Chapter 517 Jun is on stage
Chapter 547 Jun is on stage
Her fingers were cold, and she pinched his earlobe with even a little force.

Just pinching like this, Cheng Mo froze, he tried his best to speak calmly: "Xiao Li, let go."

"Not loose."

Cheng Mo panicked, and if he pinches it, something will happen: "Good boy, let go, okay?"

"Your ears are getting hotter."

Cheng Mo's handsome facial features are extremely exciting now, and Ruan Xiaoli carefully looks at his every expression.

"Chengmo, do you like me?" She smiled seductively. Over the past few years, her facial features have matured a lot, delicate and seductive.

Cheng Mo was stunned, and just as he mustered up the courage to speak, the little hands above his ears loosened.

Ruan Xiaoli let go of her hand and took two steps back with a smile, her eyes turned to the corridor on the other side.

And a person came slowly in the corridor, Liu Yuqi came over in a hurry, as soon as she came, she saw Ruan Junli and Chengmo standing together talking, and seeing Ruan Junli left, Liu Yuqi breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Yuqi walked over quickly: "Xiao Li, your strength should be arranged in the second half of today's game, why didn't you play? And Cheng Mo came to see you again during the intermission, where did you go, right? What's the matter?"

There's nothing wrong with this game.

Liu Yuqi was very worried about her. In the past few years, they had a very good relationship, just like best friends.

Although they were opponents during the competition, they were also good friends in private.

Ruan Xiaoli shook his head: "Nothing happened, I didn't arrange for the second half of the game, so I went to the audience to watch the game."

"It's good that nothing happened. I saw that Cheng Mo was very anxious when he was looking for you. I thought you were missing."


"By the way, congratulations, Xiazhong won the first place in city a, but we Hualin have not been eliminated yet, we will definitely work harder and beat you in the next duel!" Liu Yuqi raised her eyebrows and said.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled faintly: "I may not be able to play in the next match with you."

"Good game, I haven't played a game with you in private for a long time."

The two girls were chatting, Cheng Mo was left alone.

Cheng Mo's handsome face is becoming more and more ugly, and he is extremely depressed now.

I regret that I didn't speak sooner.

The roots of his ears were still numb, but the instigator who pinched his ears, that little villain, was chatting with others as if nothing had happened!

Seeing Cheng Mo's face on the screen, Xiao Evil shook his head: "Xiao Li, the hero of the world is angry."


"He's depressed."


"Don't you give him some follow-up?"


This is typical of not following up after messing with someone.

Ruan Xiaoli became that woman who only had tasks in her eyes again, poor Chengmo was depressed for several days.

Teams from all over the country have been selected, so the outstanding teams will gather in City A to finally select the domestic No.1.

And this time the team showed their cards one after another. They thought the previous competition was already very exciting, but they didn't expect the current competition to be even more exciting.

All of these teams have retained their strength, many of them have never played, and many of them have never released their unique skills.

Every game is full of excitement, and the young people who love games and e-sports are photographed, and they are all excited to watch.

Seeing these excellent teams, they seem to have seen their own country standing at the highest position in the international competition!
"Fuck, that skinny guy in Hualin is not a support at all, he's much better at attacking than supporting! He's a talent!"

"No way, Tianhao, the rumors of him signing a contract with the team are actually true. It's so funny during the live broadcast at night. I didn't expect it to be really technical!"

There are some funny style game anchors that the audience is familiar with. They originally thought that their skills were mediocre, and fans liked them very much with their unique and funny appearance.

Unexpectedly, behind this usually funny and coquettish, ordinary game anchor is a technical master!

"I thought Tianhao was a funny guy, and sometimes he was abused by others... If I didn't see him on the field now, who the hell would know that he is the top player in the national server!"

"Fuck, don't scare me."

"You go to Baidu. Although it happened many years ago, he is really a boss. It's amazing to be able to stand on the e-sports stage at this age."

Many people on the field are too old. Obviously, they are not as good as young people in terms of hand speed, but they cannot be overshadowed by their rich experience.

There are also some young and outstanding people from the smash hit server area who have also appeared.

For example Jun!

When Ruan Xiaoli came on stage, he inserted the game card, Jun, this long-lost character finally appeared on the big screen.

The audience in the audience were stunned one by one, and then there were bursts of cheers and cheers.

"Who said that Jun was abolished by Xia Zhong's training? Who said that he has terminated the contract? These nonsense people hurry up and crawl!"

"Jun, my God, I still remember the way he singled out Hualin's team. It's amazing. This is definitely the trump card."

"I saw a post on the Internet. I heard that Jun is a girl, and she is only 20 years old. She looks really good-looking."

"Don't scare me, Jun is a girl?"

"Jun! I waited for more than four years for him to show up. I thought he was really terminated by Xia Zhong. I quickly turned on the camera. I want to see what Jun looks like."

There are three large screens in the center of the stage. The largest screen is of course the game screen, and there are two small screens below. The two screens are used to shoot the faces of the people standing in line on both sides.

As the small black screens opened one after another, the faces of the personnel from the two teams gradually appeared on the screens.

Everyone watching e-sports games is playing games. Basically, e-sports players are very thin, have heavy dark circles, and are nearsighted.

After all, staring at the computer every day is a heavy training every day. Myopia, dark circles and thinness are common problems of many players.

But when the screen on Xia Zhong's side was turned on.

Everyone has seen Cheng Mo, but every time they saw his face, some girls present would exclaim in surprise.

Knowing that Jun's camera was turned on, a delicate, beautiful face with slightly long hair appeared in front of the camera.

The facial features are exquisite and the hair is slightly long. At first, she thought it was a boy, but when she raised her head slightly, she could still see that it was a very beautiful girl.

This is the exclamation of all men and women at the same time!

"What's the matter with being a little handsome!"

"Pfft, are you sure I'm watching an e-sports competition? Not an idol group talent competition?"

"Xia Zhong is amazing, his team members are all so handsome!"

"This is completely at the debut level, okay? After retiring, I can go to the showbiz. I'm too impressed with Jun's looks!"

"Jun seems to be a girl."

"It's a girl, so beautiful and handsome, my sister loves you!"

Ruan Xiaoli couldn't hear the sound from the outfield, so she picked up the black and red earphones on the side and put them on. The whole action fascinated many audiences.

(End of this chapter)

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