Chapter 561 Write it off?

Chapter 591 Write it off?

"My... my lord." Suo San called her name hesitantly.

And the witch just stood at the door with a blank face, her expression was very cold, to be precise, she had never been cold before.

The two of them had conflicts before, and Suo San had seen her indifferent before, but it was not like this now...

Adults looked at him as if they had never known each other.

"My lord, why did you come down?"

Ruan Xiaoli brushed his hair with his hand, and leaned against the door: "If I don't come down, I won't be able to hear what you said, Suo San, I'm surprised that you are so smart."

"My lord, I was talking nonsense just now."

"Suo Chan, if you are not good at lying, don't lie, let alone tell lies with your eyes open. When did you know your background?"


Suo San was standing by the bookshelf, still holding the old magic book in his hand, his eyes were dim and his lips were lightly pursed.

"Do not say?"

Ruan Xiaoli sneered, turned and went to the living room.

She sat down on the recliner by the window, feeling extremely lazy.

Suo San silently put the magic book back on the shelf, and then went out.

As soon as he reached the living room, he heard a woman's gentle voice.

"Suo San, you locked me here on purpose and didn't let me go out. Have you thought about how to take revenge on me?" Ruan Xiaoli had a smile on his face, but his eyes were full of indifference and disappointment.

Suo San pursed his lips: "My lord, why do you always feel that I am taking revenge on you? Can't it be that I am protecting you?"

"Protect me? Suo San, are you telling a big joke?" Ruan Xiaoli leaned on the recliner.

In other words, no one would believe this sentence.

You have imprisoned a person for more than ten years, and that person suddenly imprisoned you, do you feel that he is protecting you?

The first guess must be that he is taking revenge on you, and he is going to take revenge.

Suo San smiled lightly: "My lord, you can take my behavior as a big joke, and I also think my behavior is like a joke..."

When he sorted out those things, Suo San couldn't figure out where he was, the only thing he could do was follow his heart.

He wanted to throw away everything about his birth, as if he didn't know his birth and didn't know those things.

Everything else is none of his business, he just wants to protect and accompany her now.

But now the adults don't seem to want to give him this chance...

"My lord, just pretend that you didn't hear what I just said, and I also pretend that I don't know my own life experience. Can we get along as before?" Suo San asked softly, softening his voice.

Life seems to be happier when you don't know anything.

"Suo San, what do you want to write off, and we get along in harmony like this?"

"Yes, can you?"

"Hahahaha." The beautiful witch suddenly laughed, and Ruan Xiaoli burst into tears from laughing. At the same time, her complexion also became gray, not as bloody as before.

Suo San realized something was wrong, and he hurried forward to spread the golden hair on her body.

"Stop, stand there and don't come over."

Ruan Xiaoli stopped laughing and scolded sharply.

Suo San gritted his teeth: "My lord, let me cover your body with my hair first, okay, let's quarrel slowly."

"Hmph, Suo San, do you think we're arguing? I think we're reasoning, but before I can say the truth, you're overlord."

Ruan Xiaoli leaned back on the chair wearily, and continued: "It's a write-off, get along well? Why? Do you know how much you owe me! Even if I imprison you for 100 years, I can't vent my anger!"

Her cold and angry voice pierced the boy's body like a needle.

This is the real quarrel, the real conflict.

The so-called Cold War conflicts in the past were not even trivial.

Her eyes were extremely cold, looking at him was like looking at a strange thing.

Completely unfamiliar, it seems that he is not a child she brought up, but a stranger.

Suo San couldn't bear this look, he had never felt so uncomfortable before.

"My lord, please don't look at me like this."

"Can't stand my eyes anymore? But you are indeed such a weightless and strange thing in my heart. If it weren't for my little flower on you, I would never have the slightest connection with you in this life."

Suo San gritted his teeth, he saw her gray hair...

Several white hairs grew out of Ruan Xiaoli's thick black hair, and her face was also pale.

Suo San is preparing to go there.

Ruan Xiaoli looked over with one look: "Stand there."

"My lord, your body is getting old, please let me heal you, okay?"

Ruan Xiaoli looked at his hair with a light smile, and then at his bloodless hands. She estimated that in a few hours she would turn into an old lady, and then...

"Do you think you can cure me? Do you know why I became like this? If you hadn't stolen my little flower, I should be living very easily now, and I wouldn't face such a situation."

"My lord, I can be your flower, forever and ever."

Ruan Xiaoli looked up at the boy's long golden hair, and there was no longer that obsessive look in her eyes.

She shook her head: "I used to think that you would be my new little flower, but the fact is that you can't be that flower."

"My lord, what do you mean by what you said?" Suo San suppressed his voice and tried not to tremble. He always felt that her words had some meaning.

"It's nothing else, you can't replace my flower, because at least my little flower won't restrict my freedom, won't anger me, and won't take revenge on me."

Suo San opened his mouth, but did not utter a word in the end.

He won't budge.

He can take the best care of adults, and he can give adults anything they want, but the only thing they can't give is freedom.

He won't let adults go, never budge.

Ruan Xiaoli stood up and walked around the reclining chair. She walked slowly, and said as she walked: "Suo San, you already know your life experience, and you also know the whole story, so don't write it off in front of me. Get along, these words sound uncomfortable to me, don't you think you are too shameless for saying these words? You owe me, you owe me too much, and there is no way to write it off. "

The original owner, Ge Duo, was extreme in his love of beauty.

So now Ruan Xiaoli has left the character design a little bit, she wants to think extreme!

She is right, these are what the royal family owes her.

It's just that you stole your child and locked it up for more than ten years, and you want to pay off the debt you owe?
The golden flower was eaten by the queen, and although the child she gave birth had the magic of the golden flower in her hair, the magic had been slowly absorbed by the child as she grew older.

The human-shaped golden flower of the long-haired "princess" is far inferior to the effect of the golden flower raised by Ge Duo.

The consequence of the poor effect is that she can't last long, she is about to die.

(End of this chapter)

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