Chapter 552 Sleeping Together
Chapter 582 Sleeping Together
The warm hot spring wrapped himself, Ruan Xiaoli closed his eyes and soaked in the water without moving.

This old bone, Ruan Xiaoli fell in love with the feeling of soaking in hot springs, and planned to come here for more soaks in the future, so as not to always be in the cold.

And when it comes to winter, I still have bone pain all over my body. This is probably the price of eternal life. When it comes to winter, I feel uncomfortable all over.

I don't know how long after soaking in the hot spring, until the sound of footsteps coming from the side, Ruan Xiaoli quickly opened his eyes and came out of the water.

As soon as Ruan Xiaoli looked up, he saw Suo San standing by the hot spring.

Seeing Ruan Xiaoli, Suo San immediately showed a smile on his handsome face: "My lord, you've been soaking for a long time, I haven't heard a sound over there, and I'm worried about you."

You can't soak in hot springs for too long, and you will feel dizzy if you soak for too long.

Suo San knew she wasn't dizzy...

Ruan Xiaoli said lightly: "Well, I see, I'll get up right away."

"Then I'll go over there and wait for your lord." Suo San turned around obediently and left.

Ruan Xiaoli breathed a sigh of relief, she looked at the misty water surface, Suo San should not be able to see anything from the angle she was standing just now.

The hot spring was steaming, and there was water mist everywhere. If she was buried under the water, no one on the shore would be able to find her.

Ruan Xiaoli always felt that there was something wrong with Suo San, she didn't continue to spend the afternoon, Ruan Xiaoli quickly went ashore and put on his clothes.

He took out a new piece of clothes from the small bag and put them on, folded the dirty clothes and put them in the bag.

There is another world in the small bag, and there is a lot of space inside. The dirty clothes will be placed in the corner of the small bag without touching other things.

Ruan Xiaoli felt warm and comfortable after soaking in the hot spring.

On the grass in the distance, Suo San found a large plank from nowhere, and he spread a thick blanket on it, which directly became an open-air bed.

"My lord, I've already arranged the resting place, you can rest first, I'll go wash up." Suo San said.

"it is good."

Although the wooden board was very hard, it was fine after laying a thick blanket on it, and Ruan Xiaoli sat on it.

Suo San took out a large blanket from his pocket and covered her body: "It's cold in the forest at night, adults should cover it thicker."


Ruan Xiaoli took a look at the bag, Suo San still remembered to take her magic bag when he went out, he seemed to have a lot of things in it.

Ruan Xiaoli rested first, and Suo San washed in the hot spring.

He came back when she was drowsy and about to fall asleep.

Suo San threw off the blanket and got in, he rubbed against Ruan Xiaoli.

Ruan Xiaoli was awakened by his movement: "Suo San?"

"My lord, there is only this place to rest. My lord, please don't chase me away, I don't want to sleep on the floor." Suo San said aggrievedly.

"I didn't say I'd drive you away, just sleep like this, don't make a lot of noise, I'm a light sleeper."

Suo San smiled: "I won't disturb your lord, let's rest soon, lord, it's late."

Late at night, the forest was pitch black, and the two slept together in a small bed on the grass, hugging each other tightly.

No, to be precise, it was the boy holding the witch.

Ruan Xiaoli slept in the hot spring more familiarly than ever, Suo San put his hand on her waist and hugged her.

Ruan Xiaoli fell asleep, but Suo San kept his eyes open with a satisfied smile in his eyes.

"My lord...I like this so much."

Hope this will always be the case.

At least now outside, on the road, he can sleep with adults at night.

This is really good, I really hope that it will be like this when I go back to the tower, sharing the same bed with adults like when I was a child.

Suo San gently stretched out his hand and moved the sleeping Ruan Xiaoli's head a little, letting her lean in front of him.

He hugged her and fell asleep in peace.

That night he had a sweet dream, dreaming that the adults stayed in the tower with him and never went out again.

Every night, the grown-ups hug and sleep with themselves, even...

Suo San woke up before dawn, he moved his body and felt something strange, he took back the hand on Ruan Xiaoli's waist, quickly lifted the blanket and left lightly.

The sky was getting darker, Ruan Xiaoli gradually woke up, slowly opened his eyes and saw a tree, Ruan Xiaoli was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered where he was now.

When Ruan Xiaoli got up, she saw that there was nothing around her, so she got up quickly.


Won't run away?
She slept soundly after soaking in the hot spring yesterday, so Suo San took the opportunity to run away, right?

Xiao Evil reminded: "I didn't run away, you look over to the hot spring."

Ruan Xiaoli looked up, and saw a faint shadow of a person in the smoky hot spring not far away.

At this time, the man stood up from the hot spring, and his slender body fell off the line in the smoke.

Suo San put on a white robe and went ashore barefoot.

His long hair was also wet, and soon soaked his coat.

Suo San frowned as if he was a little distressed about his hair.

It's too long, and it's troublesome to wash his hair every time, but he doesn't dislike it, this is the hair that adults like, and he must take good care of it.

Suo San noticed a gaze looking at him, he raised his head: "My lord, you are awake."

As Suo San walked forward, he quietly kicked the dirty clothes on the bank a few times, kicking them into the grass.

"My lord, the sun is not out now, and my hair is wet. Hey, it has wet my new clothes."

"Who told you to go to the hot spring early in the morning? You must have brushed your hair for a long time last night."

"I soaked on the shore last night, and my hair didn't get wet on the shore."

Suo San took out a towel from the bag and began to wipe his hair. The movement of wiping his hair was a bit clumsy, and his eyes kept turning towards himself.

Ruan Xiaoli knew what he was thinking just by looking at his small eyes.

She reached out and took the towel from his hand: "Let me wipe it for you."

"Thank you sir!"

The two of them were not in a hurry, and took care of their hair slowly.

Suo said aggressively, "My lord, can you braid my hair into long braids, then fold it a few times and tie it tightly so that it won't drag the floor."

"it is good."

Ruan Xiaoli reached out and gently picked up the long golden hair and slowly braided it.

To be honest, this hairstyle is really not very good-looking, so it is only Su San's face that can support this hairstyle.

When Ruan Xiaoli was braiding his hair, he touched a strand of short brown hair in the clump.

Suo San felt where her fingers were moving, and said, "My lord, my hair is originally brown, isn't it?"

"Well, your hair was originally brown, but it turned golden because of the magic." Ruan Xiaoli asked while combing his hair: "Suo San, do you like long golden hair?"

"I like it, the gold is so dazzling, it is like the sun."

(End of this chapter)

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