Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 640 Don't Be Afraid, I'm Here

Chapter 640 Don't Be Afraid, I'm Here
Chapter 677 Don't Be Afraid, I'm Here
The beautiful voice of the flower demon echoed in the pavilion, and the silver bell and her voice were mated with each other.

The cameraman zoomed out, and Zhang Qi also shouted: "Cut!"

With a click of a card, everyone is out of the game.

Zhang Qi: "Director Xu, hurry up and take a look, the effect is very good! I think you are more suitable for this role than that actor, and this is a mistake."

Director Xu's appearance is already high, and there will be a feeling that they are a good match when they are in the same frame with the flower demon, and he will not feel that the appearance of the flower demon overshadows the Taoist priest.

And the way the Taoist priest was bewitched by the flower demon just now was too detailed and wonderful.

Xu Shanghao put his expression in his eyes and walked to the monitor to check, and it really worked.

"It works great, keep going."

This is the first meeting between the Taoist priest and the flower demon, and then the two get along in the canyon, just take a few shots.

After all, this is a memoir and it can't be too long.

Xu Shanghao got stuck a few times in the middle, but in the end he still performed the effect. The upright Taoist priest pretended to be attracted by the flower demon and deliberately approached the flower demon.

And the flower demon itself has a slutty character, seemingly seductive and slutty, but her heart is purer than anyone else.

Because the scenery in this scenic area is also beautiful when the sun goes down, they temporarily added a scene, that is, the flower demon and the Taoist standing on the top of the mountain watching the sun go down.

This scene is just a shot of a distant view, and it is easy to shoot the backs of two people.

Zhang Qi: "I think this scenic area will become popular after the movie is broadcast. The sunset here is really beautiful, and it is completely different from what you see in the city."

Even though they are under the same sky, the sunset glow in different places is completely different.

Ruan Xiaoli is a little tired today, she is mentally weak and very tired after working so hard all day.

I never felt so tired when I was working in the company before.

Xu Shanghao noticed that her complexion was not good: "What's the matter? Are you feeling unwell?"

Xu Shanghao remembered the sleeping pills she took last time, but he really wanted to ask her what was wrong with her body.

"There is nothing uncomfortable, but I am a little tired after a day of filming, so I went back to the car to rest first."

"Well, you go."

Cheng Shan has already finished discussing cooperation with the people in the scenic spot and came back, and Cheng Shan will take care of Ruan Xiaoli in the future.

The two went out of the scenic spot and got into the commercial vehicle to rest in it.

"Mr. Ruan, the person in charge, is very straightforward. This is a signed acquisition agreement, and I have already signed it on my behalf."

"Well, let's also inform the company's shareholders about this matter. I will issue this contract after I seal it."


Today's acquisition plan was discussed very easily. After all, this scenic spot has been abandoned for a long time. This is a scenic spot that is not well managed and is about to go bankrupt.

The owner of this place sold it without even thinking about it.

I guess I wish I could get rid of it sooner. After all, such a big land can’t develop real estate. No one will buy a house here, and the scenic spot can’t be built. Do other business.

Ruan Xiaoli closed his eyes and rested his mind, while resting, he was also thinking about the subsequent changes of this scenic spot.

The movie is broadcast in the first year, and they have half a year to change this scenic spot.

At present, there are only 100 meters of riverbank in this scenic spot planted with flowers. Ruan Xiaoli plans to collect some flowers to plant the entire riverbank. The weathered pavilions in the scenic spot will also need to be repaired.

"Cheng Shan, talk to the crew later, can you buy out the house design in their movie and build a flower demon palace in this scenic spot."


Every prop, every piece of clothing, every building in Xu Shanghao's movie was specially designed by a designer, so these things are copyrighted.

She wanted to build the entire scenic spot into the Flower Fairy Valley, and wanted to build a palace like the one in the movie, so she had to buy the copyright first.

Cheng Shan recorded what Ruan Xiaoli said.

While talking, Ruan Xiaoli fell asleep, Cheng Shan found out that she was asleep and got out of the car quietly.

There are three more days until Mr. Ruan's birthday...

This is a difficult day, every year at this time Ruan will be in a bad mood.

Moreover, Madam has been calling to urge Mr. Ruan to go back to celebrate his birthday. Cheng Shan has also received calls in the past few days. She respectfully said that Mr. Ruan is very busy recently.

At this moment, Cheng Shan's cell phone rang again.

Cheng Shan got a headache when she saw the phone number, but she had to answer it, and when she got through, Cheng Shan said, "Ma'am."

"Cheng Shan, what are you doing today? People from the company said that she didn't come to the company."

"Boss Ruan is off today."

"Take a break? Wen Fan has always been like a workaholic who seldom takes a break. How is she feeling today?"

Every time Madam called, she would make a big circle of asking about the cold and warm. I don't know how true this kind of asking about the cold is.

Cheng Shan said: "I don't know how Mr. Ruan is feeling. Madam, if you want to know something, you can call Mr. Ruan directly."

