Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 624 Ruan Daan is suitable for playing a role

Chapter 624 Ruan Daan is suitable for playing a role

Chapter 657 Ruan Daan is suitable for playing a role

Bu Rui knew that if Ruan Dawen took care of one person, there would never be another one, but now...

Bu Rui didn't enter the waiting room or return to the set. He couldn't control his emotions and was extremely flustered. Was he about to be abandoned?
The assistant went around the set but couldn't find Bu Rui, and suddenly panicked, where did he go?
She just went to the toilet and the actor disappeared.

When I found Bu Rui, I found him standing alone behind a board, where props were piled up, and he couldn't see him standing in this place and passing by here in a hurry.

"Bu Rui, why are you here? The filming over there has already started, don't you want to watch it?" the assistant ran over and asked.

Bu Rui came back to his senses when he heard other people's voices. Has the filming started over there, but he is not in the mood to watch it.

"I'm not feeling well, let's go back to the hotel first and don't watch it today."

Hearing the discomfort, the assistant immediately asked: "What's wrong? Why are you uncomfortable?"

"It's okay, it's just that I feel a little heatstroke from the sun."

Bu Rui casually said a few perfunctory words and went straight to the outside of the set.

After returning to the hotel, the assistant brought Huoxiangzhengqi water. Bu Rui asked the assistant to put down his things and go out. He wanted to be alone and quiet.


The set is filming the scene of the female number two. Zhao Yun is wearing a seductive dress showing her slender waist. She plays a flower demon in the movie.

Xu Shanghao was distracted while filming.

Because there is another character in his script, and that character is also a stunning flower demon, a flower demon who lives in the memory of No. [-] female.

If it was filmed, it would only be a short memory, but Xu Shanghao removed the role because he couldn't find a suitable candidate.

In fact, there is a person whose face may match the pattern he wrote.

But it is impossible for her to come to act.

Ruan Wenfan's appearance can be amazing in a movie for only a few seconds, but she is not an actress.

Xu Shanghao felt a pity when he thought of this removed character.

Xu Shanghao was distracted and didn't call the card, so Zhao Yun could only continue to act. Fortunately, she also remembered the following lines very well.

Zhang Qi immediately reminded Xu Shanghao: "Director Xu, it's time to get stuck."

Xu Shanghao came back to his senses, looked at the screen on the monitor and frowned: "Aren't you ready? This part of the performance is too much."

Zhao Yun could only stop.

Xu Shanghao continued to move the screen forward, then nodded with satisfaction: "The front ones are fine, but the latter ones need to be retaken."

There are very few actors who can take one shot to the end, and Xu Shanghao doesn't require the other party to take one shot to the end, and each scene must have acting skills.

The assistant immediately took the script and handed it to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun was so hot that she was sweating all over her head. She was arranging his hair while watching the script for the costumer.

Zhao Yun saw a section of text that had been crossed out, which had been crossed out after the script was sent to her.

A thick pen drew a line on that line, which should be the plot that was temporarily removed when the script was released.

Zhao Yun looked at the crossed-out content curiously. Although there was a thick pen line, it still did not affect the reading. After reading it, Zhao Yun felt a little surprised.

It turns out that there used to be a beautiful flower demon in the world of flower demons who charmed her all her life. All the Taoist priests who came to kill her were bewitched by her until a person walked into her heart, but this person was a catastrophe for the flower demon because that person killed her. flower demon.

This is the reason why the female number two, a flower demon she played, never dared to believe in love.

This story is widely circulated in the demon world.

Zhao Yun saw that she only dictated this story in her script, did she originally plan to interject and shoot this story?

Zhao Yun couldn't help but walked up to Xu Shanghao with the script: "Director, I saw a large paragraph crossed out in the script just now, why did I cross out that paragraph, the stunning flower demon should attract the audience's attention, Especially the scene where the flower demon comes out of the bath should be the best scene in the whole film."

The story of each character in this movie is particularly full, but no matter how good the stories are, there are no beautiful pictures or pictures that stimulate people's eyes.

This stunning flower demon interlude is like the embellishment of the whole movie, it should not be removed.

Xu Shanghao saw Zhao Yun's doubts, and simply said: "If you haven't found a suitable role, no one can play it."

Zhao Yun was stunned for a moment when she heard this, but thinking about it, it seemed to be the case. The heroine and the second heroine in this movie are all tricks. It's really hard to find someone with two good looks who can amaze the audience in just a few minutes.

I don't know why Zhao Yun suddenly thought of a person who can do it, Ruan Wenfan!

But in just three seconds, she dismissed the idea.

Ruan Wenwen is an investor, not an actor, so it is impossible to invite her.

Zhao Yun could only go back to filming, so the wonderful story of the flower demon could only be dictated in her mouth.

Xu Shanghao thought that the effect might drop a lot, but not too much.

But when Xu Shanghao actually saw the shooting results, his expression was very bad.

Just a simple dictation can't tell how stunning that flower demon was back then, how infatuated she was with which man, and how stupidly she was killed in the end.

The dictation can't tell the stunning beauty of the characters, and it can't make the female number two not believe in human beings because of this, it just feels a bit sloppy.

"No." Xu Shanghao lowered his head and thought carefully about how to deal with this matter.

Zhang Qi knew that Director Xu was dissatisfied when he saw the expression on his face.

Zhang Qi: "Everyone stop for a while and rest for half an hour."

Hearing that they could rest, everyone immediately let go of their strength, and their whole body was sore after shooting for so long today.

Xu Shanghao sat on a chair, holding a script and a pen, thinking carefully.

"Director Xu, are you going to change the plot?" Zhang Qi asked.

All the stories in Xu Shanghao's movies are written by himself, so there is no screenwriter. If the plot is to be changed, what should Xu Shanghao do?

Zhang Qi saw that he was thinking hard with a pen and knew that he was going to change the plot.

Xu Shanghao held the pen for a long time without writing, and his brows were tightly furrowed. This was the first time Zhang Qi saw Xu Shanghao so entangled in the script.

In the past, if he wanted to change the plot or add something, Director Xu would come here at random, but today he is so entangled.

Xu Shang Hao held a black pen in his slender hand, and then he closed it and shook it gently, thinking about the plot quickly in his mind.

But after much deliberation, I feel that the original version is the best.

But I couldn't find anyone to play it.

Zhao Yun also sat in the shed to rest, and she saw Director Xu thinking hard.

The assistant fanned her and said: "The director won't change the plot with the pen, will my sister have to repeat it later?"

"I don't know."

Zhao Yun only knew that no matter how good her performance was just now, it seemed that the effect was not good.

(End of this chapter)

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