Chapter 547 Black Market
Chapter 577 Black Market
There is an inn in the deepest part of the forest. The inn is not very big, but people come and go every day.

The people coming and going were vicious, coming in and out one by one with their bags in their mouths.

Here sits lesser-known deals.

Before dark, Flynn Reid brought Suo San here.

"Here we are, that's the black market." Flynn Reid pointed at the inn out of breath and said.

Suo San jumped off the horse with a calm expression.

Suo San was riding a horse along the way, and Felin Reid was driven forward by Suo San, so they came here before the sunset.

Suo San looked at the inn, it was not dark yet, but the light in the forest was rather dark, and the inn had already been lit.

Flynn Reid introduced: "In addition to black market transactions, you can also eat and stay in this inn. If you need to sell white horses, you can just go in and tell the shopkeeper to sell things."

"Well, you go in with me."

"it is good."

Flynn Reid glanced around, he was actually very familiar with this place, and the shopkeeper of the inn also knew him.

Over the past few years, Flynn Reid has stolen many treasures, big and small, and resold them here.

Later, you only need to give the shopkeeper a look and the shopkeeper will understand what he means.

Flynn Reid glanced at Suo San. He was dressed in a white witch robe, his long blond hair was tied into a braid, and his skin was tender. Such a person could fetch the best price.

Phew, count him as wicked.

But this young man is so good at martial arts, he should be able to escape from the inn.

Flynn Reid wanted these people to hold Suo San so that he could run away with the crown.

Suo San tied the horse to the door and entered the inn.

There are people coming and going in the inn, and many people are eating.

As soon as someone came in, everyone's eyes turned to the door. They were stunned when they saw the young man who came in. Is this a new face?

They all traveled around and lived a life of knife-edge, and often stole some things to resell here, so they occasionally have impressions of some people.

Suo San's typical fresh face, such a fair and beautiful person has never been here before.

And this young man is too clean, he doesn't look like someone who has lived a hard life.

But even so, no one dared to go up, because Suo San looked fair and delicate, but the coercion on his body made people dare not approach.

Even though he was a young man, he was full of dangerous aura, which made these people who often live on the tip of a knife scared.

And Flynn Reid followed behind the boy.

Someone who knew Flynn Reid immediately showed surprise in his eyes.

Suo San walked the inn step by step, and he found that the people at the tables on both sides seemed to be eating, chatting and laughing, but in fact they were all observing themselves.

It really is an unusual place.

A black market is a black market, and everyone is so interesting.

Suo San made a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and walked directly to the counter.

Flynn Reid lowered his head not to look at those familiar people.

A thin man at the counter was thinking about his abacus. When he saw someone coming, he immediately put the plate aside, then raised his head and asked, "Do you want to eat or stay in the store or sell things?"

When the shopkeeper saw the clean boy, he was stunned for a moment, then felt the boy's aura, and finally his eyes turned subtle.

"Are you going to sell something?"


Suo San was not surprised that his intention was guessed, the shopkeeper of the black market had very poisonous eyes.

Suo San asked, "How much is that war horse at the door worth?"

The shopkeeper turned his head and glanced at the white horse at the door: "The coat is bright, the muscles are well defined, and it has blood. This is the horse of the Royal Knights, right?"

The shopkeeper knew at a glance that this horse was extraordinary, and that the royal knight's horse could be stolen. This young man is amazing.

While looking at the horse, the shopkeeper also noticed Flynn Reid standing behind.

The shopkeeper is still very impressed with Flynn Reid, a very capable thief, who often sneaks into some museums to steal things.

Everything he stole was sold to himself.

I also have an impression of him after going back and forth.

But today Flynn Reid stood behind without saying a word, and he didn't come forward to chat with himself with a smile like before.

This is obviously a problem.

Seeing the shopkeeper looking at him, Flynn Reid blinked his eyes and glanced at Suo San.

The shopkeeper seemed to understand something.

The thief who stole things all the year round was robbed halfway?

Flynn Reid is asking for help?
The shopkeeper doesn't recognize friends, he only recognizes money, let's take a look first.

Flynn Reid saw that the shopkeeper did not respond to him accurately, and suddenly felt a little guilty. Don't make any mistakes. Why is it different from what he expected?

The shopkeeper frowned and said, "This horse is only worth three pieces of gold."

"It's too low. If you give it a higher price, I will sell you more things. This thing is absolutely the only one in the world. If you give me a reasonable price, I can give it to you personally." Suo San said.

Send someone to him?
The shopkeeper immediately looked at Flynn Reid, and immediately understood what was going on.

And Flynn Reid was stunned, what's going on?Who is he going to send to the shopkeeper.

The black market is also for human trafficking, and the human fee is not low.

Flynn Reid really didn't expect that he would be sold one day, no, this is a gift to accompany the sale!

Flynn Reid: "Little brother, I have already completed half of your mission by bringing you here. If you sell me, how can I take you to find a place with shell powder paint? I'm still useful of."

Suo San disliked his noise: "Shut up."

Those two cold words seemed to have turned into a sharp knife, piercing Flynn Reid's bone marrow.
Flynn Reid immediately fell silent.

The shopkeeper knew who he should help when he saw the disparity.

This boy is still reliable.

"Tell me what you want to sell. If it's good, I will definitely give you the fairest price. This man is worth two gold pieces."

Two pieces of gold?

Although Suo San didn't expect Flynn Reid to sell for money, he couldn't help but compare him with the money he sold the horse when he heard the two gold pieces.

This man is not as good as a horse, and a horse is worth more money.

Suo San: "In addition to this war horse, there is also a crown. It is rumored that this is worn by the Son of the Sun. The king and queen took great pains to find rare gemstones from all over the country to inlay it."

While speaking, he took out a crown from the bag in his arms.

Hearing this introduction, everyone pricked up their ears. Many diners stopped talking and turned their heads to look at the counter.

When the shopkeeper heard this, his expression became serious, and his eyes were filled with unbearable joy: "Open it and show me, is it really the crown of the Son of the Sun?"

The crown protected by thousands of knights was taken by someone.

Not to mention the dismantling of the crown, if it is sold as a whole, it is simply a priceless treasure.

The shopkeeper is not worried that someone will snatch it, this black market is definitely the safest black market in the world, no one dares to be presumptuous here.

Suo San didn't care at all, and handed over the crown casually.

In the eyes of others, the crown is a treasure, but to him it is a burden, so it is better to exchange it for some money.

(End of this chapter)

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