"Hey, you don't know that this child treats me... Forget it, I just want to celebrate her birthday, Cheng Shan, can you help me persuade her, this 25th birthday must be celebrated, I also want to Use this birthday party to spend more time with her and compensate her more."

Cheng Shan's head ached, she said politely, "Ma'am, I can't influence Mr. Ruan's thoughts, and I don't like me meddling in her private affairs, so I can't help in this matter."

Mrs. Ruan over there was so angry that her face turned green, knowing why the secretary beside her didn't know how to adapt.

"It's her birthday, do you have the heart to see a person who knows her birthday alone?"

"President Ruan has his own arrangements for his birthday."


Mrs. Ruan had never seen such a sincere and stubborn secretary, so I had no choice but to simply hang up the phone.

Cheng Shan heaved a sigh of relief and finally managed it again.

Cheng Shan didn't know much about the Ruan family, but she knew that Mr. Ruan didn't like his parents and didn't like going home, and that home was Mr. Ruan's taboo.

"Is Ruan Wenfan celebrating his birthday?"

Suddenly a voice came, Cheng Shan's expression changed and he turned around to see Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun also just came out of the scenic spot, and she overheard Cheng Shan's words.

Cheng Shan: "Miss Zhao, it's impolite to eavesdrop on other people's phone calls."

"Sorry, I happened to be passing by..."

"It's okay, Miss Zhao just pay attention in the future."

Zhao Yun hesitated for a moment before asking, "Is Ruan familiar with her birthday? When is her birthday?"

Cheng Shan frowned: "Miss Zhao, Mr. Ruan is your immediate boss. You haven't reached the point where you can call each other by name, and please don't inquire about your boss's private affairs."

Although Mr. Ruan likes Ms. Zhao, Mr. Ruan's current focus is on Director Xu. Mr. Ruan's attitude towards Ms. Zhao is more like packaging and holding her seriously as an artist under his banner.

Zhao Yun's face turned pale in an instant, and she could feel the warning from Cheng Shan's words, telling her to correct her attitude and not to cross the distance.

"Sorry, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Zhao Yun just wanted to leave quickly.

Zhao Yun felt that she was crazy to post Ruan Wenwen, and even paid attention to Ruan Wenwen's birthday.

Didn't I never bother to take care of that before?

Where does she put herself now?

Zhao Yun felt her mind was in a mess, and at that moment her manager called: "Zhao Yun, do you have time? There is a brand event tonight, if you have time, come over and do a styling Go take part."

This event is not too important, but if you participate in it, you can increase your exposure. It mainly depends on whether Zhao Yun has time here. The agent remembers that she doesn't seem to be filming tonight.

Zhao Yun's mind is really in a mess at the moment, she just wants to find something to do to make herself forget what she just did.

"Yes, I have time, I'll come over and do the styling now"

"Okay, I sent you the location, come here quickly."


After Zhao Yun cut off the phone, she found her commercial vehicle and asked the driver to take her to do styling.

Along the way, Zhao Yun quietly leaned against the window and watched the scenery passing by.

She couldn't continue to think about Ruan Damen, she and Ruan Dawen were different people.

As long as she continues to hang out in the entertainment industry well, wins the big prize and becomes the actress, then no one will dare to bully her anymore, and no one will dare to say that the eldest lady of the Zhao family is a waste.


"Where is Ruan Wenfan?"

When Xu Shanghao left the scenic spot, he saw Cheng Shan standing beside the car.

Cheng Shan said, "Boss Ruan fell asleep in the car."

"Asleep?" Xu Shanghao pushed open the car door and took a look. Sure enough, Ruan Danan put down the chair and was curled up and falling asleep at the moment.

Her sleeping position is very insecure, curled up a bit too much, is this what she really looks like when she is asleep?

"Does she sleep like this all the time?"

As a personal secretary, Cheng Shan also manages the trivial matters in Ruan's life. She said: "Mr. Ruan is like this when he is not feeling well."

"Is...is something wrong with her?"

"Director Xu, I may have nothing to say about these things." Cheng Shan said with a polite smile.

Xu Shanghao understood and stopped asking.

Xu Shanghao got into the car lightly: "Driver, drive slowly all the way."

Today's task has been filmed. When I came here at noon, I drove all the way here. When I go back, I can take it easy because they are not in a hurry.

On the way back, the driver drove steadily, and after four hours of walking, they finally arrived at the hotel where they were staying.

Ruan Dajian didn't move for four hours, she kept sleeping in a curled up position, and she didn't wake up even when the car arrived.

"Ruan understands?"

Xu Shanghao approached and yelled softly, but she still didn't move.

Xu Shanghao felt very strange: "Ruan Wenfan? Ruan Wenfan, we have arrived at the hotel."


He didn't reach out and gently touched her shoulder: "Ruan Fan..."


Suddenly Ruan Xiaoli jumped up from the chair with a scream and curled up together.

Xu Shanghao was taken aback by this turn of events and quickly put his arms around her: "Ruan Wenfan, what's wrong with you? Don't be afraid that I'm here."

(End of this chapter)

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