Chapter 565
Chapter 595
The entire sky was brightly illuminated by thousands of lights, and warm lights emerged, just like daytime.

It is obviously a beautiful scenery, but no one appreciates it.

Suo San stared at the tower with blood-red eyes, but he couldn't see anything.

The adult who was alive in front of him just a second ago turned into ashes in front of his eyes...

"grown ups!"

"grown ups!"

"Come back please! Don't..."

Suo San yelled like crazy, but no one would reply him except his voice.

There was nothing left, not even a corpse.

A living person will be gone if he says nothing, without leaving a trace, and this is probably the most heartbreaking thing.

Suo San is going crazy, no, he is already crazy.

After Suo San shouted, he raised his eyes to look at the lights all over the sky. The lights were gorgeous, and sky lanterns were rising into the sky.

There should be hundreds of lights here.

Where is this light from?
Suo San only thought for a second before he came up with an answer, and that answer seemed to kill his heart.

Is this a gift from the adults?

Is this arranged by adults?

It was arranged by adults...

But the gorgeous lights that were supposed to be admired by the two of them together in the high tower have now become a sacrifice when the adults die.

What a beautiful light, but the more beautiful the scene, the more painful his heart was.

"My lord, don't abandon me..."

Now he is really alone.

No one will be with me anymore.

No matter how long I wait in this tower, that person will not come back.

Countless voices in his head told him this cruel fact word by word.

No matter how long he waited in the tower, she would not return.

Just now she had disappeared before his eyes, forever and ever in this world.

Flynn Reid was taken aback. He had never expected such a big reaction from His Royal Highness Prince Son of the Sun after killing the witch.

Are you sure you killed a vicious witch who kidnapped the prince?
Why do I feel that what I killed was the prince's relatives, or more like the prince's lover.

Flynn Reid swallowed his saliva, put away his bow and crossbow, and then slowly walked to the window: "Your Highness, you are safe now, we are here on the king's order..."

"He came to kill my lord?" Suo San answered in a cold and terrifying voice, and he looked back at the culprit: "I really wish I didn't kill you back then!"

With a strong killing intent, Flynn Reid was so frightened that he froze in place.

Why does it feel like the prince is going to tear himself into pieces?
Suo San took out a dagger from his sleeve, and he looked at the dagger with a smile: "How do you think I should kill you? Does it hurt if your lord is crushed to pieces? It must be very painful. I want you to be more painful than her." Thousands of times!"

"His Royal Highness, what are you going to do?" Flynn Reid was too frightened to go forward.

The few knights behind didn't figure out what was going on.

They said in trembling voices: "Your Highness, don't get me wrong, we are here to save you, and now the vicious witch is dead, let's go back to the castle together."

"Vicious witch? Why do you say that, my lord? Which of your eyes saw her vicious!" Suo San shouted: "I only saw your evil deeds, and you killed her!"

It was they who killed the grown-ups.

But the adult's death has nothing to do with me.

Speaking of viciousness, the king, queen, himself, and this group of people are all the culprits!
And the adults didn't do anything, why should they keep saying that they are vicious?
Suo San has already had a nervous breakdown. He doesn't care about right or wrong, black or white, he just wants to kill, kill this group of people!

"I'm going to tear your corpses into ten thousand pieces and burn you all to ashes. No one can escape from here, and no one can get out of the forest alive!"

Suo San took a dagger and approached them step by step.

Flynn Reid backed away at a loss: "Your Highness, there must be some misunderstanding between us, please put down the knife and let's have a good chat, okay?"

"There is nothing to talk about with you group of people. You all deserve to die, everyone deserves to die, and everyone must be buried with the adults..."

Everyone should be damned.

Everyone should be damned...


"Ah... don't come here..."

There was a shrill scream from the tower, and a strong smell of blood spread.

The knights below didn't know what happened above, and they couldn't hear the screams from above because they were far away.

They were still glad that the witch was dead, they had won, and they could take the prince back to the castle to receive the reward from the king and queen.

But they didn't wait for Flynn Reid to take the prince down the tower, instead they waited for the prince who had been blood all his life to go down the tower alone.

Suo San's white robe was already stained red with blood, and the sharp knife in his hand was covered with blood.

He looked at those people with bloodshot eyes.

"Don't even think about the forest, let's all be buried with you!"



It was very restless in the forest that night, and there were screams like hell on earth all night.

The strong smell of blood spread everywhere, luring the wolves in the forest to stare at the tower one by one.

The warm-colored sky lanterns in the sky fly very high, and when they reach the apex, they look like stars.

The sky is dotted with stars, and the night view is beautiful, but no one appreciates it.

After one night, the earth returned to tranquility, but countless lives left this night.


A month passed, and the king and queen waited in the castle for thousands of knights to return.

They had an ominous premonition, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and sent many knights to look for them.

The knight who went many days later came back...

The knights who came back were all pale, as if they had been greatly frightened, and they were all so frightened that they could not speak.

What terrible thing in the depths of the forest can scare the knights like this?

After interrogating for a long time, a knight finally said madly: "All dead, all dead..."

"What's all dead? Tell me, what did you see?"

"Dead, all dead, bones everywhere, rotten meat everywhere, it stinks, all dead, all dead..."


Are all the knights sent dead?
How could this be?
Those people wanted to continue asking, but the lunatic actually bit off his tongue in fright. He would rather die than recall the horrible scene he saw.

The interrogators looked at each other.

It seems... the whereabouts and life and death of His Royal Highness are unknown.

When the king and queen heard the heart-wrenching news, they fell ill with anxiety.

"Send the knight to look for it again! Be sure to find my son!"

"Whoever can find His Royal Highness, I will send a city to repay him!"

(End of this chapter)

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