Chapter 584 Who are you?
Chapter 614 Who are you?
Ruan Xiaoli instantly understood what she was talking about through Xianggui's eyes and words.

The ancient Qianjin ladies were all well-raised, almost kept in deep boudoirs, and they never walked out of the door.

So...the film protects very well.

That thing can't exercise vigorously, can't wrestle, and can't pull.

The ancient daughter must be well protected, after all, the wedding night in the bridal chamber needs to be covered with a white veil.

Xianggui thought that her daughter didn't understand and continued to explain: "Li'er, you will hurt yourself like this, and then... it will bleed... it will hurt."

Ruan Xiaoli: "..."

Little evil is selective deafness.

"Mum, you still don't understand? Oh, what should I say..."

"Mother, stop talking." Ruan Xiaoli immediately dismissed, "I won't hurt myself."

Mrs. Xianggui wanted to speak, but when she met her daughter's eyes, she suddenly dared not speak.

The daughter is a bit fierce, and sometimes she dare not look directly at her eyes.

So Xianggui didn't figure out whether his daughter understood his explanation until the end.

From that day on, Ruan Xiaoli ran in front of Xianggui when he was running, avoiding her in everything like punching and punching.

Ruan Xiaoli was really worried that the Xiang nobles would treat him as a different kind, after all, he had set too many people up.

The days passed by, and finally it was spring.

With the beginning of spring and the warm weather, Ruan Xiaoli no longer has to struggle every time he leaves the room.

But as the weather warmed up, so did trouble.

Those who like to trouble the original owner didn't come when it was cold, but now that the weather is warmer, those people came.

The original owner, Feng Liyun, was the sixth eldest, the sixth princess, but she was also a transparent princess that no one recognized. Sometimes even everyone thought that the sixth son of the prince was born of an unfavored concubine, and died at birth.

Xianggui was framed within a few days after giving birth to Feng Liyun, and then thrown into the cold palace. The emperor couldn't remember that he had such a daughter.

Everyone thinks that there are only three princesses and five princesses in the palace.

These two were born to Concubine Chen Guifei. Concubine Chen Guifei was famous for her beauty and was called the number one favorite concubine, but her stomach was not up to par. Both of them gave birth to princesses.

Three princesses and five princesses are especially loved by the emperor.

Ruan Xiaoli stood calmly in the yard when he heard the sound of the door being knocked outside.

The nobleman from Xiang was quite frightened: "Li'er, Li'er, please go into the house quickly, mother will deal with them."

"Mother, you go into the house." Ruan Xiaoli said lightly.

Xianggui: "No, I don't know how they will bully you even if my mother is not here."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't speak anymore, thinking that Xiao Evil had issued a mission.

"Xiao Li, if you want to become the eldest princess, then you have to get rid of these two princesses. One will marry in your place, and the other will be destroyed."

The eldest princess is not the oldest princess, the eldest princess sometimes represents rights, titles and dignity
Powerful and powerful, you are the eldest princess.

Of course, these two princesses must be excluded on this road.

Xiao Evil: "I have released the mission ahead of time, and you still have a long time to deal with them."


This time, the gate was about to be pushed open, Ruan Xiaoli glanced at the bare ground in the yard, and she picked up a few stones in the corner.

The nobleman of Xiang didn't dare to speak loudly, and looked curiously at what his daughter was doing.

Ruan Xiaoli picked up a lot of stones, and then climbed up to the trees in the yard. She took the stones and threw them out accurately.

A stone hit the forehead of the maid who knocked on the door.


The palace maid felt a tingling pain in her head, she quickly stepped back and covered her forehead.

A ten-year-old girl in a yellow dress stepped forward: "What's wrong? Why don't you keep knocking on the door."

The palace maid covered her forehead: "Third Princess, something hit this servant on the forehead, it hurts so much."

The fifth princess, who was two years younger than the third princess, stepped forward: "Did you not see that your head hit the door, idiot, keep knocking on the door and call Feng Liyun out for me."

The joy of the young third and fifth princesses is to trouble Feng Liyun.

Looking for things every day, Feng Liyun didn't have any good flesh in his body before, and he was always bullied and bruised all over his body.

The Xiang nobleman was afraid, but he didn't dare to speak out.

"Open the door! The third and fifth princesses are here, open the door quickly!"

The maid knocked on the door vigorously.

Ruan Xiaoli was sitting on the tree. Because this big tree is not a deciduous tree, the leaves are so dense that it completely covers her figure.

She was carrying many stones in her clothes, picked up one and threw it at the maid's hand.


"What's the matter, you." The third princess was annoyed.

The maid was in pain: "Princess, there is really something attacking the servants."

"This princess is watching, there is nothing attacking you, this princess sees that you just don't want to push the door and want to be lazy, don't you?"

"No slaves."

Ruan Xiaoli sneered, the stone she threw was clever, fast and hard, and avoided their sight.

To deal with these people, you can't confront them head-on, and you can't fight them head-on.

Regardless of their status and identity, it would definitely be a lot of trouble to hit this group of people head-on.

But Ruan Xiaoli wanted to avenge the original owner, so beating them in the dark was the best way, it was easy.

"Break the door for this princess! I didn't see anyone after taking pictures for a long time. That Feng Liyun must have been scared and hid. After a winter, she was very courageous. She dared not show up when my princess called her."

The maid looked around, she stretched out her hand to touch the door, when suddenly something flashed by, her finger suddenly hurt!

Something hit her finger, and it felt like her finger was about to rot.

The maid's scream of pain startled the two princesses behind her.

The nurse of the fifth princess stepped forward: "This is a bit evil, the two princesses, let's go back."

It's a trivial matter for a court lady to be injured, but the master can't be injured.

The fifth princess was also timid: "Sister Huang, why don't we go back."

"Go back for what? Maybe someone is pretending to be a ghost, you, you, and you, smash the door for this princess!"

Several court ladies hesitated, but they still obeyed and stepped forward. At this moment, something flashed by, and their foreheads were all smashed by something, causing severe pain!

All the stones Ruan Xiaoli threw fell into the grass without a sound, and they couldn't see them at all.

In fact, it doesn't hurt to drive the small stone into it, but Ruan Xiaoli's skillful force is very good.

This series of things finally bluffed the third princess. After all, she was a child, so she would still be afraid.

So a group of them left quickly.

Xianggui looked at her daughter's movements and listened to the conversation outside, she became dull.

This is the first time someone came to bully them and then drove them away so easily.

Xianggui stood in the yard without speaking, she watched Ruan Xiaoli jump down from the tree hill with ease.

Ruan Xiaoli patted the dust and looked up and saw Xianggui's eyes. She was taken aback, probably knowing that she had been exposed.

Well, she didn't try to pretend either, she's always pretending to be someone else.

Xianggui said, "Who the hell are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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