Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 602 The little girl is a liar

Chapter 602 The little girl is a liar

Chapter 633 The little girl is a liar

Ruan Xiaoli saw that the officials were silent, and she directly made a big gift to Feng Qilin: "Your Highness Seventh Prince, please take your seat, a country cannot live without a king!"

Her tone became heavier, even if there were people who were dissatisfied, no one dared to speak as long as they thought of the three high hats she asked just now.

Feng Qiluo was completely intimidated by her imperial sister's courage, and at the same time felt her own uselessness.
The only thing he can do is show composure and take that seat.

Ruan Xiao left his mouth, and the prime minister soon followed suit: "Please take your seat, Your Highness, a country cannot live without a king!"

The prime minister had already spoken, and those who usually followed the prime minister and slapped their buttocks also spoke one by one: "Your Highness, please take a seat!"

Then there were more and more voices, and every time someone spoke, the elderly Shangshu's face became more and more ugly.

Feng Qiluo straightened her robes and stepped up, when she was about to sit down, the eunuch suddenly shouted: "His Royal Highness King An is here!"

One sentence filled Master Shang Shu's face with joy, as if he saw hope.

Many courtiers who supported the Seventh Prince began to worry. Everyone knew that the Seventh Prince was indeed the No. 1 candidate to inherit the throne, but in terms of strength and popular support, he was really not as good as His Highness Wang An.

His Royal Highness King An's status in the hearts of the people is even higher than that of the late Emperor
Feng Qiluo froze, he didn't know whether he should sit down, but at this moment he saw the eyes of Huang Jie, a look that comforted and reassured him.

Sister Huang seemed to be saying silently, don't panic, Sister Huang will definitely let you sit in this seat.

Feng Qilin calmed down and stood there quietly.

I saw Feng Ancan in white clothes coming in from outside the hall, his face was cold, his beautiful appearance and icy temperament were like the lotus in the pool of water, just looking at it and not being playful, it made people feel a sense of distance unconsciously.

Ruan Xiaoli was a little surprised that Feng Ancan would appear here, because she thought he would not come to the front hall.

Now that he appeared now, Ruan Xiaoli was not sure what he was here for, but if he said that he was willing to inherit the throne, her whole plan would collapse.

Feng Ancan has this strength, as long as he is willing, the throne will be his at any time.

Ruan Xiaoli's vigilant eyes were all taken into his eyes by him, Feng Ancan only felt a tight pain in her chest, she was smiling and calling him uncle emperor with a smile on her face when they met last time, now she doesn't trust him as uncle emperor?
Sure enough, the little girl was a liar, he couldn't tell when she was real and when she was fake.

But it is certain that this throne is what she wants.

It is only today that Feng Ancan understands why she got close to an unfavored seventh prince a few years ago.

The little girl's behavior really shocked him. It turned out that she had been planning so early.

Then the second prince's accident and the late emperor's death were also caused by her handwriting?

Feng Ancan didn't dare to think about it anymore, as long as he thought about it, he would feel that the little girl he knew was an illusion, she was too good at pretending.

Shang Shu immediately stepped forward to salute: "I pay my respects to His Royal Highness King An."

His Royal Highness King An finally came, they finally had a backbone, they themselves supported His Royal Highness King An, but helplessly, the six princesses were so sharp-tongued that they couldn't speak out.

Ruan Xiaoli also stepped forward to salute, and when he raised his head, he said with a smile: "The emperor's uncle is finally here, with the emperor's uncle in this hall, there will be no chaos."

It seems that he is here to suppress the officials, not to fight for the throne.

There was a smile in her eyes, but what Feng Ancan saw was vigilance and precaution.

The little evil in the space was a little nervous: "The hero of the world in the original plot had no intention of taking the throne, but your arrival has changed too many things. Now that he has come to court, I don't know if he will want to inherit the throne."

Xiao Evil's analysis: "Either the Seventh Prince takes over and you become the eldest princess, or the hero of the world becomes the emperor, and you can still be the eldest princess by hugging his thigh."

"If there is a puppet emperor, I don't want a smart one. He is not easy to fool." Ruan Xiaoli told the truth indifferently.

So no matter what today, she will help Feng Qilin.

Ruan Xiaoli preemptively said: "Seventh Emperor Brother, the Emperor Uncles are here to put pressure on you, let's see if those rebellious officials and thieves dare not accept, take your seat."

Anyone who dares to disobey is a traitor and a hat.

Although it is inappropriate for a princess to play tricks here, no one dares to chase her away because of her sharp language.

Feng Ancan had witnessed her scheming with her own eyes.

Master Shangshu was in a hurry, and he was waiting for His Royal Highness King An to speak.

Why don't you speak? Did you really come to town?No, impossible!

Feng Qilin was also a little scared. When he mustered up the courage to sit on the dragon chair, there was a cold voice in the hall.

"A country cannot be without a king for a day, today is the canonization and succession ceremony."

Feng Ancan's cold voice sounded, and everyone pricked up their ears nervously. No one knew what his next sentence would be. His sentence was related to who the next emperor would be.

Ruan Xiaoli relaxed his breath at this moment, and looked at him with a steady smile, as if he didn't care what he said, he was still vigilant just now, but now he's like a well-behaved little girl again.

Knowing that it was Feng Ancan's false appearance, she still unconsciously noticed her smile, then she opened her mouth and called him silently.

Emperor uncle.

The mouth shape of her small mouth is obvious, she is calling him.

Feng Ancan looked away, and said coldly: "The succession ceremony has been arranged, the Seventh Prince should not delay the auspicious time, the auspicious time of succession is related to the destiny of the country, whoever dares to obstruct it will be treasonous."

Shang Shu's face turned pale.

It seems that not only the sixth prince likes to put high hats on others, but also His Royal Highness King An.

Those who want to support King An are stupid. They really don't understand why His Royal Highness King An pushes all this to the outside.

Could it be that His Royal Highness Wang An really devoted himself to the Buddha and did not miss these powers anymore?

King An's supporters and ministers all spoke with one voice, and they all shouted for Feng Qilin to take the seat.

In the end, Feng Qiling sat down on the dragon chair, all arguments were useless, and now the matter has become a foregone conclusion.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Qilin went to change clothes, and the succession ceremony was about to begin, and he needed to bring all the officials to sacrifice to heaven.

Feng Ancan was also invited down to change clothes, and he will be there for the ceremony.

And Ruan Xiaoli is just a princess in the harem now, she is not qualified to go yet.

It would take at least tomorrow or a few days for Feng Qilin to decree to seal her throne.

After a tough battle today, Ruan Xiaoli just wanted to go back to sleep.

Walking to the imperial garden, two hidden guards appeared in front of her immediately, Ruan Xiaoli ordered: "Protect Feng Qiluo in the dark, and absolutely do not allow any accident to interrupt his succession ceremony."


The dark guard left, Ruan Xiaoli reached out and rubbed his forehead wearily.

When she turned around to leave, she saw Feng Ancan in the distance. He was silent, and he didn't know how long he had been standing there.

(End of this chapter)

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