Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 559 Doubt that all male protagonists in the world are the same person

Chapter 559 Doubt that all male protagonists in the world are the same person
Chapter 589 Doubt that all male protagonists in the world are the same person
His voice was right next to Ruan Xiaoli's ear, and his fiery breath hit the base of her ear.

Ruan Xiaoli knew that as long as he stepped back a little bit, he would stick to his chest.

Want to promote the plot, originally wanted to create contradictions.

As long as she walks the rope, she will definitely be reluctant and there will definitely be conflicts.

But I didn't expect that after a little push, I found that the child was already black!
Ruan Xiaoli reached out and touched the wall: "Suo San, I never knew you were so talented in learning witchcraft."

The original owner, Ge Duo, is a very untalented maiden, not even serious. All she thinks about is taking care of her body and face, and she has learned half of other things.

After Ruan Xiaoli came here, she learned a lot of witchcraft, but due to her physical limitations, her witchcraft was mediocre.

And Suo San's ability to cast a permanent seal shows how strong his talent is.

But his talent was used to trap her?
"Are you praising me, my lord? Since I'm so talented, don't go out, my lord. Stay here and teach me other witchcraft."

His body was pressed against Ruan Xiaoli's back, his hot chest pressed against Ruan Xiaoli's back, and his two arms supported her to trap her in front of his chest.

"Suo San, are you taking revenge on me? Taking revenge on me for keeping you here for so long, so are you going to take revenge on me now?"

"No, sir, don't get me wrong, I just don't want you to leave and I don't want you to go out and get hurt." Suo San explained.

Ruan Xiaoli wanted to retreat but couldn't move, so he could only shrink back and turn around, facing Suo San directly, the two of them maintained the posture of wall-dong.

Her head only reached his chin, and her own child had already grown so tall.

"Suo San, let me out before I'm really completely angry. Are you trying to break our relationship by continuing like this?"

Her voice was very slow, and every word she uttered clearly meant she was serious.

Suo San no longer showed timidity in his eyes at this moment, he could not retreat.

Although he cares about adults, sometimes he just needs to be tough.

"My lord, you have to be clear about your current situation. You don't have the slightest capital to negotiate terms with me now, so just stay with me obediently, okay? I won't hurt you, and I will treat you very well." Suo San He reached out and stroked her cheek.

Ruan Xiaoli was about to use his witchcraft, but found that his body was weak, and a sense of exhaustion hit him.

What did this kid do?
Xiao Evil also noticed something was wrong: "You seem to have been cast into a witchcraft by him, his talent is too high!"

Ruan Xiaoli swayed from exhaustion, this witchcraft definitely didn't come down in the past few days, maybe he got it in the forest on the way to the beach.

Suo San gently stroked her face, until she was about to fall down, he quickly reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"My lord, let's go to sleep, and we won't make trouble when we wake up, okay?"

He set the trap early on, and adults will be under his control from now on.

He could finally not have to watch the adults leave, and he no longer had to sit by the window every day waiting for her to come back.

Suo San picked up Ruan Xiaoli, feeling slightly uncomfortable: "My lord, you are so skinny, too light."

She looks standard in figure, but she is actually very light in weight.

Suo San carried Ruan Xiaoli upstairs, and he changed her pajamas himself.

When changing clothes, he directly stripped Ruan Xiaoli clean, Suo San moved quickly and kept pressing his eyes.

After changing his clothes, he breathed a sigh of relief, and Suo San happily scrubbed her face.

After doing all this, he sat quietly by the bed alone: ​​"My lord, you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen, my lord, I like you so much."

Today he did some very bold things, he knew that adults would be angry, but he was sure that he could calm adults down slowly.

From today on, he can be with adults forever and ever.

It's not that he reads this book alone, it's not that he waits for the sunset alone.

"My lord, do you know how happy I am now? I can already imagine how fulfilling and beautiful our life will be in the future. Every breath of my future will be filled with your existence everywhere, and my happy emotions are almost overflowing." .” Suo San suppressed his excitement.

"But I have to hurry up and coax the adults, I don't want the adults to treat me coldly every day."

Suo San stretched out his hand to play with her hair: "My lord, don't be angry with me for too long, okay, I'm afraid I won't be able to be firm when I see you angry, but I won't give in when it comes to being with you forever of."

In the black space, Xiao Evil was sitting on the carpet, and a long-haired woman was leaning against it!

Little Evil rolled his eyes to the side: "You know how to come in."

"Entering your space requires your consent. I can only enter with your consent."


Ruan Xiaoli looked at the picture on the light screen, which projected portraits in mid-air like a projector.

She watched Suo San caressing her face obsessively, and carefully cut off a white hair that had just grown out for herself.

She could clearly see Suo San's sad and loving look.

Ruan Xiaoli was silent, and at the same time felt depressed...

Xiao Evil looked at the light screen and then at Ruan Xiaoli: "What's wrong? Was he hit? You treat him like a child but he wants to fuck you."

"I didn't get hit, but I just felt that I didn't raise him well."

Obviously, Suo San has psychological problems, which have a very important relationship with her.

"So are you blaming yourself a little now?" Xiao Evil stretched out his hand to slide the letters on the side of the light screen, and said, "Don't blame yourself, if there is no task interference, you can raise a child, I believe you can raise him super well , but the reality is that we have villain missions, and you left him when he was young for the villain missions again and again, causing his psychological defects is inevitable, and you didn't mean it."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't speak, she looked at Suo San, and looked at him hard.

In fact, when Suo San got close to her several times, she felt that this was not her raised child, and he had a sense of familiarity.

This is the familiarity that all male protagonists in the world have given her...

"Little Evil, besides the system and the host, who else would travel through the Three Thousand Worlds?"

"Ah? What did you say?" Little Evil swiped the light screen to watch the plot, but he didn't react for a while.

What is Ruan Xiaoli asking?Who else would travel through the Three Thousand Worlds?
She asked what this is for, is this thinking jump too long, does this have something to do with the task?

Xiao Nao had doubts, but he still answered: "There are four kinds of people who travel through the three thousand worlds, the system, the host, and the people from the space station that developed the system, that is, the people from my birthplace, and the last one is the world. host,
But generally they are the first three types. System hosts are very common. People in the space station occasionally come to Three Thousand Worlds to investigate.

The World Master is the creator of the Three Thousand Worlds, and neither belongs to the Three Thousand Worlds nor the space station. The number of the World Masters is unknown, and where they are born is unknown, and there is almost no record. "

In fact, Xiao Evil wanted to say that the world master might not be pure.


"Why are you asking this?"

"I suspect that all crooked male protagonists in the world are the same person."

Xiao Evil was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Don't be scared, it's impossible, if they are all the same person, it means that he is from the space station. People from the space station have no private right to arrange which world they appear in at will. It’s impossible to meet you so many times in a world.”

"Little Evil, you are so soft to lean on, but it's a pity that you're a little short. If you're taller, I can lean on it more comfortably." Ruan Xiaoli suddenly muttered.

"Ruan Xiaoli! Get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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