Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 518 I like good-looking people

Chapter 518 I like good-looking people

Chapter 548 I like good-looking people

The team I met this time is number one in city b. The whole team is a master of concealment, with weird moves, and is best at sneak attacks.

They made tactical preparations before going on the field, Ruan Xiaoli put on his earphones and glanced at Chengmo.

Before going on stage, Ruan Xiaoli said to Chengmo: "Chengmo, my hand can only last for half an hour."

This game must be finished within half an hour, otherwise she will have a loophole.

Although the rest of Xia Zhong would definitely be able to resist without her, but she couldn't expose her shortcomings, otherwise the other teams would attack her next time they played, completely disrupting their tactics.

Cheng Mo gave her a reassuring look.

This is Jun's first appearance in front of the public, and everyone is looking forward to her performance.

And it can be seen from the position of this station that Jun will be the main attacker in this game.

As soon as they entered the game, the two teams opened up the distance tacitly.

The attack you come and go, at first, it feels evenly divided.

Just when the audience thought that Xia Zhong had met his opponent, Jun suddenly rushed out from the grass.

When did he hide in that place?

Jun took the dagger and pierced two people continuously.

"My God, it's so fast, I can't see."

"This is playing the game to the extreme. It's amazing that the game can react. How can it be so fast?"

How could a world-class game crash because of this speed?

Ruan Xiaoli felt that if there was no problem with her hands, she could go faster.

The blood volume of those two people dropped rapidly, Ruan Xiaoli didn't take the opportunity to kill them, but quickly hid himself.

"Kill it, or you will be healed again!"

"No... Fuck, dead."

Mo Cheng followed Jun's rhythm closely and made up for it.

Two fast-handed people, you come with a knife, I come with a knife, after the attack, they don't care about fighting and quickly hide.

This style of play is simply infuriating!

Can you kill someone at once?Anyway, you are so fast, why do you have to come over with two people, you really think highly of us!

Are you showing off your hand speed and attack accuracy?

Just when everyone thought they would maintain such an attacking rhythm.

Chengmo and Jun disappeared, and the rest of the team made a strong contribution to that team.

The opponent was a bit unresponsive when he hit that hard, but gradually caught up with the rhythm and surrounded Xia Zhong's people.

Just when they were about to shrink the encirclement and kill Xia Zhong's players, two people from the north and the south suddenly rose into the air.

It's Cheng Mo and Ruan Xiaoli!
They changed their weapons and used bows and arrows, all with five arrows.

Originally they were still surrounding Xia Zhong, but now they are the ones being surrounded.

Xia Zhongren attacked at close range, and ten arrows shot from his back.

Want to hide?


"Damn it, I forgot about the two of them."

Their tactic was to hide and attack from the beginning, and finally surrounded them.

This tactic has become a habit. When they see the opponent attacking them, they will naturally move and gradually surround them.

But when they surrounded them, they forgot that there were two hidden Mocheng and Jun.

And they also felt that it would be easy to deal with these two after solving the people inside the encirclement.

No matter how powerful they are, there are only two of them left.

But these two people used bows and arrows to shoot five arrows at once, not to say that they were attacking from a distance with a short knife!
Amid the amazed cheers from the audience, Xia Zhong won, and none of the team members died.

The audience was thrilled to watch.

"Finally, I saw Chengmo's bow and arrow weapon, and it's five arrows. I think the official who studies the game can study ten arrows. Maybe there are really big guys who can do it."

"Chengmo is amazing, but what I'm concerned about is whether Jun is as good as Chengmo!"

"Jun is awesome, there are two Chengmos in Xiazhong, who can beat them?"

"Jun is so handsome, his face looks so young, he is so good at the age of 20, I think I have lived 25 years in vain."

"I think I will be autistic after watching this year's competition. I don't think I can play games at all. I'm sorry for this game!"


Jun's first appearance obviously achieved stunning results.

When Ruan Xiaoli pulled out the game card, her right hand trembled a little, she put her hand in her pocket with a faint smile.

Cheng Mo saw it, his eyes were dark, and his eyes were full of worry.

He didn't know if Xiaoli had said anything to Coach Zhong, but if he had, Coach Zhong would definitely not let her play.

What should I do next?
Xiao Evil has often observed Cheng Mo's expression recently: "Xiao Li, the Lord has arranged everything, but Cheng Mo is worried about you now."

When Ruan Xiaoli heard this, he turned his head and looked at Cheng Mo, Cheng Mo's head was slightly lowered, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Ruan Xiaoli patted him: "Come back to your senses."

Cheng Mo raised his head: "Xiao Li, you..."

The door was pushed open, and a editorial director wearing a hat walked in: "Everyone, come with me to the front desk to interact with the host."

At the end of the general game, all the people are invited to the stage for a small interaction.

The audience outside was still waiting. Everyone put away their headphones and put away their game cards, and then followed the director.

As soon as the teams on both sides took to the stage, everyone below cheered.

The members of the opposing team were obviously a little depressed when they came on stage.

The host is a well-known game commentary anchor, and a sister with an extremely perfect figure.

She glanced at the skilled host, and then began to interact.

"Chengmo, your performance just now made the audience's eyes shine again, but everyone knows your special move. What surprised us the most is Jun. Jun's special move is the same as yours. May I ask you when you are training? Were you the one who brought Jun with you, did you teach her this skill?"

Cheng Mo replied flatly: "I didn't teach it. She knew it. Those who knew Jun four years ago should know that she had a talent for long-range attack. She is very good and very talented."

"Wow, listen to Chengmo, you appreciate Jun very much."

The host looked at Ruan Xiaoli and smiled, "Can my sister ask you a question?"

"Yeah." Looking at her expression, Ruan Xiaoli felt that the host was going to do something.

Everyone in the audience was very curious what the host would ask?
The host deliberately paused for a few seconds, arousing everyone's curiosity, and then said in a slightly seductive voice: "Jun, do you like boys or girls?"

Ruan Xiaoli: "..."

Although she still looks pretty handsome now, she is no longer the boy she used to be. It can be seen that she is a girl.

Why is this question still being asked?
Too good-looking to kill men and women?

There were young ladies screaming in the audience, and everyone was looking forward to what she would answer.

From the corner of Ruan Xiaoli's eyes, he could see Cheng Mo's fiery gaze and deliberately suppressed it.


She smiled and her eyes twinkled slightly: "I like good-looking people."

(End of this chapter)

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