Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 625 Why is she the right one?

Chapter 625 Why is she the right one?

Chapter 658 Why is she the right one?

"Sister, the part you performed just now is really too charming, it's just like a flower demon."

Zhao Yun's assistant is a college student who has just graduated. She likes to see all kinds of handsome men and beautiful women, so she came to apply for an actor's assistant.

It can be regarded as one of the few sincere people around Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun smiled: "It's good to act like a demon. Half of the actresses in this show are flower demons. If anyone fails to act well, it will be obvious."

Chuntan, this play tells the story of a group of flower demons and humans.

The heroine is an epiphyllum, but unfortunately that epiphyllum finally withered in spring, withered forever.

This movie is a tragedy.

Zhao Yun felt that the part she just acted was not very good, so she glanced at Xu Shanghao who was seriously revising the script.

Xu Shanghao is the director Zhao Yun is the first contact, the first cooperation, Xu Shanghao's strictness is several times better than other directors, the pursuit of perfection is the same, it will be really difficult for this crew without some strength.

Zhao Yun really likes this kind of working atmosphere, it makes her feel more like an actor.

If you devote yourself wholeheartedly to your acting career, you will be able to forget about those bad things.

Xu Shanghao who was sitting in the shed suddenly dropped the pen on the table, got up and left with the script.

Zhang Qi was surprised: "Director Xu, where are you going?"

"Stop filming today, and continue tomorrow." Xu Shanghao left behind these words and left.

The staff and actors who were carrying cameras and props all around were surprised, because this was the first time they encountered such a situation.

How did the director leave? Is there something urgent?

It seems that no one called the director just now, did he not answer the phone?Why did you leave suddenly?

Zhang Qi knew that Xu Shanghao must be in a hurry to leave, so he stayed to organize the set as the assistant director.

Zhang Qi picked up the loudspeaker and said: "Let's start shooting here today. Get all the props in order and go back to rest early. The shooting will start at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning. Don't be late."

We had a half-day vacation unexpectedly, and everyone felt a subtle feeling in their hearts, very happy but also quite puzzled.


At noon, the weather was hot and there were few cars on the road. Xu Shanghao drove a black BMW and sped along the road.

Until the city center was approaching, there were cars everywhere, and Xu Shanghao was stuck in a street for more than ten minutes.

Xu Shanghao plans to go to the Ruan Group to find Ruan Wenfan. I don't know if she would like to make a guest appearance. If the story of the stunning flower demon is really removed, the whole story will have no charm.

If he really can't find a suitable candidate, he can only get rid of it.

But he happened to know such a person in charge of this role, the kind that Xu Shanghao could die for his own movie.

Xu Shanghao also wanted to change the script just now, but no matter how he changed it, it didn't feel good.

Then there is only another way to go, and that is to try to persuade Ruan Damen to play a cameo.

Xu Shanghao's slender hands clenched slightly on the steering wheel.

Several times Ruan Wenfan said inappropriate words in front of him, wouldn't it be the same as sending him to the door if he went to find him?

Xu Shanghao's face was serious, and finally the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled up: "Why is she the right one?"

These words contain helplessness and surprise.

When he wrote this story, he knew it would be difficult to choose. As expected, he really had no conditions when choosing an actor.

Originally thought that this was destined to be a plot that was cut off, but it happened that such a long and suitable person entered his world.

Although this person has bad intentions...

Xu Shanghao was still stuck in the road ahead, so he took out his mobile phone to call Ruan Wenming.

The call was not connected by herself, but by her secretary.

Cheng Shan was slightly surprised when he saw the call, and then asked politely, "Director Xu, are you looking for Mr. Ruan?"

"Yes, does Mr. Ruan have time at noon? I have something I want to talk to him about."

When Xu Shanghao asked, he suddenly felt impulsive today.

The other party is the CEO of a company who has a full schedule every day, and even has to make an appointment, but if he comes directly from the set, he is likely to miss out.

Cheng Shan had already memorized Boss Ruan's daily itinerary in his mind.

"President Ruan doesn't have time today..."

Halfway through the secretary's voice, a lazy woman's voice suddenly came out.

"I don't have time today, but if Director Xu wants to see me, of course I have time. I have dinner time at noon and evening to socialize, but I still have time at ten o'clock after dinner."

These words are repeatedly asking me if I have time after ten o'clock in the evening, it depends on whether you dare to come.

If he didn't see that the other party was Xu Shanghao, Ruan Xiaoli really didn't want to waste his rest time.

As soon as Xu Shanghao heard the other party's words, he felt that she was not serious again. Suddenly, he wondered if it was right for him to come to Ruan Wenfan?
If the conversation collapsed, or if he made her angry.

Will it divest again?

Xu Shanghao was very depressed when he had a headache. This is the feeling of being choked by capital.

But this movie is a must-make in his life, and he is sure that he can win domestic and foreign awards when this movie is released, and it can even make him rich and free without being pinched by capital.

"Okay, then I will come to you at ten o'clock in the evening." Xu Shanghao said lightly.

The voice on the phone suddenly disappeared, and after a few seconds, he heard her laughing.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled: "Okay, I'll wait for Director Xu."

Her laughter came from the phone, she seemed very happy, and she hung up the phone after a while.

Xu Shanghao put his phone back into his pocket. Looking at the blocked road ahead, he felt that the road was just as he thought it was, and it was in a panic.

I feel like I did a stupid thing today.

Looking for Ruan Dianming to make a movie?What is he thinking.

Xu Shanghao came to the hotel where Ruan Dannan often stayed and checked in.

Rest in the hotel first, and he continues to think about the script. If the script can be changed, he won't have to go to her.


Bu Rui learned from his assistant that the crew was on holiday for half a day, so he didn't think about why the holiday was suddenly taken.

Now that he is on vacation, he can go back to the city.

Inexplicably, Bu Rui wanted to go to Ruan Wenfan to see Mr. Ruan's attitude towards him. If his attitude was indifferent, then it must be a replacement.

Burui couldn't calm down in the nanny's car.

He fell into it... Bu Rui knew from a long time ago that he liked Mr. Ruan, but he has always controlled his emotions.

Bu Rui thought that he could stay with him for another month or two at least, but he didn't expect Mr. Ruan to change so soon.

Bu Rui touched a room card in his hand, which was the room card of the hotel where Mr. Ruan often stayed.

"Drive to the hotel."

The driver knows which hotel it is as soon as he hears the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, Buri went directly to the top floor. He walked to the door of the familiar room and took out his room card. Just as he was about to open the door, the opposite door suddenly opened.

When Xu Shanghao opened the door, he saw Bu Rui standing opposite him and the room card in his hand...

(End of this chapter)

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