Chapter 603

Chapter 634

Feng Ancan looked at her with cold eyes, as if she was looking at a stranger, and he wanted to see through her.

Ruan Xiaoli was stunned for a moment, and then a cute smile appeared on his face: "Uncle Huang, how long have you been standing there?"

"I'll be here when you give orders to the hidden guards."

Ruan Xiaoli's face remained unchanged, she walked over with a smile: "Ah, did the emperor hear what you said?"

She had grown a lot taller, but she still looked extraordinarily thin and petite in front of him.

Feng Ancan nodded: "Yes."

He heard everything, word for word. The little girl with the aura of a superior just now really made him a little strange.

"Since the emperor's uncle has heard it, I won't defend myself, but it shouldn't be wrong for me to let the dark guards protect the emperor's younger brother?" She smiled all over her face, without any guilt or timidity.

It's useless for her to be afraid of being arrested.

With her hands behind her back, Feng Ancan asked in a cold voice: "Li'er, what exactly do you want, and how much do you want before you let go?"

Now that you know everything, the elder immediately lifted the veil and spoke.

Ruan Xiaoli also put his hands behind his back, his eyes gradually became elite, and replied with a smile: "I want power, I want status, I don't want to be a princess that everyone spurns and everyone can bully casually, I want Live the life of a real princess, as for when to let go, I will never let go in my life, I just want to get what I want, and I am not going to do something treasonous, uncle, don't be so nervous, you are so good Scary."

"Do you know that Feng Qiluo is not suitable to sit on the throne at all?" Feng Ancan was fooled by her coquettishness.

"I know, but who can say that he is not suitable for the rest of his life? You can learn from what you don't know, and you can adapt. He will become a qualified emperor one day."

"Can the people of the world afford to wait? Being an emperor is no joke."

"Isn't there still an emperor's uncle?" Ruan Xiaoli suddenly wiped the pot, reached out and grabbed his sleeve: "Feng Qilin is immature, isn't there still an emperor's uncle? The emperor sees that the world will not be chaotic. "

Feng Ancan was stunned by her sudden closeness.

He really couldn't see through this little liar, and the court looked wary of him, and now he was fighting for the throne for the seventh prince, but he said that he was there, was he planning to let him take over the power?

He doesn't know how many people belong to her in the court, but he knows that there must be a lot of people. Rather than saying that the Seventh Prince became the emperor, it is better to say that the real power is in her hands, and the Seventh Prince is just a puppet.

Since she has the ability to fight with the officials, she has the ability to be an emperor.

That's it.

Feng Ancan gently pulled out her sleeves: "With you here, this court cannot be turned upside down."

The seventh prince can't do it, but the little liar is very good at it. She can do everything.

He turned around and was about to leave, when suddenly a hand grabbed his hand: "Uncle Huang is angry?"

She seemed a little tired and her voice was hoarse, or she was in a bad mood and her voice sounded a little low.

"not yet."

He was not angry, Feng Ancan felt that she would probably never be able to get angry with this little liar in her life, knowing that she was a liar but he was not angry and even felt sorry for her.

They met too late, and he didn't know what kind of bullying she suffered when she was young.

Planning so many things at a young age, every word and every action of her is purposeful, she may never have been close to herself.

"Duplicity, if you are not angry, why didn't the uncle smile at me softly, why did you turn around and leave now and don't want to take another look at me?"

Feng Ancan said nothing.

"Uncle, if you want the throne, you can go back on it at any time. I know that you are disgusted with everything I have done, but everyone has the right to fight. The princes of all ages have fought bloody heads and killed brothers in various ways. I also want to fight for normal things, I have nothing to compare to other than being a daughter."

In terms of ability, if the original owner did not wanton in the late stage but governed the country well, maybe she would still be the number one empress of all time.

It's a pity that she is a villain. She was motivated and worked hard in the early stage, but she was directly greedy in the later stage, and she had no intention of making fun of the government.

The range was quiet until Feng Ancan said: "I will stay in the palace this year."

After saying that, he left.

Staying in the palace, isn't that just staying to supervise her behavior?
Xiao Evil Zheng Taiyin came: "It seems that you can't have a relaxed love in this world. In the world of conspiracy, there are too many things between the protagonist and the villain."


It was separated by many things, but Ruan Xiaoli did not miss the eccentricity in Feng Ancan's eyes, he was eccentric to her.

It can be seen from the fact that he said in the court that the Seventh Prince would succeed him, his heart has long been biased towards her.

Although Ruan Xiaoli was very tired physically, she was still in a good mood. After returning home, she took a bath and went to bed, she was a little tired.

The Xiang nobleman also heard something about the court, and she was a little dazed. Is the rumored Sixth Princess who is fighting with all the ministers really her daughter?

It's not too unacceptable, Mr. Xianggui also knows that his daughter always goes out at night, mysteriously.

But she dared not think what her plan was.

"No matter what, she is still my daughter." Xianggui adjusted herself, and put her heart in her stomach.

Ruan Xiaoli slept for a day and a night, got up the next morning and had breakfast with Mr. Xiang, then went to the study.

The secret guards reported to her one by one what happened yesterday, and she answered one by one how to deal with it.

"Let the prime minister assist Feng Qilin well, and stabilize the court first."

There were quite a few people in her hall, so it was no problem to hold her steady.

Ruan Xiaoli stayed behind the scenes with peace of mind, and the secret guards would report everything, unknowingly, the person who really controlled the court was not the newly appointed emperor, but the sixth princess in the deep palace.

A few days later, the new emperor issued a decree to confer the sixth princess as Princess Zunyun, and reward the princess' mansion with land.

The eldest princess is the most expensive among the princesses, even more so with titles!

Someone in the court refuted it, but the ministers led by the prime minister refuted it back.

Ruan Xiaoli became Princess Zun Yunchang, and her mother, Xiang Guiren, was also conferred the title of Concubine Xiang.

According to the highest status of a Xiang nobleman, she could only be concubine, but because Ruan Xiaoli is the eldest princess, her status cannot be lowered, and it is not an exaggeration to be named a concubine.

The Xiang nobles were all stupid when they got the imperial decree.

When she first entered the palace, she didn't think about a high position, and she didn't even think about being thrown into the cold palace. She even felt that she would never be able to get out of the cold palace in this life.

But what about the facts?She was out of the cold palace, and now she became a concubine directly!

All this is not a coincidence, it was her daughter who fought for it.

The Xiang nobleman took Ruan Xiaoli's hand: "Li'er, how many things have you done without telling mother?"

"Mother, don't worry about these things, your blessings are yet to come. An Anxin's blessings will be supported by Li'er."

The biggest thing she broke in this world was probably changing the ending of Xianggui's early death.

(End of this chapter)

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