Chapter 595
Chapter 626
In the end, Feng Ancan took back the dirty veil.

It was only a month before Feng Ancan returned to the palace, and it passed in a blink of an eye.

On the morning of leaving the palace, Ruan Xiaoli stood in the see-off line for the first time.

She is also a princess now. Although she has just regained favor, as the niece of His Highness Wang An, she should be in the see-off team.

Feng Ancan came, followed by several monks, the monk held a sandalwood box in his hand, he put the sandalwood box on the carriage first, and then opened the curtain to let Feng Ancan get into the carriage.

Feng Ancan stepped onto the frame, and when he leaned forward to get in, he glanced at Ruan Xiaoli who was standing in the queue.

But Ruan Xiaoli didn't lower her head like everyone else, she raised her head slightly to meet his eyes.

A smile flashed across Ruan Xiaoli's eyes, and he opened and closed his mouth a few times.

Uncle Huang, think of me.

As she said these words on her lips, Feng Ancan's hand supporting Lianzi trembled, and he quickly entered the carriage with lowered eyes.

The sun shone on the snow, the carriage staggered out of the palace, and the shadows of the carriage and people were pulled far away.

And the people who saw off the team gradually dispersed.

Xiao Evil asked faintly: "Is it interesting to flirt with the hero?"

"Well, very interesting."

Xiao Ei also thought it was quite interesting, Ruan Xiaoli was already used to finding something interesting while doing tasks seriously.

Ruan Xiaoli turned around to go back to the palace, but the person beside him sarcastically said.

"I don't know how many unclean things I brought with me when I came out of the cold palace. It's really disgusting to stand with her. This princess will take a bath and incense later, so as not to get dirty."

It was the third princess who spoke, and beside her stood the fifth princess, whom I hadn't seen for many years.

In the first few years when he came here, Ruan Xiaoli tried his best to get rid of these two mindless princesses, and in the next few years, the two of them stopped making trouble, and now they are out of the cold palace.

Ruan Xiaoli turned his head and looked them up and down.

The third princess noticed that she was looking at herself, and scolded: "What do you think this princess is doing? You came out of the cold palace, can you say you are dirty?"

Ruan Xiaoli smiled: "When you were young, you often came to the Leng Palace. You often went in and out there. I heard that you had messed with the dirty things in the Leng Palace a few years ago, and now you are afraid to go there? I don't know what you saw back then. Ah, anyway, I've lived in the cold palace for many years and haven't seen anything, so I'm a little curious why you can bump into me but not. "

There are still clan disciples who have not dispersed around, and they cast their gazes.

The faces of the third princess and the fifth princess suddenly turned bad: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could we go to the place of the Leng Palace? We didn't bump into any dirty things."

"Well, it seems that I heard the rumor wrong."

"It was you who heard it wrong!"

Ruan Xiaoli had a calm face and a smile in his eyes, but the third and fifth princesses looked tense, and the comparison fell to the lower level.

Who doesn't know that the two princesses often bully others because of the favor of their mother and concubine, and it is well known that the sixth princess who went to the cold palace to bully the unfavored princess, the eyes of the people around them are all subtle.

The fifth princess pulled the third princess: "Sister Huang, the concubine mother is still waiting for us to go back for breakfast."

"Hmph, let's go."

They left, but Ruan Xiaoli kept staring at their backs.

After watching for a long time, Ruan Xiaoli asked: "Little Evil, which one of them dies and who will marry me instead?"

Kill one for revenge, and leave one to make peace with him instead.

"Who did Feng Liyun kill in the original plot?"

Little Evil: "No details."


"I'll just see who I hate more." Ruan Xiaoli had already figured out who to deal with.

Don't blame her for being cruel, otherwise she wouldn't be a villain.

If it wasn't for Feng Liyun's hard life when he was young, no amount of lives would be enough for these two sisters.

The bullying was vivid in his memory, and Ruan Xiaoli's eyes flashed fiercely...

Ruan Xiaoli went out of the palace and brought back a pack of poison from Luyi.

This medicine is colorless and tasteless, even after taking it for the first half year, the face will look like a peach blossom, and the more it looks more beautiful, but the second half year will suddenly turn pale and the body will get worse and worse, until he dies of illness.

Ruan Xiaoli used this medicine for the third princess...

Because of this medicine, the three princesses got a marriage.

The thing is like this, the third princess has reached the marriageable age, she looks pretty good, and this flowery age makes people look extremely charming.

One day, the son of the prime minister followed the prime minister into the palace and ran into the three princesses in the imperial garden. It was love at first sight.

It just so happened that the emperor wanted to suppress the prime minister, and he didn't want his son to succeed...Princess Shang is the best.

So the third princess married the prime minister's son, and made great contributions to the establishment of the princess mansion. She was in love for a while, but unfortunately, in the second half of the year, the third princess suddenly lost her luster and her health became worse and worse.

But the son-in-law was still infatuated at the beginning, but later on, Yangzhou lean horse, Yingying and Yanyan were raised in the mansion, and the three princesses were so angry that they couldn't afford to get sick, and finally passed away.

The emperor bestowed death on his son-in-law, and at the same time scolded the prime minister for being ineffective in teaching his son, telling him to retire early and return home.

The emperor arranged for the person he liked to be the prime minister.


late at night.

In the alley outside the palace, Ruan Xiaoli came into the alley wearing coarse clothes and a cloak.

Luyi had been waiting here a long time ago, and when she saw Ruan Xiaoli, she was delighted and saluted at the same time: "Master."

After so many years, Ruan Xiaoli has become the core boss!
Ruan Xiaoli nodded: "Go into the house."

There was a man in his 30s waiting inside the room, and when he saw Ruan Xiaoli, he immediately saluted: "Master."

If the emperor saw such a scene here, he would definitely vomit blood with anger, because the man who saluted Ruan Xiaoli was the prime minister who just took office today!
The emperor thought that this person was his confidant, but he didn't know that this person had already belonged to Ruan Xiaoli.

"Well, now that you have taken the position of prime minister, the emperor trusts you very much. While being a good prime minister to benefit the people, you must try your best to find evidence of those loyal officials who were killed when he was in power."


Ruan Xiaoli distributed several things in succession.

Lu Yi looked at the little girl in a daze.

They all knew who this girl was a year ago, the unfavored sixth princess.

And because of her existence, the task of their organization is not only to avenge the dead loyal ministers, but also to find evidence of harm to justify their names, and to wipe out those corrupt courtiers, so that capable and trustworthy people can benefit the common people.

Their actions are already trying to empty the entire government.

But they didn't do anything outrageous, and the people they arranged were all officials with their own duties.

After the old emperor is killed, they will support the new emperor and jointly create a prosperous world.

It was almost dawn, and Ruan Xiaoli put on his cloak again: "Luyi, if you have anything to do, please send me a secret message, I will go back to the palace first."

"Congratulations to the master."

When Ruan Xiaoli returned to the palace, the sun was out, she pretended that she just got up and saw the sallow-faced Xiang nobleman as soon as she went out.


The Xiang nobleman was looking in the mirror, and asked with a smile: "Li'er, is your mother so ugly? When the emperor comes, do you think I'm not disgusted by looking at you like this?"


(End of this chapter)

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