Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 589 He is still a 9-year-old boy

Chapter 589 He is still a 19-year-old boy

Chapter 619 He is still a 19-year-old boy

Feng Ancan looked at the little girl for a while before remembering what caused the trouble between them during Chinese New Year last year, and she didn't come here after that.

Here it is again.

Feng Ancan's intuition told herself that this little girl must have some tricks up her sleeve, and she was going to use her again.

Regardless of her young age, she is always calculating and every word and action is purposeful.

Thinking of this, he calmed down.

Feng Ancan knelt down on the cushion, ready to close her eyes and ignore her.

He closed his eyes and moved the beads in his hands. He automatically ignored the things around him, but the movement around him made it impossible for him to ignore.

Ruan Xiaoli sat down next to him, cross-legged and propped his chin: "Uncle Huang, are you still angry with me?"


"Uncle Huang, we came to the Buddhist hall because the palace was more heavily guarded than usual in the first few days, and it was difficult for me to come out."

Lie without a draft.

"Uncle, do you hate me?"

Feng Ancan opened her eyes, pinched the Buddhist beads and said indifferently: "Wei."

"Well, it's fine if you don't hate me, Uncle Emperor, does it mean that no one talks to you in the temple? You have become more indifferent after a year."

When she mentioned Feng Ancan, she thought of her life in the temple, and indeed she barely said a word every day.

"Uncle Huang, I won't bother you to recite the scriptures. I'll go get pastries to eat. I haven't eaten in a year. I miss you so much."

She showed a rare greedy look, Feng Ancan looked helpless, although this girl's mind was impure, she was still a child after all.

As the emperor's uncle and her uncle, maybe he can teach her a lesson?Let her be good?

This idea popped up in Feng Ancan's mind inexplicably.

But he doesn't like to be nosy...

Feng Ancan closed her eyes, but she was not reciting Buddhist scriptures in her heart at all, instead she was struggling with something.

In his eyes, this girl is just a child, his niece. There are many nieces and nephews, but almost all of them are strangers to him.

He won't take care of the emperor's heir.

No matter, this is Feng Ancan's answer to herself.

The Buddhist hall was very quiet, the little girl was sitting on the ground eating cakes, the man was sitting on the mat and flicking the prayer beads, the scene of the two getting along was very stable.

At this moment, some footsteps came from outside the hall.

There seemed to be a lot of people coming.

Immediately afterwards, someone shouted: "Long live the emperor, long live, long live..."

The emperor made a surprise visit.

Feng Ancan immediately opened her eyes.

And Ruan Xiaoli hurriedly ate the pastry in his hand, then turned his head to look at Feng Ancan in a panic, and shouted silently: Uncle Huang...

Feng Ancan whispered: "Go and hide behind the curtain."

"it is good."

At this time, she was very strange, and quickly hid behind the curtain. There was a gap between the lotus seeds and the wall, as long as she stood there still, she would not be discovered.

After a while the door was pushed open.

The old emperor in a golden dragon robe came in, and the monk at the door closed the door.

As soon as the old emperor came in, he looked up at the Buddha statue, and then his eyes fell on the man kneeling on the mat.

"Emperor brother."

Feng Ancan opened her eyes and stood up calmly, then looked back at the emperor and nodded slightly.

He is Folian. In this life, he does not worship anyone but Buddha.

The emperor was immediately annoyed when he saw his noble appearance, but he did not forget what the purpose of coming here tonight was.

The emperor suppressed his anger with a smile on his face: "I heard that in the second half of the year, the emperor went to temples in various cities to travel and recite scriptures to the people?"


"Why didn't you report such a big itinerary in advance, what should you do if you encounter bad people on the way?"

Feng Ancan lowered her eyes slightly and said, "Didn't Brother Huang send someone to follow?"

The emperor suddenly looked unnatural, and the smile on his face faded, and said directly: "Your brother, you don't need to do the traveling and reciting scriptures yourself, you just need to stay in the Zhenguo Temple and pray for the country. "

The emperor was angry when he heard that Feng Ancan traveled to various cities to lecture and recite scriptures.

Now almost the hearts of the people are no longer towards him, the Ninth Five-Year Supreme!The common people enshrined Feng Ancan as heaven!
Feng Ancan didn't respond, her eyes looked directly at the emperor as if she had seen through everything.

The emperor and he had torn their faces together a few years ago.

The emperor felt guilty because of his eyes, and immediately became bored and disregarded his face.

He said bluntly: "Feng Ancan, no matter how you win people's hearts, this Ninth Five-Year Supreme will always be me!"

"Brother Huang is thinking too much."

"Duosi Zhen knows it well, Feng Ancan, you'd better not think about those things that you shouldn't think about. The identity of Buddha Lotus is your glory and weapon, but it is also your shackle." The last sentence of the emperor was a little gloating.

Feng Ancan's identity is worshiped by the people, but it is also a shackle. He is a Buddha. As long as he does something a little out of line, those who believe in him will beat him back. The more people believe in him, the more disappointed they will be.

The emperor was warning him not to try to usurp the throne.

Feng Ancan frowned: "Brother Huang, please go back."


The emperor flung his sleeves and left.

Feng Ancan stood in the hall without saying a word, he really had no intention of taking the throne.

Fulian's identity was arranged by his mother, and he will never resist in this life.

Feng Ancan has always buried a secret in her heart.

He was not born to the late emperor, and the late emperor knew this.

The first emperor loved his mother and concubine very much.

His mother died a few days after giving birth to him...

The first emperor was sad and seriously ill, and when he finally died, he assumed the identity of Folian.

A lifetime of supremacy without getting caught up in royal battles.

His mother died of illness, and the first emperor also died of illness one after another. He was sent to the temple by the late emperor's cronies, so he did not suffer from the emperor's cruel hands.

The first emperor died of illness, and the emperor killed many siblings, even his infant brother.

Feng Ancan's survival is entirely due to the arrangement of this Buddha lotus.

When Feng Ancan was ten years old, the monk who took care of him told him all this.

Thinking that becoming Folian was her mother's last wish, the first emperor just obeyed her last wish and told him about the arrangement.

Feng Ancan woke up from the memories, he looked up at the Buddha statue.

There was no enthusiasm or piety in his eyes, only indifference and a trace of disgust.

Everything is arranged after birth.

He has been guarding this Buddha statue for 19 years, and his character has been completely wiped out.

Who remembers him as a 19-year-old man?He is a young man who has not yet won the crown.

But this was arranged by his biological mother.

But now it was obvious that the emperor didn't think that way, he had already started to be suspicious of himself.

Ruan Xiaoli came out from behind the curtain: "Uncle Emperor..."

If she heard something she shouldn't have heard today, will she be silenced?

There was something wrong with Feng Ancan's expression, he didn't look at Ruan Xiaoli, he just said: "Take some cakes and go back."

(End of this chapter)

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