Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 553 Don't Look at the Sky Lantern

Chapter 553 Don't Look at the Sky Lantern
Chapter 583 Don't Look at the Sky Lantern
Since he promised to take him to buy shell powder paint, Ruan Xiaoli took him on the road after finishing Suo San's hair.

If Ruan Xiaoli was alone, he could fly directly, but now that Suo San is here, she can't let Suo San know that she can fly.

Xiao Evil suddenly thought of something: "In the original plot, Ge Duo couldn't fly at all, that's why he fell from the tower to pieces. You can fly now, but don't let Rapunzel know that you can fly, and brush it off. Don't fly when you're here."


The witchcraft that Ruan Xiaoli learned to fly was designed in the first place.

Suo San followed Ruan Xiaoli, and he held Ruan Xiaoli's hand tentatively: "My lord, there are tree roots everywhere in this forest, let me hold you, don't fall down."

If you want to say that he has ulterior motives in saying this, but Ruan Xiaoli looked up and saw Suo San with a sincere face.

Hold it, she also likes his warm hands.

Suo San was in a very happy mood.

"My lord, how long does it take to get from here to the beach?"

"It will take a long time. It will take three or four days to take a shortcut through the forest. If you go to the town along the road, it will take more than ten days."

"Well, then let's go to the forest."


The corners of Suo San's eyes are full of smiles, if he walks in the forest, he and the adults will be alone these few days, a rare time alone.

The two walked unhurriedly, and stopped to rest when it was time to eat.

Ruan Xiaoli originally wanted to go hunting, but Suo San took out all kinds of pastries directly from the package.

It seems that these high points are made by Suo San.

He made so many pastries when he came out?

Suo San arranged the things and said: "Although you don't come back often, and I don't know when you will come back, but I will make some pastries almost every few days, so that no matter what day you come back, you can eat them." .”

"The thief took me down the tower, and I took the adult's bag while he was not paying attention, and temporarily packed a lot of things in it, including these pastries." Suo San lied without blushing or panting. .

Flynn Reid kidnapped him?
Ruan Xiaoli didn't believe this sentence even to death, it was someone who abducted you, not you who abducted him and sold him in the end.

A lot of things were temporarily packed in, but it was so complete, including clothes, blankets, pastries, and even drinking glasses and fruit wine.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't expose his lie, she ate soft cakes.

Suo San's craftsmanship is very good, and the pastries are soft and delicious, and these pastries can be preserved.

Seeing Ruan Xiaoli eating, Suo San asked, "Master, is it delicious?"

"Well, Suo San's craftsmanship is better."

"As long as adults like it, I will make it for adults every day after I get home." Suo San said seriously, he will definitely take good care of adults and make adults happy every day.

Go home, these two words touched Ruan Xiaoli a little bit.

High tower, high tower, I have always called that place a high tower, but it is also the home of the two of them, although this home is a bit strange.

Make pastries for her every day after returning home?Ruan Xiaoli glanced at the cheerful young man, her eyes lowered slightly.

The imagination is beautiful, but the reality is that there is no chance.

"Treasure the time we spend together now." In the black space, Xiao Evil watched the plot on the sliding light screen, and the progress bar of the plot was almost at the end.

Ruan Xiaoli ate several pieces of cakes in a row, and when he felt that he was almost done, he took a sip of the fruit wine.

The powdered sugar on the pastry was stained on her hand, when Ruan Xiaoli was about to take the handkerchief, Suo San suddenly held her hand, and he wiped it carefully for her with the white handkerchief in his hand.

Ruan Xiaoli's fingers trembled, she took her hand back: "You eat, don't worry about me."

It's not that Suo San has never done such a thing, but now that she knows that he is crooked, any action that Suo San makes to take care of the sensible seems to have changed a bit.

Suo San stood in mid-air with his hands stiff, and finally took them back.

If you always eat high food, you will definitely get tired. When you are walking on the road, you will check whether there are any ingredients in the forest.

The most indispensable thing in the forest is game and some fungi.

Suo San would pick any good edible fungi he saw, and he would start roasting mushrooms when he was resting.

When Ruan Xiaoli saw him take out the seasoning powder, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Suo San, what you brought is really complete."

Suo San's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "I packed some random things, luckily there is seasoning powder."


The kid is lying.

If she didn't know Suo San well, she might have been easily deceived by his words.

Ruan Xiaoli sat on the stone and warmed the fire, looked at Suo San who was working hard, and said, "Suo San, what are you going out of the tower for?"

There is always a purpose for coming out.

It's impossible to really just look for her, right?

Anyway, in the original plot, Rapunzel really yearns to see the sky full of lanterns.

Don't Suo San want to watch it?
In a few days, it will be the birthday of Sun Son. Although it is said that Sun Son was stolen, the king and queen will hold a large lantern festival on this day every year.

If Suo San wants to finish watching, Ruan Xiaoli is still willing to take him to see, anyway, he has already left the tower.

If you can show Suo San the real sky full of lights, then take him to see the real one.

Suo San didn't know what Ruan Xiaoli was thinking about, he was just nervous now, does your lord know that he came out with a purpose?
Sure enough, if those themselves were abducted, they still couldn't fool the adults.

"I came out to find my lord, and now I've found my lord, I'm very happy." Suo San flipped the mushroom skewers in his hand.

Ruan Xiaoli carefully observed his expression to see if he was lying.

There was a faint smile on the young man's exquisite face, and his eyes were so dark that she couldn't tell whether he was telling the truth or a lie for a moment.

"Suo San, do you want to see the sky lantern?" Ruan Xiaoli asked calmly.

Suo San was taken aback for a moment, his eyes dimmed: "I don't want to."

He doesn't want to see the sky lantern anymore, he doesn't want to touch the sky lantern at all, he doesn't want to touch those things.

From seeing the crown and hearing those rumors, Suo San had a vague guess in his heart, and that guess became more and more real.

Suo San didn't want to admit those guesses in his heart, and he didn't want to get in touch with those things, so he just pretended that nothing happened.

"Didn't you say you wanted to go to the edge of the cliff with me to watch the sky lanterns last time? Why don't you want to this time?"

Ruan Xiaoli felt that he was a bit strange.

"The sky lanterns are nothing to look at. I can see them every year, and I think it's better to see them at home than on a cliff."

"Why don't we go to the town to see it?" Ruan Xiaoli suggested.

"Don't!" Suo San suddenly raised his voice, and then he realized that he was a little excited, and then suppressed his voice and said, "It's too tiring to rush to the town now, and I really don't want to see the sky lanterns anymore , my lord, let's go buy shell powder paint and then go back, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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