Chapter 588 You Forgot Me?
Chapter 618 You Forgot Me?
"That's right, it's going to snow soon. His Royal Highness King An will come back every year when it snows."

"Finally, I can see the Buddha-like His Royal Highness King An again. When we clean up here, we can see his frame."

"His Royal Highness King An is a god and Buddha in my mind. I have never seen a person so clean. I dare not look at him at all."

"His Royal Highness King An is originally the reincarnation of Buddha Lotus, and even looking at him is considered blasphemy."

Ruan Xiaoli quietly walked around behind the rockery, while the chatting voice of the maid just now echoed around her.

His Royal Highness King An.

A smile flashed in Ruan Xiaoli's eyes, it's winter, and the emperor's uncle is coming back.

The current life is boring, and there are still a few years before the turning point of her growing up and getting married.

Although Ruan Xiaoli can endure boring days, why not find some fun for himself?
Ruan Xiaoli's purpose now is to have fun in time.

Doing tasks can make yourself happy by the way.

The little evil covered his face: "The hero of the world is just a tool in your heart. If you are bored, go and provoke others, you scumbag."

"You have told me many times." Ruan Xiaoli said helplessly.

Xiao Evil: "But I still can't help but want to complain about you being a scumbag every time."


Ruan Xiaoli has a thick skin and is very indifferent.

When Ruan Xiaoli returned to the courtyard, Xianggui had just woken up, and she hurried into her room when Xianggui opened the door.

Xianggui went to the kitchen after getting up.

Ruan Xiaoli took off his clothes and hung them on the screen, then nestled into the warm blanket, lazily like a cat.

When Xianggui came in, he saw a man nestled under the quilt like a kitten.

"Little slacker." Xiang Gui came in with a smile.

Ruan Xiaoli was wrapped in a quilt and exposed his head: "Mother, is it cold outside?"

She obviously just came back from outside, so she doesn't know whether it's cold outside or not.

Xianggui came over and sat by the bed: "It's a bit cold, I think it will snow tonight, so Li'er should wear something thicker and come out to have breakfast."


Although Ruan Xiaoli responded, he still huddled under the covers and did not move.

Xianggui, I am used to my daughter being so lazy in winter, as long as the weather is cold, she will be like this.

The Xiang nobleman directly stretched out his hand and lifted the quilt: "Get up, don't do this, there is no such thing as a girl here, and I am not afraid that I will be laughed at by my future husband in the future."

"I don't want a husband."

"There is no girl who doesn't marry, don't talk nonsense."

"Mother, do you think I will marry a good family in the future?"

Xianggui's face changed completely when she heard this, and she suddenly said: "Yes, we don't want a husband for Li'er, as long as Li'er and mother live in a safe and secure place."

As a princess, her mother clan has no influence, so she will only be married off as a pawn.

The mother clan has no power, so what kind of bullying might they suffer if they marry?

And if it's the worst kind of marriage, then this life will be bleak.

The Xiang nobles dare not imagine such an ending.

The Xiang nobles were suddenly very glad that their mother and daughter were living in the cold palace like transparent people, and no one thought of them at all.

Now that they have no worries about food and clothing and no one troubles them, if they are forgotten for the rest of their lives, it would be nice to live in peace and stability for the rest of their lives.

Xianggui people don't have big plans and great wishes, but just hope that this life will be safe and stable.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled and did not continue this topic.

The Xiang nobleman's prediction was right. It snowed heavily that night, and the temperature dropped sharply in the middle of the night.

Ruan Xiaoli woke up abruptly from the cold, and quickly got up to get an extra quilt from the cabinet.

As soon as the quilt was covered, there was a knock on the door, and the voice of Xianggui came: "Li'er, remember to take an extra quilt when it snows heavily."

Ruan Xiaoli was helpless: "I know, mother, you go back to the house, don't come out when it's snowing."

"Okay, I'm going back." Xianggui left.

The sun came out early the next morning and turned the entire palace into gold.

The trees on the eaves of the palace and the road are covered with white snow, which is particularly dazzling under the golden sunlight.

The thickly dressed court lady swept the snow on the palace road with a big broom.

It has been snowing heavily at night for several days in a row, and the temperature has basically remained so cold.

And news came from outside the palace that His Highness Wang An's carriage will be returning to the palace this afternoon.

After getting the accurate information, the court ladies and eunuchs were busy up and down.

The white snow on the road must be swept clean, and His Royal Highness Wang An must first sprinkle water with talismans on the road to the palace to drive away evil spirits and invite Buddha.

After working all morning, the gate of the palace opened wide in the afternoon, and a golden car pulled by eight sweaty BMWs slowly entered the palace.

The cold wind blew and the streamers on the frame blew up, the golden curtain shook, and a man like a Buddha lotus flashed inside for an instant.

The car stopped after passing the second palace gate, and a monk came out of the carriage, then stretched out his hand and opened the curtain to wait for His Royal Highness King An to get off the carriage.

I saw a slender man in blue clothes coming out of the car. He had long black hair hanging down and a hairband embroidered with golden patterns on his top.

He was clean and flawless, like the holy lotus in the pool, spotless.

The eunuch stepped forward: "Welcome Your Highness back to the palace."

"En." Feng Ancan replied lightly.

"This way, Your Highness." The eunuch led Feng Ancan the way.

His Royal Highness King An's return to the palace was very impressive. In the evening, news of His Royal Highness King An's return to the palace could be heard everywhere.

It was not until nightfall that the entire palace fell silent.

On the other side of the Buddhist hall, there was the sound of wooden fish, and in the smoky hot spring lotus pond, a total of nine nasturtiums were blooming.

This pool of nasturtiums is carefully cared for, no one dares to pick a flower, if you pick it, it will be a great crime to destroy the nine clans.

At night, Feng Ancan prayed alone in the Buddhist hall. Feng Ancan had long been used to guarding this cold Buddha statue alone in the middle of the night.

Just as he was earnestly praying, there was a sudden noise from the window.

Feng Ancan opened her eyes and frowned and looked towards the window.

A girl in linen clothes came in, and when she came in, she looked up and saw Feng Anchan looking at herself.

Ruan Xiaoli blushed, and then quickly stepped forward: "After waiting for a year, Uncle Huang, you are finally back."

These words reveal a bit of excitement and a bit of grievance, as if complaining about why you just came back?
Feng Ancan looked at the girl in front of her and was in a daze for a moment when she heard what she said.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ruan Xiaoli immediately became nervous: "Uncle Huang? Uncle Huang won't forget me, right? You forgot me..."

Her eyes slowly rose and fell following Feng Ancan's silence.

Finally he spoke, in a cold voice: "No."

I haven't forgotten you.

This thoughtful and terrifying little girl left a deep impression on him. Even after a year of no contact in the temple, he still remembered her.

The disappointment visible to the naked eye in Ruan Xiaoli's eyes dissipated, and joy floated up: "It's good that the emperor remembers me, I almost thought you forgot me just now."

(End of this chapter)

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