Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 604 Barefoot in front of him

Chapter 604 Barefoot in front of him
Chapter 635 Barefoot in front of him
Although it is said that the eldest princess's mansion has been rewarded, the eldest princess's mansion needs to be well built and renovated as a whole.

So Ruan Xiaoli and Xianggui still live in the palace, or in this palace.

Although they still live in this palace, there are obviously more people serving them. Every decoration in the palace has been changed, and all the food and clothing are tributes. Some things that can only be used by the emperor have been sent here.

Seeing these things, the maids and eunuchs who were serving naturally understood something.

They have been serving people in the palace for so many years, and they always know people's faces. From the things in the palace, they can tell that the master is very precious.

Maybe it is even more expensive than the one sitting on the dragon chair.

Xianggui... No, now she is Concubine Xiang, and there are dozens of people who serve Concubine Xiang alone. Every day, high-quality tributes and fruits are delivered to her, and imperial physicians come to diagnose Ping An’s pulse every day. .

The gold-plated silk dress worn by Concubine Xiang, and the jeweled jade on her head, made her face radiant.

It stands to reason that the first emperor had just passed away, so no one would dare to dress up like this, but no one would dare to say that Xiang Taifei was dressed up and ostentatiously.

Who would have thought that a little nobleman who was once thrown into the cold palace would live such a happy life now?
And the former concubines and concubines all stayed in the cold palace.

Those empresses who had never given birth to children were buried directly with them.

If you want to say that a concubine in the harem has to give birth to a child, if she doesn't need to be buried, then if the child is capable, she will enjoy the blessing.

Concubine Xiang lived with the eldest princess.

The people serving in the hall were all afraid of Princess Zunyun. Although the princess was only 15 years old, her aura was scarier than the emperor.

And every few days, the prime minister would come to see the eldest princess, even the prime minister who was under one person and over ten thousand people would bow his knees in front of the eldest princess.

This scene made the maids and eunuchs below dare not make mistakes, and they were more in awe of the eldest princess.

It was late at night, and the study room was still lit with aromatherapy from famous gods.

Ruan Xiaoli sat in front of the desk and wrote the correction memorial, and beside her lay a young lady in a small suit.

In the dead of night, Xiao Evil came out from the space.

Xiao Evil is wearing a small black suit, with soft curly hair, and exquisite angel-like facial features. This little face is still just a little gentleman. If he grows up, it will be a disaster to others.

Xiao Evil lay on the side, picked up a memorial and took a look at it: "What are these things, all trivial things are reported to the report, and there are typos..."

Little Evil is extremely disgusted.

Ruan Xiaoli stopped writing: "In the future, let them send the things that they have screened to me here. Let Feng Qilin handle small matters, and he also has to learn to be an emperor."

Ruan Xiaoli has read all the memorials since the day he ascended the throne. Feng Qiluo really became an idle emperor, but Ruan Xiaoli went to visit Feng Qiluo several times and found that he had no complaints.

Really picked up a little loyal dog back.

Xiao Evil: "Well, I agree, you can leave these things to him. After you die, there will always be an emperor in this world, and a competent emperor."

"En." Ruan Xiaoli started to write with a brush in his hand.

She also intends to train Feng Qiluo. Feng Qiluo is not stupid, he can even be said to be a smart person, but he is too cowardly and always used to hide behind others.

Maybe it's because he was not favored and bullied since he was a child, so his character is a little inferior and cowardly.

Feng Qilin is still worth cultivating.

Ruan Xiaoli kept revising the memorial until late at night, and the candles lit beside him were a little dim.

Xiao Evil yawned and stood up: "Go to rest, the young master has also returned to space."


Ruan Xiaoli went out of the study and went to the hot spring hall. She would come here to soak in the hot spring every day after finishing her work to relieve the fatigue of the day.

This hot spring is the same as the hot spring in front of the Feng Ancan Buddha Hall. Ruan Xiaoli asked the workers to rush to complete the hot spring palace in three days, which cost a lot of money and manpower.

To be an arrogant eldest princess, let's start with luxury first.

Ruan Xiaoli also likes to live a comfortable life.

Ruan Xiaoli soaked quietly in the hot spring, the water spread to her round shoulders, her delicate collarbone was faintly visible in the mist, she slowly sank herself completely into the bottom of the water.


In a palace, the study room was still brightly lit late at night, and Feng Ancan was sitting in front of the desk.

And the striker was a hidden guard, who was reporting the matter to him.

"Your Highness, all the memorials from the previous dynasty have been sent to the eldest princess. It is like this every day, and no one is left."

Feng Ancan's eyes were cold, he sat in front of the desk without speaking and no one knew what he was thinking.

After about half a cup of tea, Feng Ancan let the dark guard back down.

The dark guard left, leaving him alone in the entire room.

The candlelight flickered, and the warm orange light shone on Feng An's beautiful face.

Feng Ancan's eyes were deep, and she murmured: "Li'er, you have already got what you want, but don't go astray, too much is not good..."

Feng Ancan knew that she loved power, and carefully planned it for so many years just for this moment.

But the fact is that she loves power more than he imagined, and she is more greedy and controlling.

But in a few days, she monopolized the power and controlled the court, completely emptied the new emperor, and also emptied him.

Feng Ancan stayed in the palace originally to assist the new emperor, and the ministers of the previous dynasty knew about it, but he stayed in the palace for a few days, and not a single memorial was sent to him.

He didn't blame her for all this, but he had a feeling of foreboding.

Feng Ancan felt irritable, and his heart, which had been at peace for more than twenty years, had never been so irritable like tonight. Recently, his mood fluctuated greatly every day.

Feng Ancan stretched out his hand to support his chest, he felt his heart beating fast.

Feng Ancan kept this posture for a long time, and finally her eyes were open-minded and she smiled wryly, and she was finally fallen.

In this case, he can't ignore her.

Feng Ancan got up and left, the study room was empty in an instant.

In the hot spring palace, Ruan Xiaoli was soaking in the pool, her slender arms were resting on the bank, and two jugs of wine were prepared by the bank.

She doesn't like to drink, but sometimes she also likes to have a few drinks.

Ruan Xiaoli drank a whole jug of wine before putting on his pajamas and coming out.

Her hair was wet, her clothes were half wet, and she walked out of the palace barefoot.

When he opened the door and saw the man in the yard, Ruan Xiaoli was stunned for a second.

Feng Ancan knew she was taking a bath, so he waited in the yard, but obviously he didn't expect that she would come out with just one dress and bare feet after taking a bath.

After soaking in the hot spring for a long time, Ruan Xiaoli's whole body was red, and her delicate little feet were also ruddy.

Ruan Xiaoli stood on the bathroom floor, the white jade and the red and tender jade feet were in stark contrast.


Her call brought Feng Ancan back to her senses, Feng Ancan realized what he had just seen, and he quickly lowered his eyes.

"Li'er, I have something to tell you."

"Uncle Huang, are you sure you want to say it here, are you sure you want me to stand in front of you and listen to you?" She chuckled.

(End of this chapter)

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