Chapter 596
Chapter 627
In the expectant eyes of the Xiang nobleman, Ruan Xiaoli spat out a word: "Ugly."

"Ugly is better!"

Xianggui looked in the mirror repeatedly, and then took out a yellow powder from the box and applied it to his face.

Ruan Xiaoli yawned and walked over. She sat at the table with her chin propped up and watched the Xiang nobleman fiddle with her: "Mother, don't you want to be favored again at all? Don't you want to be a noble concubine or something?"

The Xiang nobleman was startled when she heard that, and quickly covered her mouth with her hand: "Don't say these words, we are already very eye-catching now, be careful that it comes out of your mouth."

Xianggui is still so timid and cautious.

Xiang Guiren: "I don't know why the two of us were out of the cold palace. Maybe it suddenly occurred to me that there were two of us, but I don't want to be spoiled again. I just want to be safe and secure."


Ruan Xiaoli propped his chin and nodded perfunctorily.

They are all out of the cold palace, how can they be safe and sound, the two of them are very popular now.

It's just that some winds have been snuffed out by the people arranged by Ruan Xiaoli before they blow.

Recently, there have been more and more harem rivalries and jealousy, all caused by Ruan Xiaoli's arrangements.

As long as those concubines are fighting, they won't think of their wives.

The current stability is all calculated by Ruan Xiaoli.

And today the emperor will not come, Ruan Xiaoli knew early on that the emperor might come, and specially arranged for a beauty to meet him on the way.

That beauty was supposed to be arranged by the emperor's side, to seduce him, indulge in lust in old age, and die quickly.

As Ruan Xiaoli expected, the emperor didn't come at noon, and the maid came to report to the emperor on the way, and met a beautiful apartment on Yuhuayuan Road, and then...

The Xiang nobleman was very happy immediately: "Aren't you coming? That's great, come on, bring me a basin of water, I want to wash my face."

Although she has given birth to such a big daughter, she also loves beauty. Xianggui feels sorry for her face being painted so sallow.

"Mother, be careful, you are a noble person after all." Ruan Xiaoli yawned again and again.

Xianggui blushed: "Am I being vulgar just now?"

"It's too loud." Ruan Xiaoli yawned.

Xianggui's face turned even redder.

Ruan Xiaoli got up: "You guys serve the nobleman to wash up."

She was going to catch up on sleep, Ruan Xiaoli was very sleepy, she stayed up all night at her age, and she was still very focused on dealing with difficult and miscellaneous things this night, she was very tired.

There are more and more people in his hands, and Ruan Xiaoli has more and more things to take care of.

And some people are already in high positions, and sometimes things they can't handle well will be sent to Ruan Xiaoli.

Unknowingly, Ruan Xiaoli wanted to revise the memorial, like the second emperor.

"Little Evil, when will you let me get married? Hurry up and make it happen. I want to kill the old emperor right now and become the noble eldest princess to show off."


It's really fast, busy days always pass quickly.

Spring is coming and autumn is coming, Ruan Xiaoli is 15 years old.

And this summer, the barbarians who had been offending the border for the past two years sent envoys to the capital.

At the banquet, the barbarians were very disdainful to the people of the Great Dynasty, and even spoke rudely, bluntly saying that they would marry a princess back for their king.

The vulgarity and unreasonableness of these barbarians simply made the eyes of the court blow their beards and stare with anger.

They can't be driven away, and the barbarians on the border are still eyeing their homeland of the Great Dynasty.

What else could it be?

I can only marry the princess and kiss.

But the emperor is only thin and there are only three princesses. The third princess has long since passed away, leaving only the fifth and sixth princesses.

The barbarian declared that he would marry the most beautiful and favored princess back!
When the fifth princess knew about it, she cried and cried every day.

The imperial concubine held her daughter pitifully in her arms when she saw her crying: "Don't cry, don't cry, I won't let you marry far away."

Her elder daughter was dead, and only the younger daughter remained.

She only gave birth to two princesses but not a prince, and she still counts on her daughter to be around to help her. She will never let her daughter marry far away in a barbarian land.

The fifth princess cried: "But that barbarian said he wants the most beautiful and favored princess, isn't that just me? Huh..."

It is almost well known that she is favored.

The noble concubine immediately went to the emperor to blow her ears, and asked the emperor to let the unfavored sixth princess go to make a kiss.

The emperor also wanted to marry the sixth princess, a daughter who had no memory, let her be used to her last value.

So in the palace, everyone praised how beautiful the sixth princess was, and she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

And the barbarians living in the palace also heard these rumors, and one of them was going to say that he would marry the sixth princess back.

But suddenly they heard another message.

"Damn it, the emperor of this great dynasty dared to lie to us. I heard that the sixth princess lived in the cold palace all the year round and only came out in recent years. She is not a favored person at all."

"And the sixth princess is extremely ugly!"

"Her mother is just a nobleman, and the mother of the fifth princess is a noble concubine. Do they think we don't understand the status of concubines in their dynasty?"


Ruan Xiaoli heard the spies come to report the conversations of those barbarians.

She smiled: "It is publicized that I am beautiful and favored, but it ignores the fact that I live in the cold palace all year round, and that my mother is just a little nobleman. I don't know whether to call them smart or stupid."

Those people will preach, and she will too.

And what Ruan Xiaoli preached was the truth.

Not favored, born in a cold palace, mother's status is not high, being bullied all the year round...

In the end, the barbarians made a big disturbance in the court.

People who bluntly said that the court is like a liar, deliberately promoting an unfavored princess to mislead them, is this trying to seek harmony?This is clearly a provocation, playing them for fools!
Are we rude?We barbarians have different temperaments and habits from yours!
You dare to touch us, if we do not return to the barbarians alive, our king will avenge us!

Don't fool us, we are sincerely here to marry the princess, as long as we want the fifth princess, we will definitely show the highest etiquette to marry the fifth princess back in a splendid manner!

When it came to this point, even if the officials were so angry that they blew their beards and stared, and the emperor sitting on the dragon chair looked very bad, he could only agree in the end.

When the fifth princess heard the news, she burst into tears, and even ran to Ruan Xiaoli to make trouble.

"Let that bitch come out to this princess, she must have designed it! Why should I ask this princess to marry, only a lowly person like her should marry a lowly barbarian!"

Listening to the crying outside, Ruan Xiaoli got up and walked out calmly.

"Sister Huang, it's too early to cry for marriage."

The fifth princess was provoked: "Feng Liyun! Are you gloating? Did you design all this? You bitch, you are as dirty and lowly as those savages!"

"Tsk, I advise Miss Huang not to say these things out loud. If the envoys overhear you and you humiliate them like this, do you think you will have a good life when you marry?"

"This princess will not marry, if you want to marry, you will marry!"

"The imperial decree has been received, do you think you can still not marry?"

"You!" The fifth princess sat on the ground and cried as if exhausted: "Why, why do you want me to marry and get married..."

Ruan Xiaoli's eyes dimmed, and he said, "It's just because you are favored. Are all the favors for so many years in vain? This is the value of a favored princess."

"You are also a princess, so why not you..."

"Why do you want me to go? I am not favored, I am low, and my mother is also low. Do you think I live like a princess? I think it is ironic that the title of princess is placed on me. I have never been a princess for a day." The treatment, so why should I let me go to the marriage?"

Ruan Xiaoli asked back in a cold voice, and the atmosphere was a little scary.

(End of this chapter)

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