Chapter 607
Chapter 638
"Your Highness, the Empress Dowager is in the Fragrance Garden right now," the maid reported.

Ruan Xiaoli thought for a while and said: "First, invite the concubine to go back to the palace, and send some musicians she likes to serve there."

Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess recruits all the beautiful musicians from all over the world to raise them in the deep palace. All these people provide entertainment for the concubine. Recently, the concubine also likes to go there to listen to music and watch dances.

The maid seemed to have become accustomed to such outrageous things, and she backed down after responding.

Xiao Evil: "It seems that women are all the same. It is quite honest to say that you don't want your body."

You must know that when Ruan Xiaoli proposed to find a entertainer for Concubine Xiang, Concubine Xiang's blushing and shy rejection was very decisive.

But in recent days, Concubine Xiang has also learned to enjoy herself, and occasionally goes to the Fragrance Court.

"Little evil, your words are a little yellow."

"Where is this yellow accent? Do you want to hear more direct and crude ones?" Xiao Evil said in a wicked manner.

"You'd better tell the system you like."


Ruan Xiaoli got up and went to change clothes.

The people in the Fragrance Court had waited for the order early on, and all the musicians I saw were waiting in tulle with their instruments in their arms.

The ground in the courtyard is paved with jade, and there is a pavilion in the middle, surrounded by curtains, the curtains are translucent, and the musicians outside can be vaguely seen, but the inside cannot be seen clearly from the outside.

Fruit delicacies are placed on the table in the middle of the pavilion.

Feng Ancan was brought into this courtyard by the palace maid, and when he saw the man in revealing clothes holding a musical instrument and singing, he was immediately stunned.

He probably guessed the identities of these men.

At this moment, a woman's voice came from the pavilion: "Uncle Huang, come in."

It was her voice.

She is inside this pavilion, so these men outside are performing for her?

Those men's upper bodies were not covered, and their lower bodies were only a pair of white trousers, with disheveled hair and heavy makeup, such a lewd scene.

Feng Ancan lowered his eyelids and clenched his hands slightly, he strode towards the pavilion and immediately a court lady opened the curtain for him.

I saw Ruan Xiaoli wearing bright red clothes, wearing gold hairpins on his head, full of noble air.

She knelt on the mat and looked up with a smile: "Uncle Huang, I have prepared all the tea sets, tea leaves and hot soup. I was afraid that learning how to order tea would be boring, so I called these musicians to play music. Would you mind?"

She was frank, as if she didn't think there was anything wrong with such behavior.

But Feng Ancan couldn't be frank and calm, he said in a deep voice: "There are musicians in the court, and the skills of the musicians are no worse than those outside."

"But those musicians are ugly, all wearing hats and long beards like old pedants, I am tired of seeing them."

"So you like the outside like this!" Feng Ancan snapped.

Ruan Xiaoli's smile froze, she put away her smile and looked at him coldly: "Uncle Huang, are you going to teach me a lesson?"

"Can't I train you? Li'er, look at what it looks like outside?" Feng Ancan didn't want to scare her, he closed his eyes and said calmly: "This is not a brothel, it is outrageous to look like that outside."

"Uncle Huang thinks my arrangement is wrong?" she asked.

"Li'er, let's learn some tea at another place." Feng Ancan asked in a Zhang Liang tone.

Ruan Xiaoli knelt on the mat calmly, holding hands with the tea set in front of her, without looking at him, she said, "No change."

The faint words already showed her attitude.

Feng Ancan felt a pain in his chest, and he was annoyed by her: "Okay, since we don't want to change..."

"If I don't change, won't Uncle Huang teach me?" Ruan Xiaoli interrupted him and raised his head to ask, those slightly seductive eyes looked at him softly.

Feng Ancan put her hands behind her back: "Li'er, you have already got what you want, you can do some things you like within your authority, but you have to get rid of these people outside, you know what you do What will the world say about you?"

"I know, say I'm licentious."

"Since you know, why do you still do this, and this is the palace, how many pairs of eyes are looking at you."

The eldest princess's mansion has not been built yet, and Ruan Xiaoli lives in the palace without knowing how many eyes are staring at her.

This unknown sixth princess suddenly became the most honorable eldest princess, how many people are curious about this princess.

Ruan Xiaoli propped his chin indifferently: "Uncle Huang, will you still teach me how to make tea?"

She asked casually, but the question didn't seem to be about tea at all.

Feng Ancan's voice was cold: "Send those people away."

"No delivery."

Feng Ancan took a deep look at her, and finally turned and left.

Ruan Xiaoli just looked at his back that was getting further and further away until he disappeared...

The palace servants serving outside the pavilion were quite frightened, and they all stood straight and looked at their own toes.

And those musicians who play and sing are also a little scared.

After waiting for a while, I heard the Eldest Princess in the pavilion say: "Everyone back down."


All the people withdrew one after another, and she was the only one left in the whole yard.

Ruan Xiaoli calmly picked up the tea set in front of her. She held the tea leaves in the cup with her tweezers, then reached out and picked up the pot filled with hot soup on the side and slowly poured hot soup over the tea leaves.

The water from the first flush was poured out, and the second flush continued.

Ruan Xiaoli poured the tea into a small white plate, and then slid on it with a brush.

After a while, a lotus flower appeared in the small plate, and she gently tapped the tea leaves to look like a lotus flower, and the lotus flower was lifelike in the water basin.

Xiao Evil sighed: "You really know everything, this little tea skill can be a teacher."

"Well, I have this information in my mind, so I'll give it a try."

Her mind is like an encyclopedia, where basic information can be looked up.

Ordering tea, an ancient skill, is her first attempt now, and it seems to be very successful.

Sitting on the carpet, Xiao Evil said, "You've made the hero of the world go away, what are you planning?"

"I'm planning my own death."


Ruan Xiaoli took small sips of the tea he brewed: "Well, it's very fragrant."

This taste is comparable to that made by Fengancan.

Ruan Xiaoli sat in the pavilion for about an hour before leaving. When he left, he reached out and knocked over the tea lotus in the water tray.

With a bang, the porcelain plate fell to the ground, and the tea and tea leaves splashed all over the floor, and also splashed onto Ruan Xiaoli's bright red dress.


"Have you heard that this eldest princess is very arrogant? How long has it been since the late emperor passed away, yet she is actually wearing bright red clothes?"

"What's the point of wearing bright red clothes? I heard that the Eldest Princess recruits beautiful men from all over the world to serve her in the palace. She built a yard just for these beautiful men."

"Nursing the face, you are treasonous! How can there be such a licentious person on my behalf!"

(End of this chapter)

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