, I'll go over now, you guys go back to the training camp first, I'll take a taxi back by myself later."

Cheng Mo nodded, and then said to the others: "You go back first, Xiao Li and I will go back later."

Ruan Xiaoli narrowed his eyes.

The players were not happy.

"Do you have any personal business? Captain, actually there is something I've wanted to say for a long time. It's not good for you to follow Xiaoli all the time, hahahaha, because you follow Xiaoli like this, we all think you are spying on Xiaoli."

"Hahahaha, Zhang Yi, do you want to be beaten by the captain?"

A group of people booed.

Finally, under Cheng Mo's gloomy eyes, they all shut up again.

Zhang Yi covered his mouth: "Let's go first. Captain, you and Xiao Li are fine if you don't come back tonight. Anyway, there is no game tomorrow."

Cheng Mo: "."

Everyone: "."

Ruan Xiaoli: "."

Xiao Evil covered his face: "This guy's mouth is poisonous, one sentence has risen to the level of driving."

In the end Zhang Yi was beaten, and it wasn't Cheng Mo who beat him, but the brothers and sisters in the team.

"Xiao Li is still young, what are you talking about, Zhang Yi?"

"Xiao Li is still a child, the captain is not such a beast, what are you thinking, Zhang Yi?"

"Cover his mouth and drag him away!"

A group of people left in a noisy manner, Cheng Mo seemed calm, but his ear turned red.

Ruan Xiaoli folded his arms, a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes.

Cheng Mo suppressed his emotions, turned his head and looked at her tenderly: "Don't listen to what Zhang Yi said."

"Chengmo, are you sure you want me not to listen?" She asked crisply, looking at him closely with a smile in her eyes.

Don't you listen?
If she doesn't listen, then she will think that he is innocent to herself.

Cheng Mo is a timid person, he is obviously interested in her, but he doesn't say anything for so many years, and pretends to be very good.

Ruan Xiaoli wanted to force him to speak out.

Xiao Evil: "Xiao Li, you are good or bad."

Cheng Mo was stunned by her rhetorical question, the two of them were alone in the corridor, very quiet.

Just when he was in a daze, Ruan Xiaoli approached and pinched his earlobe with his hand: "It's very red and hot, you care about what Zhang Yi said, you are nervous."

He froze the moment his earlobe was pinched, and his earlobe was numb...

(End of this chapter)

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