Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 608 Can't invite the emperor's uncle if nothing happens

Chapter 608 Can't invite the emperor's uncle if nothing happens
Chapter 639 Can't invite the emperor's uncle if nothing happens
"This eldest princess is definitely a disaster. The floods in the south use money from the national treasury everywhere. She spends money in the palace, while the people live in dire straits. She doesn't care about the suffering of the people."

Someone said sadly, and others echoed.

But for a few days, the entire capital was full of discussions about the eldest princess, and those discussions were as ugly as they wanted.

And the central figure in the discussion, Her Royal Highness the Princess, is still correcting the memorial in the study.

There were two desks, and Feng Qilin was sitting beside her.

Ruan Xiaoli taught him how to deal with these memorials while holding a pen.

Teach Feng Qilin how to respond to the harsh remarks of some officials.

But he picked up a few letters in a row, all of which were memorials about her.

Feng Qiluo's face was a little bad: "Sister Huang, they don't understand you at all, and what is written in this memorial is too much!"

What is insulting to women?Ruin the atmosphere of the dynasty?

All kinds of crimes were placed on Ruan Xiaoli.

Ruan Xiaoli put down the pen in his hand, directly reached out and took the memorial and pressed it aside: "These things are not what you want to see, what you want to see is the urgent reports sent from various places, to deal with urgent matters, the floods in the south It has been preliminarily resolved, the people have all moved out, the method I proposed in the court last time has worked, and the next step is to follow up..."

"Sister Huang, I know that the flood in the south is urgent, but now there are rumors slandering you everywhere, how can I be at ease?" Feng Qiluo interrupted her.

These days, Feng Qilin followed Ruan Xiaoli to correct the memorials, and Ruan Xiaoli would not avoid him when dealing with things, and even taught him how to deal with these things.

Feng Qiling had always trusted her, even though he hadn't dealt with anything during the few days when he took the throne, everything was sent to the princess palace by the hand of the emperor.

Feng Qilin still had no complaints or any guesses.

Being able to sit in this position is in itself the help of the imperial sister, Feng Qiluo will never forget the scene of her overwhelming the officials in the court to send herself to sit in this position.

Even Feng Qiluo felt that it was not an exaggeration to give her the right.

But Miss Huang seemed tired, and she was determined to teach herself.

Feng Qilin is also willing to come and learn, and if she learns how to deal with government affairs, she can share the worries of the emperor.

But in the past few days, I have been receiving impeachment memorials from some old stubborn people.

And the words are getting more and more ugly, Feng Qilin really can't hold his breath anymore.

Ruan Xiaoli sat upright, frowned and glanced at him coldly.

Feng Qiluo immediately felt the coercion and immediately lowered her head: "Sister Huang, I..."

"Tell me, don't call yourself me in front of me." Ruan Xiaoli said coldly.


Ruan Xiaoli tapped the table lightly with his fingers: "These remarks are not as important as the common people. What you are dealing with is the flood in the south. When you read these notes, put them aside and ignore them."


Feng Qiluo was unwilling to be reconciled to her, but Huang Jie had turned cold now, and if she continued to speak, she would definitely be angry with her.


"Continue to talk about the flood, tomorrow you will be in court..."

The two of them dealt with government affairs in the study for the whole afternoon. When they came out, it was dark and both of them were equally exhausted.

Concubine Xiang saw the two came out and said, "Does the emperor want to stay and have dinner together? Dinner has been prepared in the hall."

Feng Qiluo wanted to stay, but he didn't know if Huangjie would like it or not.

Ruan Xiaoli pinched his forehead and said, "Let's stay and have dinner together."

"Good!" Feng Qilin was very happy.

Concubine Xiang also showed a gratified smile when she saw how the siblings got along.

Of course she is happy that her daughter gets along well with the emperor.

The three of them ate together, all the maids and eunuchs withdrew, and the three of them ate together like a family.

Feng Qilin went back after eating very full, and was in a happy mood along the way.

On the second day in the court, there were officials talking about the flood in the south.

But this time it was not the eldest princess who was sitting behind the curtain who spoke, but Feng Qiluo who was sitting on the dragon chair and said to solve the problem.

Feng Qilin clearly and calmly explained the solution one by one, including the follow-up resettlement of the people, the way of distributing the relief food, and the method of diverting the flood water.

The officials below all nodded after hearing this, and showed relief and admiration in their eyes. At the same time, they also had a deeper level of respect for the new emperor.

When she saw the eyes of those ministers, Feng Qilin was sitting on the dragon chair, and she felt an indescribable subtle feeling.

This is probably the feeling of being respected and loved.

Feng Qiluo was a little ashamed, what she said just now was not what she thought, but what Huang Jie thought.

In the future, I should study harder and make contributions to the people.

After going to court, Feng Qiluo always felt that he had taken the credit of the imperial sister, so he personally selected many jewels and sent them to the princess' palace.

Ruan Xiaoli was drinking tea in the courtyard, and nodded slightly when he heard the emperor sent something: "Put it in the warehouse."

Ruan Xiaoli has received a lot of rewards since he was named the eldest princess, and all the rewards have been kept in the warehouse without touching anything.

At this time, rumors among the people also began to have a trend.

Rumors about the eldest princess are still ugly, but the words of the new emperor are getting better and better.

Especially when the floods were alleviated, the people were full of praise for the new emperor.

"Although the emperor is a little young, he is already capable of taking on great responsibilities. This flood is definitely the best one that has been resolved over the years. God bless me."

"His Royal Highness King An also lives in the palace, and I heard that he prays in the Buddhist hall every day."

"His Royal Highness King An is our god, with his blessing, our dynasty will get better and better."

"But I heard that His Royal Highness King An has been in and out of the eldest princess several times, and he seems to be very close to the eldest princess..."

"What do you mean by that? Are you slandering His Highness King An? How could His Highness King An get close to that disobedient eldest princess? gone."

"I'm really worried. That eldest princess is so disobedient and openly raises her face. I heard that all of those faces are extremely beautiful men. His Royal Highness King An's appearance is rare in the world. I'm afraid..."

"Don't talk nonsense, she can blaspheme His Highness King An!"

"If you blaspheme His Royal Highness King An, her good life will really come to an end."

His Highness Wang An is the god in the hearts of the people, and if he desecrates the gods and Buddhas in the hearts of the people, it will definitely arouse public resentment.

Ruan Xiaoli sent people to invite Feng Ancan for several days in a row, and finally invited her today.

Ruan Xiaoli was wearing a blue dress and sat down neatly, this time there was no musician beside him.

As soon as Feng Ancan came in, she raised her head with a smile: "Uncle Huang."

Feng Ancan's expression was flat, and she asked, "What's the matter?"

"Isn't it possible to invite the emperor's uncle?"

(End of this chapter)

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