Chapter 546

Chapter 576

In the small town, it is lively at night.

The heat of the day faded away at night, and the cool night wind blows the streets and alleys.

There are people coming and going on the street, and many children are running around with windmills.

A woman wearing a cloak walked by the street, Ruan Xiaoli didn't put on the cloak hat, her delicate and beautiful face was exposed, and the men on the street all showed obsessive expressions when they saw her face.

So beautiful.

They had never seen such a beautiful woman.

Ruan Xiaoli walked quickly, frowning. Fortunately, she was wearing a cloak to cover her graceful body.

Xiao Evil: "Didn't you buy sky lanterns? One hundred sky lanterns have already been customized, and you also gave a deposit to let those people go to light the lights that day. They are all busy, why are you still shopping in the street?"

In the black space, Xiao Zhengtai was rolling on the blanket.

Since meeting Ruan Xiaoli, Xiao Ei is no longer staring at the picture on the light screen in silence every day.

It likes to complain about Ruan Xiaoli, or talk to Ruan Xiaoli
"Since we've come to the market, let's go back and buy some more things, and let Suo San be free for a few more days."

The mission of the villain this time is to bring Rapunzel back to the tower.

Moreover, the witch also told Rapunzel that the world is very dangerous, and tricked Rapunzel back to the tower.

But the good times didn't last long. Rapunzel understood some things within a while after returning, even knowing her own life experience.

Then Rapunzel confronts the witch...

The relationship between mother and daughter has since broken down.

Ruan Xiaoli stood in front of a small stall, holding a bracelet, and she recalled the original plot that Xiao Evil told herself.

The relationship between Rapunzel and the Witch Council broke down, and finally the witch died at the hands of Rapunzel...

Xiao Evil rolled on the carpet: "Then you can go shopping for a few more days and let Suo San be free for a few more days. Anyway, you will bring him back sooner or later. After bringing him back to the tower, it will be our ultimate mission."


Ruan Xiaoli chose several accessories suitable for boys.

Although he knew that after he brought Suo San back to the tower, the relationship between the two would break down, but Ruan Xiaoli still bought things for Suo San habitually.

Even if the relationship is going to break up, it won't stop her from loving him, he was raised by her.


There is still half a day to go to the black market deep in the forest.

Flynn Reid looked up at the sun, and felt that he should be able to reach the black market before the sun went down today.

At this moment, Suo San shouted: "Stop."

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Flynn Reid asked, and at the same time, he felt guilty.

This boy won't find anything, why doesn't he leave?
Suo San jumped off the white horse: "You lead the horse and wait for me here. I haven't washed for two days. There is a lake over there. I'll go wash up."

He walked towards the lake in the distance without looking back, and he was not at all worried that he would run away from this door.

When Suo San was at home, he took a bath almost every day, and his hair was washed every two days, so as to ensure that the hair was clean and silky.

After two days of walking in the forest, his long hair has been tied into a folded braid.

Suo San can't take it anymore, it must be cleaned!

Flynn Reid led the horse and sat under the tree waiting for him.

At the same time, Flynn Reid was secretly peeking at Suo San's undressed clothes, he wanted to know where the crown was placed.

After Suo San entered the water, he disappeared, just where the pile of clothes was.

Flynn Reid stood up and wanted to go over to flip through his clothes, but in the end he stopped because of fear.

That boy was not a kind person at all, if he really provoked him, he would definitely be killed on the spot.

He will be able to go to the black market tonight, and he will have a way to get the crown when he arrives at the black market.

How long does it take a man to take a shower?
Many people think that men should wash up quickly, but the time for Suo San to wash up today has refreshed Flynn Reid's cognition.

It's been two hours.

The white horse was very happy to graze on the side, while Felin Reid sat under the tree and felt like he was going to grow mushrooms.

I don't know how long it took before I heard the sound of someone coming ashore and putting on clothes.

Suo San put on her clothes neatly, her long hair was wet.

Fortunately, the grass in the forest is very clean. Suo San spread his long hair on the grass by the lake, where the sun just shines.

Although his hair is very long and thick, it will dry quickly if he lays it out to dry.

Suo San straightened his long golden hair and muttered: "Without balm, my hair doesn't smell good anymore, and it doesn't seem so slippery anymore. When I see you in a few days, will you dislike my hair..."

So worried, so distressed, so wronged.

"No, you must buy a piece of balm before going to the adults, and wash your hair before going." Suo San secretly planned.

Flynn Reid was standing under the tree and had nothing to love. He was obviously a man, so why did he have such long hair?What a hassle, it's hard to dry after washing.

No matter how much he complained in his heart, he didn't dare to bother that boy.

Flynn Reid sat by the lake quietly waiting for his hair to dry, and at the same time he touched something hard by his feet.

It's that crown.

He picked up the crown and looked at it carefully. Suo San has seen many beautiful gems since he was a child. Your lord has a big box of beautiful gems.

There are only a few gems in this crown that can match the gems in your lord's box.

The overall workmanship seems to be fine, but because Suo San has seen good things, he doesn't think this crown is amazing.

"How do you wear it?"

Suo San put the crown on his head curiously, and then looked at the reflection in the lake.

It seems a little crooked.

Suo San straightened the crown, then looked down at the reflection in the lake, and was stunned for a moment.

It's not that the crown is so amazing to wear on his head, but...

With long golden hair and a silver crown studded with precious stones on top of his head, this match is surprisingly well matched, as if the crown was born for him.

Crown of the Son of the Sun?

The Son of the Sun, the Son of the Sun who was stolen...

Suo San looked at the reflection in the lake, then reached out and took off the crown and ruthlessly stuffed it into the bag.

After Suo San's hair dries, he uses a headband to braid the hair into long braids and folds it repeatedly.

He didn't take pity on his hair, and he didn't tear off a single hair during the whole process.

As he braided his hair, he touched the bottom strand of his hair, a small bob.

In fact, in addition to his long golden hair, there is a short strand of brown hair at the bottom of his hair.

I heard that he broke it when he was naughty when he was a child.

As long as his hair is cut, it will turn from blond to brown and lose its magic power.

Suo San would never allow his hair to lose its magical power. He had a premonition that if he lost this magical hair, the adult would disappear too, and the adult would no longer love him.

Suo San stroked his hair and murmured in a low voice, "My lord, I miss you."

(End of this chapter)

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