Chapter 562

Chapter 592

Suo San could not refute her words.

But he didn't want to refute at all, Suo San's full attention was on her body.

Suo San was thinking about whether it would be feasible for him to rush up and hug the adults.

Just as the two were in a stalemate, there was some movement in the forest.

Listen carefully to what seems to be uniform footsteps, the footsteps of people, and the footsteps of animals stepping on the ground.

what's the situation?
The sound was getting closer and closer, and the speed was still very fast, and the movement was so loud that there seemed to be quite a few people.

Ruan Xiaoli was standing at the window at the moment, when she looked outside, she saw a group of people pouring out of the cracked cave.

Teams of knights have come across the chasm to their ravine!
Ruan Xiaoli's eyes paused for a moment: "Xiao Evil, are there any of these in the original plot?"


Obviously, the plot is crooked and there are more unknown plots.

Ruan Xiaoli's sharp eyes saw a man riding a white horse underneath, and that was Flynn Reid, the hero of the thief.

"It seems that the problem is here."

Xiao Evil also saw Flynn Reid, and immediately understood: "The plot is crooked, Suo San sold Flynn Reid to the black market, so the subsequent plot cannot be developed, and even now it has evolved into Flynn Reid Bring the knights to carry your nest."

One link was crooked, and a series of unknown plots followed.

The story of the Three Thousand Worlds is amazing.

The Butterfly Effect.

The knights came to the canyon in one order, and when they saw the tall tower, they all became vigilant immediately!
"Surround the tower!"

At one command, the knights moved into action.

Suo San was standing in the living room, and when he heard the movement, he hurried to another window sill to look down.

When Suo San saw so many knights, his expression darkened instantly. His first reaction was not to let these people hurt the lord, he must keep the lord!

Suo San had never regretted it so much when he saw Flynn Reid. He should have killed this man in the first place!
Killing him will not let him bring so many people to disturb the life of himself and adults.

I regret not doing that, damn it.

Ruan Xiaoli was already sitting on the window sill over there, looked at the knight below with a smile, and said slowly: "Suo San, this is the purpose of your going out last time, it's really meticulous, it's a good idea."

Suo San narrowed his eyes, and quickly turned around: "My lord, I really came to look for you last time when I went out, can you trust me?
I didn't find these people, but they came here because of me, my lord, you wait for me quietly here for a while, I will solve them, I will not let them disturb our life . "

"Suo San, everyone is already gathered downstairs, is it interesting for you to act here?" Ruan Xiaoli didn't believe his words.

Suo San felt as if his heart had been stabbed, it was painful and stuffy, the voice in his heart kept shouting, my lord, why don't you believe me?
Adults don't believe what they say, they misinterpret themselves.

Xiao Evil is happy to watch this kind of play, it sits in the space and laughs like a flower branch.

"Oh, how pitiful, Ruan Xiaoli, are you too heartless?"

"It's better to be ruthless, don't give him hope."

Anyway, she was leaving, so it gave him a little hope, and he would feel even more uncomfortable seeing her dead.

Ruan Xiaoli's acting of ruthlessness and distrust is so full of acting skills that even the strands of his hair are full of acting skills.

At this moment, the knights below were already surrounded.

And Flynn Reid saw a woman sitting by a window on the high tower at a glance.

He was surprised, why is this witch sitting on the window?And with your back to them, aren't you afraid that they will shoot arrows and sneak attack?

Flynn Reid rode his horse and walked around the tower and shouted: "Vicious witch, there are knights everywhere in this valley, you have nowhere to escape, if you are willing to send the Son of the Sun down safely, maybe I can give you a comfortable death."

Stealing the prince, the most comfortable way to die is hanging.

According to the laws of the kingdom, it is not too much to chop this witch into pieces.

The top of the cliff in the valley was also full of knights, and all of them had bows and arrows, in case the witch would fly out on a broom.

Flynn Reid rode around the high tower and shouted. He looked up at the high tower, and then saw the young man standing by the window at another window.

Flynn Reid was overjoyed and shouted, "Your Highness!"

His Royal Highness and the witch are standing at two windows respectively. It is an advantage that they are so far apart from each other!

Fortunately, the witch is not holding His Highness Prince hostage now.

Suo San was very annoyed by the voice below, he looked coldly at the crowd of people below: "My lord, I'll deal with these people first."

They are so annoying.

Suo San tied his hair to the window, and was about to go down, when a cold and thin hand grabbed his neck!

Ruan Xiaoli, who was still sitting on the opposite window just now, came to him in an instant, and strangled his neck.

It's that kind of choking!
Suo San had difficulty breathing in an instant.

Ruan Xiaoli pinched his neck, his facial features were ferocious: "At this time, do you still want to lie to me in a grand manner? Suo San, are you going down to deal with them? Are you sure you didn't go down to meet them, and then go down again?" Get up and deal with me? You are my life-saving trump card now, will I be so stupid as to really let you go? Don’t cheat so clumsily, okay?”

Suo San blushed, and said firmly in a hoarse voice, "My lord, trust me."

"Vicious witch! Let go of your hand, don't hurt the prince!" Flynn Reid shouted.

He was in a hurry, that witch pinched the prince!
Ruan Xiaoli pinched Suo Si by the window, she smiled: "If you tell me to let go, I will let go? What else will you do except to be more crowded and louder? If you keep arguing, I will immediately cut him off." neck."


"Shh, you guys be quiet for a while, let me talk to my dear little prince." Ruan Xiaoli smiled very seductively: "I hate noise, if you make noise it will irritate me. How hard will the pinch become."

Flynn Reid kept his mouth shut and was unable to speak or give any orders.

This tower is very high, they can't do any real harm to this witch at all, at most they can shout and prevent her from running out.

Flynn Reid gritted his teeth: "Damn it, how can you send the prince down without hurting the prince?"

"I'll send him off naturally when I'm in a good mood, now you all shut up."


Ruan Xiaoli directly stretched out his hand to press Suo San and stretched out half of his body, he had an urge to throw the boy down.

"!" Flynn Reid panicked: "Don't be impulsive, we won't talk anymore, you must not hurt the prince!"

The people below were really scared, because they were afraid that she would throw the prince down and smash him to pieces, so they were quiet.

Suo San had some difficulty breathing, but it was not impossible to breathe. His throat was pinched and his face was very red.

Even with his body pushed halfway out of the window, Suo San still didn't panic.

After Ruan Xiaoli controlled the situation, he didn't pull Suo San back, but pressed him against the window.

quiet down.

Ruan Xiaoli looked at the scene calmly, his eyes were a little lifeless.

"Suo San, am I unable to escape today?"

She can't escape today.

(End of this chapter)

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