Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 641 Going to the Hospital

Chapter 641 Going to the Hospital

Chapter 678 Going to the Hospital

Xu Shanghao didn't know what happened, he reflexively hugged her to comfort her.

How could this happen all of a sudden?Xu Shanghao was sure that he just gently slapped her awake and didn't scare her. Did she dream about something?

This reaction is so abnormal.

Xu Shanghao felt that Ruan Wenwen was trembling, and she curled up trembling.

"Ruan Dafan, what's wrong with you? Don't be afraid that there is no danger, just look at me." Xu Shanghao reached out to lift her head up.


She screamed in shock.

The driver had long been petrified, and he asked, "Director Xu, do you want to call an ambulance?"

Xu Shanghao immediately said: "Drive the car to another road, don't let other people see her like this, you go to her secretary as soon as you get off the car."

They are now at the entrance of the hotel. If they don't get out of the car, other people will probably come over.

Xu Shanghao didn't know what was going on with Ruan Dafan, but she was the president of a company and her reputation was very important, so no one could see her like this.

The driver understood and caught fire and drove away.

Zhang Qi got out of the car and planned to look for Xu Shanghao, but saw the car start suddenly and drove away: "Hey, why did Director Xu leave? What's going on?"

The staff next to him smiled: "We don't even know the things that the assistant director doesn't know, maybe director Xu has something to do temporarily?"

Zhang Qi was confused but told him directly that there was an emergency, so Zhang Qi didn't enter the hotel, he stood at the door and waited for a while.

Cheng Shan didn't see Ruan Xiaoli after getting off the car, so she asked Zhang Qi: "Director Zhang, have you seen Mr. Ruan?"

"Mr. Ruan and Director Xu didn't get out of the car, and suddenly the driver drove away again. You can call Mr. Ruan to see?"

When Cheng Shan was about to make a call, suddenly a middle-aged man ran over quickly, and Zhang Qi recognized that it was the driver.

He hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, master? Why did you drive the car away just now?"

The driver said out of breath, "Secretary Cheng, Director Xu told you to come over, Mr. Ruan seems to be in trouble..."

He can't say or comment on the specific situation.

Cheng Shan understood what was going on right away, her face sank and she quickly called a psychiatrist, and after the call, she asked the driver, "Where is Mr. Ruan now?"

"Mr. Ruan and Director Xu are in the car, and the car is parked behind the hotel."


At the moment, there are only Ruan Xiaoli and Xu Shanghao in the commercial vehicle.

Xu Shanghao didn't dare to let go of Ruan Xiaoli, because he was worried that she would hurt him.

Ruan Xiaoli kept his hair down and trembled without speaking.

"Ruan Wenfan? What's the matter with you? Can you talk to me? You can hear me, right?"

"Don't be afraid that there is no danger here. I will always be here with you. Can you look up and see me?"

Xu Shanghao repeated comforting words sentence by sentence, and finally the person in her arms moved, and she slowly raised her head.

The whites of Ruan Xiaoli's eyes were red, she looked up and saw him with red eyes, and said excitedly, "Brother...Brother..."

Xu Shanghao instantly felt that she didn't seem to be calling him himself, but that she saw himself as someone else.

"Ruan Wenfan, I'm not your brother, I'm Xu Shanghao, sober up and see clearly."

"See clearly... see clearly..." Ruan Xiaoli's head hurt so much, she turned her eyes around and suddenly panicked: "In the car! We are in the car, let's get out of the car quickly! Brother, get out of the car quickly !"

She seemed to be very afraid of being in the car, and suddenly stretched out her hand to push Xu Shanghao: "Get out of the car!"

Xu Shanghao quickly took her hand: "Ruan Wenwen, why did you get out of the car?"

"Get out of the car, you will die if you don't get out of the car! Brother, you will die, a car hits you... a lot of blood, a lot of blood!" Ruan Xiaoli covered his ears and screamed.

Xu Shanghao didn't know what happened, but he knew that Ruan Dafan would go crazy if he continued like this. She seemed to have entered some kind of memory and couldn't extricate herself. If this continued, she would collapse.

"Ruan Danfan, calm down, calm down quickly!" He hugged her tightly and shouted.
Zhang Qi and Cheng Shan followed the driver and saw that the car was parked and there was no sound inside. Zhang Qi reached out and knocked on the window, and the door opened.

"Director Xu."

Zhang Qi got stuck in the middle of his speech, because he saw Xu Shanghao Zhen hugging Mr. Ruan in the car, and Mr. Ruan looked very bad and fell into a coma.

"What's going on here?"

Xu Shanghao carefully hugged the unconscious Ruan Xiaoli, and he asked, "Where's Secretary Cheng?"

Zhang Qi quickly stepped back and let Cheng Shan come forward. Cheng Shan was not surprised to see such a scene, she said, "Director Xu, I hope you can keep things a secret today. Thank you very much for taking Mr. Ruan away just now."

Mr. Ruan's mental illness must not be known by too many people. The shareholders in the company and members of the Ruan family are all thinking about what Mr. Ruan has in his hands.

Don't let them know about Mr. Ruan's condition.

Xu Shanghao didn't care about the thank you, he looked down at the person in his arms, and asked, "What happened to her?"

Cheng Shan hesitated for a moment, then said, "As you can see, it's a mental disorder."

"Go to the hospital."

Cheng Shan shook his head: "No need, I just informed Mr. Ruan that the doctor is here, and it should be here in 10 minutes."

"it is good."

He didn't understand her condition, so now he could only listen to the secretary.

There was no one at the back door of the hotel, so Xu Shanghao got off the car with Ruan Xiaoli in his arms and entered the hotel through the back door.

After Xu Shanghao put Ruan Xiaoli on the bed, he didn't leave, and Cheng Shan didn't urge him either.

After more than 20 minutes, the doctor came, and Xu Shanghao also got up and left. He knew that Ruan's condition was a secret, and even if he didn't leave, Ruan's secretary would still talk.

Xu Shanghao left the room, while Zhang Qi was waiting in the corridor: "Director Xu, what's going on with Mr. Ruan, why did such a good person pass out?"

"I was knocked out."


Xu Shanghao's eyes darkened slightly: "You arrange to shoot other people's scenes tomorrow, and the flower demon's scene will be postponed."

"Then postpone it until that day?"

"I don't know, let's wait until she recovers."

In her current state, Xu Shanghao wouldn't dare to let her go filming even if she woke up tomorrow.

This happened suddenly today, is it because I am tired or is there some reason?
Xu Shanghao was in a mess, and it was not good for the two big men to stand in the corridor, so they all went back to their rooms.
The doctor came alone, and when he saw the unconscious Ruan Xiaoli, his face became serious: "Mr. Ruan needs to go to the hospital for an EKG examination."

Cheng Shan nodded after thinking for a few seconds, "Okay, let's go to the hospital now."

When I called the doctor, I didn't know that Ruan was always in a coma. There was no way to treat her in a coma, and I wasn't sure what was going on with her now.

It was already dark, Cheng Shan and a female doctor helped Ruan Xiaoli out of the room.

At this moment, Xu Shanghao's room opened across the street. Xu Shanghao was taken aback when he saw this scene and asked, "Going to the hospital?"

(End of this chapter)

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