Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 583 His Highness King An Zhang Zhenguo Temple

Chapter 583 His Royal Highness King An has returned to Zhenguo Temple

Chapter 613 His Royal Highness King An has returned to Zhenguo Temple

The Xiang nobleman raised his head: "I am in good spirits today, and I woke up very early."

Her complexion was still a little pale, but she no longer felt terminally ill.

Xianggui also found it amazing that he woke up this morning in a very comfortable and energetic state.

She couldn't sleep, so she got up to heat up the food. Although she didn't know how to cook, she still knew how to heat up the food.

Ruan Xiaoli walked over and sized up the Xiang nobleman, looking for his illness.

It seems that the elixir has worked, and Xianggui's health will only get better and better.

Xianggui got up to wash his hands: "Li'er, I boiled hot water, come and wash your face."

"it is good."

Seeing that she was still wearing old clothes, the Xiang nobleman immediately felt distressed: "Why didn't you wear the new clothes your mother gave you?"

"I was afraid of getting my clothes dirty when I entered the small kitchen, so I didn't wear them. I'll put them on later."

"Wear more, you are afraid of the cold so don't suffer from the cold at such a young age." Xianggui also found that her daughter seems to be more afraid of the cold than before, and she basically stays in the house when she doesn't go out.

This morning, there are noble people from Hunan heating up food, so Ruan Xiaoli can just wash his face and eat.

Although they are in the cold palace, the mother and daughter live a warm and comfortable life together.

As night fell, Ruan Xiaoli didn't play in Xiao Ei's space anymore, she lay down early and got ready to sleep.

She wants to change her biological clock. At her age, she should get enough sleep, go to bed early and get up early to grow her body.

Xiao Evil just watched Ruan Xiaoli mercilessly forgetting about the hero of the world.

After achieving her goal, she really didn't intend to have anything to do with the male protagonist of the world.

"Are you worried that if you have too much contact with the hero, he will be crooked, and the ending task will be difficult to do?"

"No." Ruan Xiaoli couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning, she said: "It doesn't affect my task if I'm crooked, it's just a glass of poisoned wine, the main reason is that I'm still young, I can't let the hero of the world commit a crime. "

"Cough cough cough."

Ruan Xiaoli uttered these colorful words in a serious manner, Xiao Evil didn't expect Ruan Xiaoli to think so when he was beaten to death.

"I see that the hero of the world gave you the pill to save the Xiang nobleman, and he is already crooked."

"What are you thinking, I'm still young, at most I just attracted his attention." Ruan Xiaoli put his hand on his stomach, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, this method can quickly fall asleep.

Xiao Evil also knows that his thoughts are evil, but whoever makes the male protagonists in the world can be crooked, he can't help but imagine in advance.
In the resplendent palace, the monks were chanting scriptures outside, and the sound of the wooden fish spread far away.

In the palace, Feng Ancan knelt on the cushion holding the Buddhist beads.

Everything was as usual until midnight when Feng Ancan got up and sorted out her folded clothes, and then left the hall without looking sideways while holding the Buddha beads.

The eunuch of the lamp stepped forward: "His Royal Highness, do you want to withdraw the tribute in the palace now?"

"No withdrawal."


Since His Royal Highness Wang An's special order yesterday, the eunuch has learned to be smart and asks every day.

Big Year.

In the middle of the night, Feng Ancan came out of the hall.

The eunuch asked: "Your Highness, should the tribute in the hall be withdrawn now?"

"No withdrawal."


The fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

"Your Highness, should the tribute in the hall be withdrawn now?"

"No withdrawal."


On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, the eunuch did not ask any more questions, and did not withdraw directly.

If you ask too many questions, the master will be annoyed, and if there are any changes, His Highness will tell you.


After the 15th Lantern Festival tomorrow, His Royal Highness King An will visit Zhen Guo Temple.

On the night of the fourteenth, Feng Ancan left the hall, and the eunuch Chandeng immediately led the way.

"Remove the things in the hall, and follow the old habits from now on."

The eunuch was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately: "Yes."

On the 15th Lantern Festival, the streets of the entire capital are bustling with traffic and people coming and going, and there will be lantern festivals at night, and many talented scholars and beauties are walking on the streets wearing masks.

There is also a banquet in the palace, and the banquet tonight is no worse than that of the big one. His Royal Highness King An will go back to the temple tomorrow, so this banquet can be regarded as a practice for him.

The emperor toasted: "Imperial Brother, I would like to thank you on behalf of the world, for your hard work and pray for the world."

When the emperor spoke, there was a hint of difference.

He said thank you, but he seemed to be mocking Feng Ancan for not being free.

Feng Ancan is a god in the hearts of the people, but his position as a god also restricts his freedom. He cannot do anything out of line. In the eyes of everyone, Feng Ancan should always be with Qingdeng Ancient Buddha in his life.

Feng Ancan, who was dressed in a green dress and had loose hair, sat on the seat indifferently, holding up a glass of clear water and sipping it lightly.

This behavior displeased the emperor for a moment.

The emperor was used to being flattered and flattered by others, and Feng Ancan was the only exception.

The banquet will last until late at night.

Feng Ancan sat for a while and got up to leave, which was against the rules in time, but no one dared to stop him.

It was cold outside the temple, even colder than the previous few days.

It hasn't snowed in the past few days. The snow is freezing and turning into water. It is often colder than heavy snow at this time, the kind that is cold to the bone.

Feng Ancan carried the lantern alone and walked back to the main hall. Passing by the deserted imperial garden, his pace slowed down, and he walked out of the imperial garden after a while. He turned his head and glanced at the distance.

"What am I doing?"

In the night wind, the man's cold voice was blown away by the wind.

The cold winter night always makes people feel very long, but no matter how long the night is, it will always pass.

At dawn, the first ray of golden sunlight shone on the palace, and a group of chariots slowly left the palace, with dozens of novice monks following the golden chariots.

His Royal Highness King An has returned to Zhenguo Temple, and he will not be back until the Chinese New Year in the coming year.
Ruan Xiaoli got up at dawn, she was wearing thick clothes and ran in the yard, while Xiang Guiren sat under the eaves and embroidered.

Both their mother and daughter get up very early.

Mrs. Xianggui is completely cured of her illness now. She is thin and other problems are fine. She also wakes up very early every day.

"Li'er, don't run away. There's no girl like you. It would be bad if you develop a hard body." Xianggui is worried, she thinks girls should be sweet and soft.

Tough meat?Muscle it.

Ruan Xiaoli ran for a few laps before stopping. She will seize power in the future, so she must have a good body, and she must exercise well since she was a child.

"Mom, running like this is good for your health."

"But, you exercised so much." Xiang Guiren blushed and stammered as she spoke. She wanted to say it but she didn't know how to tell her daughter. This kind of thing is usually said by the mother.

Ruan Xiaoli knew something was wrong when he saw her shy expression.

"Mom, what do you want to say?"

Xianggui looked at his immature daughter, and said in a heartbroken way: "Li'er, you can't make such a big movement of running up and down, or it will be bad if you hurt that place."

The Xiang nobleman blushed and looked down at Ruan Xiaoli's stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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