Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 566 The world collapses

Chapter 566 The world collapses
Chapter 596 The world collapses
A city as a reward.

The king's words inspired many warriors to go to the forest.

People continue to enter the forest, but few can come out alive.

Most of the people who came out were also crazy.


The once lush grassland is now full of corpses, the once vibrant canyon is now shrouded in dark clouds, and the once white waterfall is now dry.

Her departure took this piece of paradise with her, and this place became a purgatory on earth.

Once upon a time there lived a witch in Xanadu.

Now there is a prince living in purgatory on earth.

On the high tower shrouded in dark clouds, Suo San was sitting on the windowsill in a black robe.

His once blond hair was now brown, with long brown locks that swirled.

There are countless magic books piled up at his feet, and he is looking through the magic books.

Halfway through the search, suddenly picking up a book is tearing!

"No! Why is there no record about Jinhua?"

"I don't believe that there won't be a second golden flower in this world. It is clearly said that there will be one in a few centuries... Where shall I find it... Where shall I find it?"

Jinhua can live to the death of human flesh and bones, and can be used to save adults.

Suo San spends all his time reading magic books every day, except for dealing with the disturbing humans who come here.

Live like a year.

He has not slept for many, many days.

As soon as I close my eyes every day, I seem to be able to hear the gentle voice of an adult calling my name in my ear.

And what the adults said is vivid in my memory...


"Xiao Suo, come here."

"Suo San, please wait for me obediently at home, I will be back in a few days."

"Do you still want shell powder paint for your birthday this year? Why do you like this kind of paint? Do you know how far my lord has to travel to bring it back to you?"

"No matter how far away I go, I would like to bring you back. Who made me love you the most?"

"Suo San, I made your favorite hazelnut soup, come and eat."

"Suo San, I love you the most."

Suo San clutched the magic book tightly, his eyes were scarlet.

His tears had dried up and he couldn't cry anymore.

"My lord, you are lying to me."

Your Excellency is a liar.

Say you love him the most, but it's not him at all.

My lord lied to him, there is no more magic, and my lord will not live long...

The adult's death is already a foregone conclusion, but he doesn't know it, but now he knows it, but he is not reconciled.

Suo San consulted the magic book for a long time, and finally he collapsed.

"I'm just lying to myself. Even if I found the golden flower, so what...the flesh and bones of the living dead? But where is the lord?"

He couldn't lie to himself.

During this period of time, he has been supporting himself with the idea of ​​finding the golden flower to revive the Lord.

But he became clearer day by day that even if he found the golden flower, he would not be able to revive the lord.

The adults have become a piece of ashes and dissipated with the wind.

Someone needs to be resurrected.

The lord is dead, dead without a trace.

There is not even a single strand of hair left, how can I be resurrected? !
"My lord, my lord, what should I do? What should I do? Looking for the golden flower? But what's the use of finding it, my lord, can you come back? I beg you to come back,
I will never think about shutting you down again, you can go wherever you want, there is no problem going out for a year, I am always willing to wait for you here.

It doesn't even matter if you wait a few years... because as long as I know you're alive and I can wait for you to come back, it doesn't matter how long I wait.

I'm never going to complain about how long you've been away...My lord, I beg you, can you hear me?You didn't go, did you?
My lord, are you still by my side?

My lord, I beg you to come back, please! "

Suo San cried like a child, sitting on the window sill, surrounded by all kinds of magic books.

He looked out the window, and he didn't know where to look, because he didn't know where the adults were.

After all, he lost her, lost her without a trace, without any hope.

Suo San was tired from crying, so he stood up and looked for the batch of shell powder paint he bought from the seaside.

From the paint he picked out the golden paint of the sun.

He took out the paintbrush and applied the golden paint on his brown hair, applying it over and over again to dye his brown hair golden.

His hair is long, long and he used up all the gold paint to paint his own.

"My lord, I'm still the way you like, right?"

"I don't have magic anymore, the only thing I can do is go to you with my golden hair."


In the evening of this day, the red clouds in the evening are as beautiful as the evening of that day.

The most beautiful thing today is not the red sunset, but the burning tower.

The entire tower was engulfed in flames, and red-orange flames ignited several meters high.

Suo San sat quietly on the window sill until the fire completely submerged him.

He burned himself to ashes, ashes like a grown man.

It seemed that if he died in the same way, he would be able to find her.

With a head full of blond hair painted with paint, igniting a raging flame to ashes himself a little bit, this is Suo San's ultimate belonging to himself.

After the fire dissipated, only the incomplete stone walls remained of the high tower, and all combustible things in the tower had already turned to ashes.

A few days later, another person looking for the prince came to the valley.

They saw bones all over the ground and stone towers that had been burned to pieces.

"Where's the prince?"

"Isn't it rumored that the prince lives in the tower?"

"The tower seems to have been burned down, Your Highness..."

His Royal Highness died in the fire, this is their speculation.

They took the news back to the castle, and the king and queen fell ill when they heard the news.

Three days later the queen fell ill and died.

And the king was also suffering from illness and getting worse day by day, and finally left.

The king and queen died of illness, and there was no prince to inherit the country. Suddenly, the castle was in chaos, someone seized power, and the entire ancient kingdom was in chaos.

The kingdom that has been prosperous for centuries has gone to decline and war.


In the black system space, Ruan Xiaoli was sitting on the carpet in a shirt and shorts, with her whole body pressed against the body of the lady in a small suit next to her.

One person, one system There is a light screen floating in front of them, and what is played on the light screen is the plot in the world.

Xiao Evil: "As you have seen in the follow-up, the world has collapsed, and the two protagonists in the story are both dead."

Not only is the protagonist dead, but the long-haired "princess" has also turned black seriously, and she has done a lot of evil.

Ruan Xiaoli's eyes were light: "This world has collapsed very seriously."

"It's quite serious. This fairy tale world has been completely messed up."


"Xiao Li, rest well, and I will send you to the next world."

(End of this chapter)

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