Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 560 Suo San deduces the whole truth

Chapter 560 Suo San deduces the whole truth

Chapter 590 Suo San deduces the whole truth

Ruan Xiaoli was kicked out of the space by Xiao Evil.

It's not like it's the first time it's been kicked out.

Ruan Xiaoli is helpless, she is telling the truth, Xiao Ei is a child who is prone to blow-ups and has a bit of a grumpy personality.

Hearing this woman's voice, Xiao Ei wanted to come out and bite Ruan Xiaoli.

It's super good now compared to the initial temper, okay?snort!

"It's fine if I can tolerate you pressing me down, but you still dislike me and complain about my height, bah, don't come into my space." The domineering Zheng Taiyin smelled like milk.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't dare to speak anymore.

She still wants to enter the little evil space, and still wants to hold down the soft Zhengtai.

Suo San was sitting on the edge of the bed, Ruan Xiaoli controlled his breathing and pretended to be asleep without moving.

She had just entered the space with her soul, so she was relatively awake, but after a while the soul and body merged, she became sleepy again.

Ruan Xiaoli slowly fell asleep.

The sun was setting, and there was a fiery red cloud in the sky. Suo San sat quietly by the bed and looked at the beautiful witch on the boat without blinking.

Adults are the best.

Suo San stretched out his hand to twirl her hair, but when he pushed it away, he saw two white hairs.

"How could this be?"

Are you aging rapidly?

Suo San was a little panicked, so he quickly cut off the two white hairs with scissors.

Then Suo San sat on the edge of the bed, and covered Ruan Xiaoli with his golden hair.

The golden hair shone brightly, but the light was obviously not as bright as it was a few years ago.

"How could this be? Why didn't I notice that the light of my hair was different before."

"Is it my magic that is dissipating? Is my magic not working and that's why grown-ups are aging?"

The golden light enveloped Ruan Xiaoli, and it lasted for a long time before Suo San removed his hair.

I saw that Ruan Xiaoli, who was pale just now, now has a peachy complexion, and his dull black hair just now has some luster.

Seeing such a change, Suo San breathed a sigh of relief.

"My lord, I won't let you age, I won't let you disappear."

Suo San got up and went to the study to look for the magic book. There must be such things as hair with magic power recorded in the magic book, and there must be magic that can keep people young forever.

He thought so.

But if there is magic that can keep people forever young, how could Ge Duo not know it?
You must know that all these books belong to Ge Duo.

Suo San looked at the magic books page by page. He had read most of the magic books here, but he hadn't read a few of them.

But after looking through all the magic books, there is no such record.

He didn't see anything until he found a very worn-out book.

"Sun golden flower?"

Suo San narrowed his eyes, and he hurriedly read carefully.

It is said that centuries ago the sun dropped a drop of seed, and the seed fell on the ground and grew a beautiful golden flower, which shone like the sun under the sun's rays.

The golden flower possesses powerful magic, which can make people prolong their life and youth forever, and can also bring people back to life.

Countless people yearn for such a golden flower, but no one has ever found out where the golden flower is.

It takes tens of centuries for the sun to drop a drop of seed.

It is rumored that every golden flower has been collected by people, and the world cannot find it.

Suo San looked at his long golden hair silently: "When I was young, adults always called me Xiao Hua..."

How many names do adults call themselves?
One is to call his name Suo San, Xiao Suo San, and the other is to call him baby, dear.

Another kind is to call him Hua, Xiaohua, Huaer, dear Xiaohua.

Suo San wondered more than once why adults called him that.

After thinking about it for a long time, Suo San felt that this might be some nickname given to him by adults.

But now seeing the record about Sun Golden Flower, Suo San suddenly had a bold guess.

Are you that golden flower?

But the records in the magic book didn't say that Jinhua could turn into a human.

"What exactly happened that I don't know..."

"Am I the golden flower? I'm a prince and I'm also called the son of the sun. Is there any connection between my name the son of the sun and the sun golden flower?"

Suo San calmly told his life experience, he guessed his life experience early on.

Although this is a very far-reaching guess, Suo San intuitively feels that he is the Son of the Sun in those populations, His Royal Highness the Prince of the country.

And the lord is the witch who is rumored to have stolen the prince.

Suo San didn't have any trouble with his life experience, and he didn't feel the slightest thing about being stolen.

If he felt it, he was glad that he was stolen by an adult.

It is because of this kind of stealing that I have been able to meet and get along with adults for so many years.

"Prince, Son of the Sun, Sun Golden Flower, Magical Hair, Magical Long Golden Hair..."

Suo San tried hard to recall all the words in series.

Although he regretted that he didn't understand where the title of Son of the Sun came from.

I remember that there were many rumors about his life experience among the people, and he would hear some voices along the way, because that time happened to be the birthday of the Son of the Sun, and there were many stories about him.

But because Suo San deliberately avoided his own background, he deliberately stopped listening to these things.

what's coming?

What are the rumors?

Suo San racked his brains to think, the queen had a serious illness when she doubted herself?
How was it cured in the end?
How did it get cured?

"The golden flower of the sun can bring people back to life...so the queen ate the golden flower and gave birth to me, and my hair inherited the magic of the golden flower."

"Your Excellency loves beauty the most. You want to prolong your life and stay young forever, so you stole it from me..."

"The magic power of the golden flower in my body is greatly reduced, so the adults will grow old."

"The lord has lived for centuries, I just, how did the lord live so long before stealing me?"

Suo San talked to himself and dissected it bit by bit.

Suddenly he had a bold guess, and Suo San's eyes trembled: "My lord has lived on the golden flower for several centuries, the queen was seriously ill, and the golden flower was in the queen's hands, and the queen ate the golden flower from the lord to heal her serious illness and then gave birth to me..."

Why was the golden flower eaten by the queen?
The golden flower was raised by the adults for several centuries, why did it end up in the hands of the queen?
They stole the adults' flowers!

Suo San's mind was in a mess, no, to be precise, his mind was in a mess, his mind was very clear and he could figure out everything.

Although all of these are conjectures, but they match one by one, this may be the truth.

On the horrors of someone with a super-high IQ and a bold idea.

All things were explained by Suo San.

Suo San's mood was very complicated. In fact, he was a little bit resentful towards the adults, not because she shut him up, but because she didn't accompany him.

Now that he had these conjectures, Suo San found that he could not complain at all, but felt very sorry for his lord.

Suo San wanted to put the book away, but now he came back to his senses, before he put the book back, he felt someone behind him.

As soon as I turned around, I saw a witch in a purple dress standing at the door.

It seems to have been standing for a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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